
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · ファンタジー
35 Chs

CHAPTER 18- Androids.

CHAPTER 18- Androids.

The King.

A man known worldwide for being the only normal human who could fight the Demon King.

The Demon King defeated him after fighting for two full days.

He spared his life out of respect, but also removed his magic points. The King became a person without magic after the fight.

He is an admirable man, who is respected by all.

A man who is not afraid of anything ... Well, almost nothing.

His only fear is ...

"No, Dreimo ... No… I-I've already parted ways with my girlfriends ... I-I'm a faithful man ... Don't torture me!"

The King had 5 female companions in his team when he was an SSS class adventurer.

They fell in love with him and vice versa.

They married and gave birth to children.

They loved him, he loved them ... They lived happily, until Dreimo separated them.

He forced the King to separate from 4 of his wives. Why? "I'm disgusted by people with harems." It was what he told the King.

Obviously, the King's wives did not want to be separated from the King, so Dreimo kidnapped them and sent them to another world, to start a new life.

The King does not know the latter, he believes that they went to another continent because Dreimo threatened them.

Why did Dreimo do something so cruel?

"They remind me a lot of a stupid God." It was what he said to the King's wives when he abandoned them in another world.

"N-no, Dreimo ... The cucumber not again ..."

And the King, after suffering various humiliations and torture by Dreimo, was left traumatized.

He even has nightmares about Dreimo.

Dreimo doesn't lie when he says he's not a hero.

"Fufu. You are pathetic."

Seirak kicked the King and he fell to the floor.


The King woke up scared.

"W-what are you doing here, idiot ?!"

"Idiot...? How rude. I just came to inform you something."

Seirak told the King what Dreimo told her, and the King's reaction is clearly one of concern and fear.


"Well, I've done my job."

Seirak kicked the King's crotch and smiled.

"And now I'll give you the beating Dreimo told me to give you."

After leaving the King almost dead, Seirak said goodbye to him and jumped out the window.

"Dreimo didn't tell me to do it, but I couldn't help it."- She thought smiling.

The King gathered all his strength and slowly rose from the floor.

"T-that beating was the hardest I've received lately ... D-Dreimo knows what I plan ... T-this was a threat ... Goddamn it!"

Whatever the King is planning, Dreimo knows nothing.

It was a simple coincidence.

(Pov- Dreimo.)

Ahh... It's a cute day.

So quiet ... No annoying people ... No nobles licking my shoes to do them favors.

This normal life is perfect.

I no longer have to endure being treated like someone superior.

I never liked it. I always felt sorry for the people who knelt before me.

Now I am a simple librarian, boring and cowardly.

Nothing will ruin this normalcy.

The Demon King killed him and destroyed his soul.

Heroes who are in love with me will probably live 100 years.

… Well, except for Meimik and Saraik. They belong to races that live 1,000 years, and they are my age. They will live longer than the others.

Mmm... Unlike me, they have a power limit. I don't have to worry about them going crazy with power.

Ah, a student at the public school in the city.

She is probably looking for some book to study.

Poor students, there is no internet here.

… Oh, she's blind.

I hardly realize it.

I am used to seeing people in the eye to avoid misunderstandings.

Her eyes are closed and she uses a cane.

… And she has scars on her body.

Most likely, she survived a fire... But those scars are rare ... She has them on her left arm and part of her face, on her left half.

Surely she has a difficult life. The people of this world are more ignorant. In this country I prohibited homophobia and racial discrimination ... Although I had to use force, killing all the people I discovered doing that.

Something cruel, but I don't care.

It worked, in a way.

I replaced most of the people who ruled the world with trusted people, to make this world a better one.

It will gradually improve.

And this student is like 12 years old ... She is too young... She has a long, difficult life left.

"Good afternoon, lady. Are you looking for a specific book? Any topic?"

"G-good afternoon... I-I'm looking for ... I'm looking for… a book about… heroes."

Mmm... Yes, I suspected it.

She has low self-esteem...

She is very shy and speaks low.

… I don't care.

"The Heroes... Mmm... Please follow me... I guess you can follow my voice. I will guide you."

"Thank you... sir."

I headed to the blind section and made sure she didn't crash into anything.

Being blind must be difficult ... I have never been blind, so I don't know if it is very difficult to live.

"Heroes... Heroes... Here it is."

I took a book and handed it to her.

"It is the most recent one that has been published. Will you borrow it or read it here?"

—… "S-sir ... I'm blind ... I cannot read this. I will take it with me for my mother to read to me."

—… "Ahh... So you want a normal book?"


"I gave you a book for the blind ... Ahh... S-sorry, lady, I didn't inform you about the new section of the library ... Although it is already two weeks old."

"Book for the blind?"

"I'll teach you."

I took the book and opened it.

"These books are special for the blind. I will teach you to read them."

I wrote them myself.

Nobody cared about the disabled in this world, so I did this so they don't feel left out ... That, and also because my boss made me do it when she discovered that I knew how to create books for the blind.

I said that in my interview to impress her and get her to hire me.

Dreimo was sitting with the student, teaching her to read.

Yuik was watching them curiously from afar.

She admired Dreimo, for he is helping a blind girl to read.

But Dreimo only does it because it's part of his job. If it wasn't his job, he would ignore the girl.

"K-kind ..."

"Yes, he is. It is part of his charm."

Neik patted Yuik's head.

"Your brother is very kind."

Yuik nodded quickly.

(Pov- Dreimo.)

I keep my distance, and I'm just explaining how the book is used.

I'm not touching her hands or anything that makes her uncomfortable.

For her to learn comfortably, I must not make her feel uncomfortable.

It would be very rare for a stranger to touch her. I prefer to avoid misunderstandings.

"When you identify the letters and get to the space, you just have to join them and form the word. Once you get used to it, you can read faster and more accurately."

"T-thank you."

"It's nothing, it's part of my job."

Ahh... Helping a girl read is better than standing around doing nothing.

Far, far from Dreimo's location, in a desert, is an underground base, where hundreds of people work ... Or clones of a single person.

"Fufu ... Haha... HAHAHAHAHA! They are alive....!! Well, not alive ... They work!!"

A mad scientist is laughing while three humanoid robots are observing their bodies.

"Androids work ... They work!!"

"I thought the female-like robots had another name."

"I don't care."

The scientist is an old man who wears huge glasses and has small horns on his forehead.

Next to him is a very fat man, watching the androids.

One of them has the appearance of a 5-year-old boy.

The second has the appearance of a 15-year-old girl, without breasts, and wears a pink dress, which makes her look adorable. Her hair is black and long, and her eyes are green.

And the last one looks like a 25-year-old woman, very similar to the second one, but she has large breasts, short hair, and wears more fashionable clothes. A white skirt, long black stockings, and a black blouse.

"My children, I am your father! You can call me: "Father"."

"Hello, Father."- Said the three.

"Do you think it works?"- Said the fat man.

"Of course it will work. The hero Dreimo is known to kill all the people who have sex slaves. He can't help but help people who were sexually abused. My kids will pretend they were sex slaves for Dreimo to save them, and when he's distracted, they'll kill him."

—… "Do they have human parts?"

"Artificial, but yes."

"Fufu. I wonder if…"

He tried to touch the third android's breasts, but she destroyed his head with a powerful blow with her left fist.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you that they are my children, I will not allow someone to take advantage of my children."

The fat man's lifeless body fell to the floor.

"It doesn't matter, you were of no use... Well, I'll give you code names. Number 1, you will be called "Tim". Number 2, you will be called "Hana". And number 3, you will be called "Elizabeth". Understood?"

All three nodded.

"We understand, father."

"Their brains will soon adapt to you and they will have personalities. For now, they will train."

"Original, original!"

One of the scientist's clones approached him.

"Dreimo discovered us! He is coming for us!"

"Huh?! How is that possible?!"

"We should move!"

"Shit, and the androids expel a great deal of magic power!"

"We must use them as bait to escape!"

"Tsk. We must start again ... Children, get away from here, far away!"

The three of them nodded and flew away magically.