
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · ファンタジー
35 Chs

CHAPTER 14- Normal friends go to the movies together. Part 3.

CHAPTER 14- Normal friends go to the movies together. Part 3.

"Mmm... I don't know... I'm not very convinced ... He is too... normal... And boring."

"Yes... I expected him to be more handsome, but he is normal... Pathetic... After all, he was destined to be a pathetic boy."

The old man who helped Saoko, whose real name is "Rauk", was meeting with a little fairy girl. That girl appears to be 10 years old and has black wings. Her skin is brown, her hair is pink and long, and her eyes are red. Her teeth are pointed, which makes her look adorable, but intimidating. The fairy girl's name is Tanya.

They were gathered in a relaxing green valley, where there are only trees and the air is pure.

They were watching Saoko run as his training to defeat Dreimo began.

"He disgusts me. Couldn't you pick someone better, you idiot?"- Tanya said.

Tanya was looking at a hologram of Saoko's skinny version, and unlike the cliches, his skinny version was too normal ... He was even a bit ugly.

"This boy is pathetic from head to toe. He is completely different from Dreimo. He will be defeated."

"Don't judge someone by their appearance, he's perfect. His personality is really perfect for the plan. He just lacks development... But it is true, if we want him to obey us, we must manipulate him and give him what he wants."

The hologram began to change ... Now the skinny version of Saoko was better. He became very handsome, even more handsome than Dreimo's normal form.

"We must first make him grateful to us, helping him with his revenge."

"Hahahaha! Revenge? How adorable!"

Sant appeared in front of them and raised her middle finger, while sticking her tongue out at them.

"My cute husband already took care of the idiot who stole the fat man's girlfriend!"

"What did you say?!"

"Goddess of shit, you are not allowed to leak information! I will tell the Supreme Goddess to eliminate you!"

Sant started laughing even more.

"They are so adorable. My cute husband killed him because he made his new friend uncomfortable. 🎶It was a great coincidence.🎶"

"That son of a bitch always has to ruin everything."

"This complicated things ... Wait..."

The old man smiled.

"Saoko just wants to have an interesting school life."

"But he's 17 years old, he's almost finished high school. There is no time."

"Yes, there is... In world 157, there is a magic school that trains students to be the next heroes and try to kill the Demon King. And every year, they summon 3 people from another world, to train them, because the summoned people obtain unique abilities."

"It's true... But the Supreme Goddess only allows 3 people, and Saoko wants revenge on 6 girls, including his older sister and his ex-girlfriend."

"I'll take care of ..."

Sant cut him off with her laugh and smirked.

"Do you think Dreimo will lose? Old man, you fucking brat, remember my words. They will regret having Dreimo as their enemy."

Sant disappeared and Tanya stomped on the floor, destroying part of the floor.

"If I could kill her, she would already be dead."

"That traitor ... At least she can't leak information."

(Pov- Dreimo.)

... I feel somewhat uncomfortable ... I guess the fucking Gods already started grooming the new assassin.

Mmm... Who has enough power to do that ...?

I can only think of two possible Gods.

Tanya, the Goddess of Fairies.

And Rauk, the fucking old man who hates me since I killed his son.

If the Supreme Goddess hadn't stopped me, that old man would already be dead.


Yuik and I are watching an action movie, as it was the only entertaining movie out there.

It's about a policeman who must find the murderer of his baby ... Something strong, but passable. After all, it is an adult movie. Obviously, I researched on the internet if there were sex scenes, as seeing that would bring back bad memories for Yuik. Fortunately, there are not.

Yuik seems impressed by the movie's special effects.

We were watching the scene of a police chase, and she doesn't blink.

It was a good idea to see this movie.

I had some of my soda ... Ah, delicious.

Living a normal life and not having to fight demons and Gods trying to screw up my existence is very relaxing.

In the future I will be attacked, but I think that killer will try to kill me in 5 years. I have a lot of time to prepare.

The power of the assassin will be equal to the power I have, combined with the power of my allies.

If I stay away from heroes and only have normal friends, the assassin will not become that strong.

I think I'll train Yuik, as a precaution. It is better to prevent her from being attacked by surprise. The assassin will be more powerful, but I don't care. As long as Yuik is safe, I don't mind having to fight someone stronger than me ... I'm used to it.

... Shit, I got lost in my thoughts and didn't pay attention to the movie.

Dreimo, you are a normal man now, don't worry about it anymore. Enjoy normality.

I continued to watch the movie calmly.

"Did you like the movie, Yuik?"

Yuik nodded quickly.

"I'm glad."

After more than two hours, the movie ended and we left the cinema.

I think it's time to go home.

"There are also movies that contain nudity, but most of those scenes are unnecessary. I prefer movies with rudeness and comedy. I also used to like movies with blood in them, but I got so used to seeing that that I'm not impressed anymore."

I was talking to Yuik about the different types of movies and my favorites, to teach her more about that art.

Yuik became very interested in action movies, so I think about watching more movies at home. I want her to have fun.

"You don't have any more left ?!"

"N-no, not anymore!"

I stopped and looked at a street corner ... 6 girls ... And they seem nervous.

Mmm... Two of them were with the boy who committed suicide ... Well, with the boy I forced to commit suicide.

Considering the clothes they wear and their faces, I can tell that they are drug addicts ... According to Sant's report, the boy I killed raped women and sold drugs.

It is very likely that they became addicted and slept with him to get drugs.

... I couldn't help but feel sorry for them... I know what it feels like to be drugged and raped ... At least I was able to control myself and I didn't get addicted.

"Why did he kill himself ?! Now who will give us the ...?!"

I put a soundproofing field, so as not to hear anything and think.

They are addicted ... They are probably thinking of selling their bodies, because the boy I killed prostituted women.

I must prevent them from going down the wrong path.

I only do it because I hate rape.

I removed the soundproofing field and walked over to them.

"Yuik, this is private, but don't walk away from me."

Yuik followed me and I disabled the [Language] skill.

She will not understand what we will say.

Judging by the clothes they wear, they are prostitutes ... Or the boy I killed made them wear that.

Whatever, its doen't matter.

I stood next to them and turned to see them.

"Girls, it's night, it's dangerous to stay here. Girls, go home."

As I speak, I release an invisible magic dust, which will enter their nostrils and eliminate the addiction.

It is something I learned, because I had to be prepared for anything, even to avoid addictions.

"Tsk. Stay out of this, old man."

"Get out of here."

"I see... They are rebellious girls ... Okay, bye."

I walked away and stretched my arms.

"Oh, it's true."

I stopped and turned to see them.

"I heard rumors about rapists in the area. Be careful..."

I activated the [Language] skill on Yuik.

"Yuik, go home!"

I put a soundproofing field immediately.

"Don't be scared, it's part of my plan."

I removed it.

"Go away, Yuik!"

Yuik nodded and ran away.

"Girls, run!"

"What's wrong with you, old man?"

"Oh, what do we have here?"

There are no security cameras and no one is around. And I put a huge soundproofing field, no one can hear us.

10 men with bats and guns approached us.

"Well, well. 6 beautiful girls. One got away, but it doesn't matter."

They pointed their guns at us.

"All of you will come with us. We will have a lot of fun."

The girls are scared and they won't stop shaking.

They are crying... They are too scared ... It worked.

I walked over and stood in front of them.

"They must kill me first if they want to take them."

"Fufu. That won't be a problem."

The leader, who is huge, strong and has a bat, approached me.

He tried to hit me, but I easily dodged his attack and hit him hard on the throat.

He fell to the floor, complaining in pain, and I took the bat.


Blah, blah, blah. A long, boring fight later.

I defeated them all and was very hurt ... Or so they thought.

"We must call an ambulance!"

"No... It is not necessary... Yuik will call the police ... And you are drugged... They surely don't want their parents to see them like this ... Go away, I'll explain everything to the police."

"Thank you for saving us!"

One of them tried to hug me, but I pulled away from her.

"I am disgusted by drug addicts. I only saved them because ... Well... I guess it was a simple impulse ... Go away."

A patrol was heard.

"Again, thank you so much!"

"We will never forget what you did for us!"

They all left ...

Wait... A little more... Ready. They have gone far enough.

The bodies and my wounds disappeared. It was all a simple illusion.

"I knew improving my illusion magic was a good idea."

I entered my house and saw Yuik waiting for me at the entrance.

"Sorry for being late."

What I did was necessary for two reasons.

Number 1: Look great. They are teenagers. Seeing something cool will shock and attract their attention.

Number 2: Fall in love with them. Why? If they fall in love with me, they will try to leave the life of prostitution and drugs ...

Oh... Prostitution is controlled by a criminal organization ... I have experience in that. My mother worked for one.

My mother was a prostitute, so I know about that.

The boy I killed must have been involved with a ... I must investigate.

"Yuik, you will sleep here today. All right? Tomorrow we have rest, so it doesn't matter."

Yuik nodded.

After dinner, Yuik went to sleep.

"Well, it's time to get to work."

While Dreimo was preparing his plan, the girls he saved, Saoko's old friends, ex-girlfriend and older sister, were hiding in Saoko's sister's house ... And they kept talking about Dreimo.

"And then, with his elbow, he deflected that guy's blow!"

"And with his foot he kicked the gun and butted him in the face!"

"And he was very handsome!"

"He looked great!"

—... "Do you think we will ever see him again?"

"I hope so!"

—... "Although he considers us disgusting."

—... "Now that idiot is dead, we are free... I stole his smartphone and deleted everything. He no longer has our photographs and videos."

"It's true... And I no longer feel the need to take any more pills ... I believe that love cured me of my addiction."- Saoko's sister said.

"I'm sorry, but I was going to say that."

"Hey, I spoke to him first!"

"But I saw him first!"

And so, Dreimo's plan went perfectly ... They fell in love with Dreimo.