

It was already night. I'm trying to rest for a bit after doing an intense push-up by laying on the bed.

Uugh... My arm hurts... I think I can't lift my shield for the next two days.

Kiwi poking my right arm.

Kiwi : "Eeh... Something is moving there." She looked at my arm, something moving in my veins. And also, it hurts when she pokes my hand.

Grel : "Uugh. Can you let me rest for a moment Kiwi ..."

But Kiwi kept poking me, she had fun looking at something moving on my hand. Then she slapped my hand carefully, and it shocked my hand and it moved for a second. And it also hurt.

Kiwi : "Ehehehe... This is so fun." While slapping my hand.

Grel : "Aww... Agghh... It hurt..." She slapped my hand three times and every slap gave my hand a shocked move.

Meanwhile in the background, while Kiwi slapped my hand, Fasmel tried to ask Arhi about the training.

Fasmel : "You sure gonna stay here for a long time?" It's because she needs to attempt the train with Mr. Kim.

Arhi : "I came here with Grel a few days ago. I will just follow Grel ."

Fasmel : "You sure will leave?"

Then Arhi paused for a moment. She smirk.

Arhi : "Hm hm hm hm... I already hit him earlier you know?"

Fasmel was shocked to hear that.

Fasmel : "What? How? You just sleep like a rat."

Arhi seems to get mad. She turned back to Fasmel .

Arhi : "Who did you say was a rat?" She turned back again to the window.

Arhi : "You got power, but it seems the power doesn't fit you."

Now Fasmel 's mad at her.

Fasmel : "What's wrong with you? You want to start a fight huh?!"

Arhi : "You are the one who started first you idiot!"

Fasmel : "I was asking you nicely! Why are you even mad!"

Arhi : "Huh?! Are you asking nicely??"

Ah... Can I just get some rest?

Kiwi looks at both Fasmel and Arhi , she looks sad hearing them fighting.

Grel : "Oi oi... You two will get her crying you know."

Then both of them look at Kiwi .

Kiwi : "W- Why are you two fighting?" Her sound was a little bit cracked since she was about to cry.

Then Fasmel pats her.

Fasmel : "I'm sorry. We are not fighting, we just... We - We are just about to start training again! Right Arhi ?"

Arhi awkwardly answers here and approaches Kiwi to comfort her.

Arhi : "Ye- Yes that's true Kiwi ." Then she started to push Fasmel 's body with her hand.

Fasmel pushes back her body and defends herself.

Fasmel : "Yes yes... Look we are training here. Ahahaha..." But it seems Fasmel pushed Arhi body way too much.

Arhi : *Speaking with a low tone. "Why did you push too much." She gets mad again. And pushed her body and head.

Fasmel : *Speaking with a low tone. "Shut up, I'm just too strong for you." She pushed her body again. And her head too.

Arhi : "Huh?!" Both of them are trying to push her hard right now.

Kiwi : "Really?" She looks at Arhi to confirm it.

Arhi : "Y- Yess look..." While struggling to defend herself from Fasmel .

Arhi : "We are training right now."

Fasmel : "Right? We want to get stronger after all... Ahahaha..."

Kiwi begins to smile again.

Kiwi : "Then that's fine." Then Kiwi comes back and slaps my hand again. It still shocked my hand and it moved a little bit every time she slapped my hand.

Grel : "Ah... Kiwi ... It... Hurt... Stop please..." She giggled looking at my hand and me. While the two girls keep fighting by pushing them with all of their force.

It seems they all keep getting closer.

Then I was thinking for a moment. The feeling I had after finishing my meditation. It still bothers me, but I don't understand why.

Grel : "Hey... Kiwi ... Could you tell me what happened to you yesterday?"

Then Kiwi stopped slapping me. Her smile is gone now. But she nodded. She knew she had to talk.

Then the story changed when Kiwi was running around in her forest. The forest color was soft red. Her mother called her to not go too far.

Kiwi mother: "Kiwi ... Don't play too far you hear me?"

Kiwi : "Yes!" But she keeps on her focus on something else. She locks her eyes on some insect. It was a butterfly. She acts like a cat.

Then she jumps and tries to catch the butterfly. But the butterfly manages to escape and fly. Kiwi is still not giving up and tries to jump high to catch the butterfly. But she still fails. The butterfly flies farther into the forest. She chases the butterfly and keeps trying to catch it.

Until Kiwi finally catches it and the butterfly is in her hand. She was about to slap the butterfly on her hand and make sure she won't escape from her again. But she sees their wings are beautiful. Its color was blue in the middle with some white gradient inside, and the edge was a black line. And she let the butterfly escape and fly again. Her tail was wiggling looking like a cat getting excited.

But then Kiwi realized she was going to keep to the forest, and she walked toward the city and went back. But just before she walked for a second step. She smelled something weird. Something she never smelled before. It was thick.

She looks around and tries to find the smells that come. Then she sees something on the ground, it was a black thing she never saw before. It looks like water but its color is black.

Then she comes closer to it. And try to step on it with her left foot.

As soon as she stops on it. The world she lived in before with a red soft color forest suddenly changed into a green forest. She was surprised and she saw someone standing behind her.

It was tall and had a dark aura around them. Then they speak. It was a male voice.

???: "Gotcha." He tries to grab Kiwi but Kiwi quickly uses her invisibility and runs away.

???: "Hmmm? She is gone?" The man looks around trying to find where she is going. "I thought the other world doesn't have power. Interesting." Kiwi can hear him saying that since she is still not far from him while she keeps running.

Kiwi was confused about what just happened and she kept running. She thought about running back toward her city direction. But after a moment she was in front of the Might Kingdom gate. And she sees a weird colony like her but without any ears and tails.

Then she heard something scary inside the forest and she thought she was still getting chased by the scary man. She thinks for a moment looking right and left. And she decided to go inside the Might Kingdom since she is invisible and thought she was not getting noticed. Then she runs inside.

Then she was stopped by a man and girl and also me inside and scared of the scary man working together to catch her, she thought. Then she tried her best to defend herself but suddenly her vision was gone.

Then the perspective goes back to the bedroom. I was sitting on the bed and Kiwi was sitting beside me. And I listened to her. Fasmel sits beside Kiwi and Arhi stands leaning on the wall behind her.

The lamp was already on and the street was already quiet.

Grel : "I see..."

I give Kiwi a moment to make him feel better after talking long enough.

So the dimensional was near her inside the forest. But how is it possible? She is moving into a different dimension.

Arhi : "It must be a high-rank demon. And it seems he knows about another dimension than us."

Fasmel : "Hmmm... It seems a trap set by the man to catch other people from another dimension. And it happened to Kiwi in this case."

But still, how does it work? Does the demon have information that we haven't even discovered yet?

I grip my hand because I was a bit frustrated with it. We are still left behind.

Grel : "Do you remember the man's face?"

She shakes her head.

It was hard to know who did this to her without specific detail.

Grel : *Sigh "Kiwi ... Do you know how to go back?"

She shakes her head and looks at the floor. Then she looks like getting scared if she can't get back to her place.

I pet her on the head.

Grel : "Don't worry... I promise to bring you back again."

She is crying but tries to hold her tears.

Fasmel hugged her to comfort her.

Kiwi can't hold her tears right now. She was really crying this time.

After a moment Fasmel and Kiwi sleep on the bed. Fasmel is huge Kiwi while sleeping so she feels comfortable. Arhi sleeps beside Kiwi .

I finished after washing myself in the bathroom. And walk toward the window and try to breathe for a moment.

Grel : *Sigh. "What should I do now."

Kim: "You haven't slept yet?"

It was Mr. Kim standing beside the window outside.

Kim: "Can we talk for a moment?"

Then we were on top of the roof and sat down on it. Looking at the moon.

Grel : "Did Mr. Kim hears it?"

Kim: "Yes..."

It was quite silent for a moment.

Kim: "Do you know why I once decided to give up on my training?" He means why he stopped becoming a trainer back then.

I just looked at Mr. Kim for a moment, he looks at the moon not smiling. And I just leave the question in silence. And I looked below me.

Kim: "I was once called the unpredicted entity by the demon. And it soon became my title in the kingdom, because I single-handedly took down a high demon rank by myself back then." He paused for a moment.

Kim: "But one day, during the war here before, it was around 30 years ago. The war began again and I was the leader and my position is at the front of thousands and more troops. We start the war like it was a normal day, the low-rank demons dead one by one. but people also fall one by one. Until at some point, I sense some high demon was in front of me, deep inside the demon army. So I quickly walk in and force myself to get closer to it.

But suddenly, there was a huge gravity such as making me and making me stop since the force was really a huge deal. It was hard to make any move. And it was not the low-rank demon." He stopped again and took a deep breath.

So that's a high-rank demon. I look at my below at the street.

Kim: "It's also not a high-rank demon."

My eyes are wide open. Surprised after hearing it.

Kim: "It was, the leader itself."

Then the scene changed when Mr. Kim faces the demon leader during the war. The gravity is still trying to suck him to the ground really hard.

Mr. Kim's eyes are wide open seeing the demon.

Demon: "So this is the human my right hand talking about." The demon looked back at Mr. Kim.

Demon: "Unpredicted human". The leader smiled at him.

The scene changes back again.

Kim: "I was reckless, He looked at me, and I quickly tried to go back. I survived, but it was a trap all along. Many troops I lead died because of me.

Then the wind makes a sound.

Mr. Kim, once facing a demon leader? And even he was scared to face them. So my feelings were right. Something is not right.

Grel : "How does Mr. Kim know if he is a leader?"

Kim: "Soon you will understand yourself. For now, There's something else I want to talk to you about personally." He begins standing up. But still there looking at the moon.