
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · ゲーム
100 Chs

Chapter 91: Play the Fairy Sword

Frost was silent for a while.

She immediately boarded the SS platform and bought the "Legend of the Magical Sword".

Although she won't play again.

"But this... let's take it as my wingless dream and draw a slightly imperfect end."

Frost murmured.

Soon she wanted to directly broadcast the birds to the unloaded ones.

The unloading button can be clicked several times with your finger.

But the frost still hasn't been touched.

It is not that she still has nostalgia.

It's because she is curious about one thing.

That is: Blue Star Studio, which anchor has been found to take her place in the promotion of the game.

So she went directly into the game section of the live broadcast of birds.

Among those anchors, the most popular teacher Niu starts to look down one by one.

As long as the first day of the release of "The Legend of the Magical Swordsman" begins to play directly live, it can be completely characterized as the propaganda sought by Bluestar Studio.

So this is something that is easy to find.


Frost has almost found a circle.

I just can't find those anchors who are a little more famous. Some of them are playing "The Legend of the Immortal Sword" live.

It shouldn't be.

Frost felt puzzled.

Could it be that the Blue Star Studio didn't find any anchors to promote?

Or Bluestar just wants me to promote it, but I'm not broadcasting it now, so why don't Bluestar just stop looking for any anchors?

As soon as this idea appeared in frost's head, she immediately eliminated it.

Joke, her Zhou Shuangshuang is just a game anchor at best. How can she get so much energy? Without her, she can't broadcast live in the birds?


That's what I said.

Frost suddenly recalled the interview that day.

At that time, the Blue Star Studio was just a small studio with no name. She still got the bird chat account of the person in charge by contacting the SS platform through some friends of practitioners.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Mimi Reading! It's really easy to use. You can use it to read and listen to books while driving and sleeping. Here you can download it]

Now, it is only a short time before the other party has developed into a game studio with such a large volume and so many fans.

She suddenly felt that In other words, she is more willing to believe as if she had a fairy tale dream:

It is Bluestar who only wants to find her for publicity, which is not to find any other anchors.

Think of it.

Frost can't help but feel warm.

"Don't unload!" she said.

In case Bluestar Studio wants to find her to promote the game; In case she just wants to break the rules and open a live broadcast; What if these two things happen at the same time?


Not without this "live broadcast of birds"!


With the release of "The Legend of the Magical Sword".

Now Xuanhai, which has become a little famous in the mod session of My World, naturally downloads and plays without saying a word.

As for why not buy this step.

As early as ten days ago when the pv was released, he directly pre-sales it!

When he saw the pv of Xianjian on the pre-sale interface, Xuanhai even trembled with excitement and looked at the pv again and again.

People in his age grew up reading Jin and Long Wuxia novels, and they have an instinctive yearning for the life of those Xiake.

When I was older, I began to read fairy tales. Those fairy tales who could turn the world upside down with one hand, but still cared about the people, joined his yearning.

Now on this pv of "Legend of the Magical Sword".

He saw all this!

From it, he saw the real immortal world he had been looking forward to day and night since the beginning.

Flying with swords, flying in white clothes, and working together with the protagonist to eliminate evil and promote good, and working hard to save the world, truly explains "the great Xia is for the country and the people."

Plus the conscientious production of Bluestar Studio.

All kinds of details can be seen everywhere, all the fantastic scenery of Xianxia, coupled with Xiaoyu's song worthy of blowing.

Xuanhai thinks.

This is probably the best game publicity pv he has seen in his life.

So he naturally presales directly and looks forward to today.


When the "Legend of the Immortal Sword" is downloaded.

Xuanhai tried to hold back the anticipation and even some trembling hands and opened the game.

Enter the game.

After a brief blackout, Xuanhai found himself on a flat mountain road.

He moved his mouse, turned his view, and found that the scenery around him was almost as real as reality!

Xuanhai can even see some small particles on the grayish yellow dirt road. He can observe patiently and even find some breathing holes drilled by insects.

When the control character steps on it, the sound of footsteps rubbing is exactly the same as that of Xuanhai's real life.

Half a man tall weeds and many trees were abandoned from the branches.

With the gentle breeze blowing, Xuanhai can even see different movement tracks on every grass and leaf.

Is it difficult for Bluestar to make these small individuals and render them separately?

How can this be possible.

Can This is the heinous detail of Blue Star.

Xuanhai said.

This dirt road is also a beginner's tutorial.

Teach Xuanhai how to move characters and switch perspectives.

As soon as he learned, Xuanhai pressed f5 to switch to the third person.

He wants to see the appearance of Li Xiaoyao, the leading actor, because pinching is also a strong point of Blue Star.

Li Xiaoyao is wearing a coarse yellow shirt. Xuan Hai doesn't want to mention the details of all kinds of clothes. The blue star is too thin.

With a long black hair, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was gently tied up by a cloth strip, and three or two bangs in front of his forehead showed that he was not a stereotyped person, but a little unruly. A pair of sword eyebrows were extremely standard, such as bright star-like eyes, which could not be forgotten when he looked at it.

The face is white, and the nose looks like a peak.

... This is what I think the hero of Xianxia should look like!

Xuanhai said.

Beautiful but not feminine, uninhibited and not jumping off.

Now those people are always making a ZZ right. A good hero of Xianxia should be designed to be ordinary.

It makes players feel more like a generation.

Who do you despise!

As for Li Xiaoyao's appearance, Xuanhai is the only one who can fill in the sense of explosion, right!?

Dute, Xianxia is in the world. Why are you handsome? Xuanhai has always been unable to understand the brain circuits of those designers, and now the protagonist Li Xiaoyao designed by Bluestar is simply too fond of Xuanhai!

Then he switched back to the first person perspective.

Start to follow the instructions of the novice tutorial and forget to walk on the mountain road ahead.

Suddenly, there was a piece of rock about half a meter ahead, blocking the middle road.

Xuanhai naturally manipulates Li Xiaoyao to avoid it.

But just as he approached the rock.

A Jie laugh suddenly came from all directions, which frightened Xuanhai into a fierce attack.

Immediately, the perspective was switched to the third person, and it was also seamlessly integrated into the cg.

The shadow behind Li Xiaoyao suddenly turned into a Raksha Devil, which was the source of Jie's laughter just now.

The next moment.

The Raksha Devil attacked Li Xiaoyao with his ghost claw as soon as possible!