
You Haven't lived a pathetic life, my child!


Eugene laughed like a maniac who could not believe that he was mentally ill.

"You must be kidding me, right?"

However, God's next words shut him up for good.

"No, actually, I am quite serious. You're dead, and you died very pathetically, like a loser."


Eugene knew he had lived a pathetic life.

However, he at least didn't want to die pathetically too.

But God's words say otherwise.

God of Death raised his hand and stretched out his middle finger, pointing it at Eugene.

"Here, see how you died for yourself."

Right after he said those words, a black beam shot out of the tip of his middle finger and drilled into Eugene's brain.

[Congratulations, the Lord of Infinity has healed your injured soul and granted you access to your sealed memories.]

A blue screen appeared before him, confusing him.

However, Eugene's bewilderment at the situation didn't last long.

Traumatizing memories, ones he couldn't remember, burst out of the depth of his soul, showing him the events that had after he drank himself retarded.

Last night, once he was high as fuck and couldn't differentiate reality from illusion, he stumbled out of the bar without informing anyone and bumped into a few people.

The last person he bumped into was not only big and covered in tattoos but also a murderous gangster that had regained freedom just a month or so ago.

The gangster grabbed him by the collar and demanded an apology.

However, Eugene was so out of his mind at that time that instead of begging the big man to let him, he teased the gangster and called him a teddy bear that the authority should lock up in a zoo.

As a result, the gangster threw him into the street, where he fell in the middle of the road.

Before he could get up, a truck came out of nowhere and ran over him, crushing his neck and legs beneath its tires.

After what felt like a few seconds of trembling like a fish out of water, Eugene stopped breathing.

"I really died just as pathetically as I lived."

Eugene sighed.

To the Lord of Infinity, Eugene seemed awfully calm for someone who found out that he had died.

He piqued God's interest.

"Life is such a precious gift granted to you all by the God of Creation, yet losing it doesn't make you sad. Can you tell me why?"

"I didn't want the people close to me to incur debt and go through the physical and emotional stress of keeping me alive when I was going to keel over soon anyway. I had cancer but no money to cure it, you see. I was going to die within a year or so anyway. Dying just a bit earlier doesn't feel bad."

Eugene knew he couldn't deny his inevitable death but only delay it by receiving treatment.

Thus, He had long come to accept his death.

So, finding out that he had died on the road instead of a bed didn't bother him much.

"You're wrong about one thing." God of Death moved his hand in a swatting motion. The void next to them cracked, creating a 60-inch hole. He motioned him to look into it. Curious, Eugene looked inside.

The view of many children and some adults crying and placing flowers on his grave came into his sight.

His ex-girlfriend was also among them.

"You weren't a bad guy, just not rich enough to my liking. I wanted a stable life, free of financial tension. That's why I left you for a richer man. I sincerely hope you can forgive me for breaking it off with you.


She was speaking as if he was before her.

"No way in hell am I forgiving you."

Eugene cursed her for being a greedy-ass bitch.


After saying her piece, she went away, and another person came.

The first he did was complain about how much his funeral fees had cost him with a grumpy face.

Then, he started brawling out his eyes and cursing him loudly for hiding that he had cancer from him.

Finally, the guards came and threw him out of the graveyard for making a mess and disturbing public peace.

"I'm feeling sad." Eugene placed his hand on his heart and continued, "To have a cheapskate as my best friend really hurts here."

Eugene turned to the lord of infinity.

"Why did you show their miserable faces to me? I would've been better off not seeing a bunch of crying feeling depressed over my death."

God of Death answered, "To show you that you didn't live a pathetic life. You have many people shedding sincere tears at your funeral. That's something most ask for but aren't good enough to get."

"Let's have a serious talk." A thoughtful look flashed in Eugene's eyes as he narrowed them. "Why did you bring me here?"

After he died, his soul came out of his body and shot upwards.

His soul flew out of Earth, passed by Moon, and traveled across seas of stars to reach a certain somewhere.

He guessed that he was moving towards the place where every soul goes after death.

However, on his way there, a mysterious force sucked him into this hidden realm.

That mysterious force belonged to none other than the God of Death.

"It's to give you a chance."

Eugene's eyebrows raised at his words.

"What chance?"

He questioned the God of Death, who flashed him a playful smile.

"I hope you can reincarnate into a certain character of this world that I believe you're familiar with."

Is a life of luxury that ends with no by your side at your last breath better than a life of hardship with many crying over your dead body?

What do you think?

BeoTheLucky777creators' thoughts