
I reincarnated into a cow

I'M A REAL MAN! Real note here: This series doesn't have a giga brain mc or anything like that and they will be smart, but at the same times fairly dumb too. The MC will basically be unable to keep a train of solid thought hence his stupidity. Second thing, reason why being^^ something something cow. Something something past life problems and head trauma equals something something something.

ZeOwl · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Whats black, white and Moos.

Staring at the long out-casting forest just behind the Holmstead farm I was left in worry. However I wasn't at the farm I once was at, instead I sat on Mirage's peak. Before I had left the duke's home he gave me a bit of advice. If monster cultists were around they would hide in this forest.

However nothing in this forest escaped the eyes of the guardian of the forest. Except there was no guardian. Mirage the Kirin was gone, and her home was empty. I knew besides her kid she had no real possessions, however...

When I looked down from the view it was something else. I could see paths cut through the forest. Along with stone paths paving them. I could see some kind of small building in the middle of a large clearing and I could see a Orc clan... No a orc fortress in the distance. If I change positions I could see other groups within the forest however this one was new.

After all you could see the changes made from Holmstead farm. At first i ignored them, but now with this view it was obvious. Mirage was gone... and something else took her place. I could only hope it wasn't cultists.

I jumped and drew my blade when I heard the sound of the gravel behind me. I whipped myself around and met my gaze with two individuals. I recognized one, I never met the kid. However it was clear it was Mirage's kid. The other however was some kind of Tauren that was deep black. I wouldn't have even notice them if it weren't for the fact that its fur was glossy and shiny.

I looked down at my sword and sheathed it. "I apologize, with the owner of this grotto gone I didn't expect anyone to be here. I do not wish you any harm, however if you attack I will be encouraged to defend myself."


I looked at Merli and Merli looked back at me. Who the fuck was this guy? When Merli said someone was intruding on his mother's home I didn't expect some knight. However it took me a second to realize who this guy was. However I couldn't voice it, with monsters, an animal becoming a monster was something incredible. For humans however it was something terrible, so I ignored my thought and spoke.

"My guy, you are the one trespassing on, uh...."

"It is considered sacred ground if that's what you are thinking."

I nodded, "Yeah, pretty much what Merli said."

The knight's eyes widened slightly and then he nodded. "Merli is your name... My name is Everin, I am to assume you are Mirage's kid? and this Tauren?"

I waved, "My name is Akira actu-"

Merli cut me off, with a faint glow lighting up its horns. "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY MOTHER HUMAN!"

I was taken aback because I didn't even know Merli could have an outburst so serious. So I stepped back.

The Knigh seemed shocked and instantly waved his hands. "Its a long story, but to say the least me and my younger brother came to the forest as kids. She saved us, and sent us back to our father safely. I only know her as the guardian! Guardian Merli you must understand!"

Merli light dimmed slightly, but it didn't back down. "PROVE IT!"

The knight took the light dimming as a sign of good will, however I knew it for what it was. Merli just didn't have any way to harm the knight. The glow was a bluff and Merli was scared. I rested my hand on its head and it broke from its glare.

"You don't need to prove it, Merli I know he isn't with the cultists."

It had been some time since Merli decided to tell me the truth, however I also knew the truth the knight had. Merli's mother was killed by some cultists and they were still hiding deep in the mountains in between the forest and the Atof border.

Merli eyes sparked and I could see it was holding back tears. So I spoke next, "Sir Everin, can I ask why you are here?"

The knight looking apologetic nodded, "It seems we have a common goal. I am after monster god cultists. I know monster tend to worship him however for us humans its...."

I nodded, "A form of taboo, much like eating another human and stuff."

Everin looked at me with look I couldn't actually discern. "I would've compared it to something else, but yeah. However it as it seems the cultists aren't on your side either. Most likely due to some of their more dubious connections...." He cut himself off and started again.

"Sorry, I am sure you can understand Akira?"

He said my name with some confusion, accepted it though and shrugged. "Everybody hates cultists even other cultists. Its just a way for those without power to create power over others without power in my opinion."

Everin seemed to agree and looked around. "Is Kirin Mirage really no longer with us?"

Merli getting a hold of its emotions nodded, "I had buried mother where no one will find her, erasing the memory from my mind as well."

"That is wise Kirin Merli, I wish to ask, is that your work down there?"


I pointed at the paths the fortress and small clearing with a large stony building. The fortress would be easy for a human adventure to get past, but for the clans of this forest...

The Tauren nodded, "Yeah, it took some time to make the roads however they work well. Not to mention I had to upgrade my home after the Red Wolf Clan tried to light my home on fire. They saw us as a threat so now we are feuding with them before we take on the Eastern clan of the west."

I looked at the Tauren who had a incredible proud smile. However that smile was unlike any Tauren I had ever seen. The Tauren before me had fangs, and now that I saw those its other features made me quickly hold my breath.

This Tauren had referred to we, with those paths going from the orc fort to that stony building. This Tauren, no Akira. The Tauren's name was clearly a the leader of those orcs and and close ally of the guardian of the forest. Its actions with comforting Mirage's child...

I weighed my thoughts quickly and decided. "Akira, No you are a chieftain aren't you. Chieftain Akira, can I ask for your cooperation to hunt down the mosnter cultists within this forest?"

the Tauren shrugged then spoke, "That was the plan, however, Everin right? I am not a chieftain, I am just Akira. Number 2 I don't suppose you can keep quiet about what happens within this forest? No one inside or outside knows Merli's mother is gone."

The Kirin nodded, "Right, Right! Sorry Akira. Everin! As guardian of this forest! I can bless you with Fay's blessing if you keep people out and perhaps change how others view monsters?"

I frowned slightly then removed it, "I don't need any blessing and I can't promise to change people's perspectives at all. Monsters are exactly that Monsters, I really don't mean to offend you two in saying you can't call a barbarian a noble."

Merli nodded, "That's understood, I didn't think that condition was really possible. Truthfully I needed to get you to lower your guard in order to cast a spell on you to check if you are likely to harm us intentionally."

I felt my eyes spark a little, Mirage did that in the past with me and my brother it seemed this Kirin was a proper though ill-prepared guardian. "No worries I won't let any one enter the forest to intentionally harm the monsters here. However if monsters were to leave I cannot promise that. Nor can I prevent adventures from seeking some kind of glory for killing monsters here."

Akira waved his hand, "Eh, I already stopped one of those actually. So that's understandable, Monsters equal level ups just like humans do. Though I gotta ask... Uh Everin if let's say the monsters in this forest were to unite and form lets say an unofficial kingdom."

My eyes widened slightly and then I busted out in a laugh. "HA! No worries! No worries, I can understand you two don't know this, but there is monster kingdoms. Far south is a kingdom called Ylevt. Its not recognized by the human kingdoms, but many daring merchants recognize it. Often trading goods there for unique the unique culture and trinkets. Truthfully I don't see that much of a difference between monsters, sub-humans and sub-monsters or humans."

Merli nodded, "That's a very elvish mindset..."

I nodded back, "I have been told that yes. Truthfully I act in the way most expect me to, but don''t really care. So don't worry as long as you don't invade my city I won't invade yours."

Akira smiled, "Thanks. I just want a normal life you know? well taken care of, tasty food! and the ability to do what I want."

I sighed, "Don't we all..."

-----Will be focusing back on Akira for chapters onward.------