
I reincarnated as the last dragon

John, an ordinary employee, is involved in an automobile accident in which he dies. *** In a new world John discovers that he has been reincarnated as a newborn dragon and finds himself alone at the top of a cliff. [Ding! Survival system activated] [Ding! System notification: You are the last of your kind]. "What is this, and what does it mean that I am the last of my species?".

Alfred_0624 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Reincarnation and survival system

"Here here are some reports on the amount of capital spent in the last month, you have to review it for tomorrow."

"Yes, don't worry I'll take care of it."

A young man in his mid-twenties responded to one of his bosses about the report from the company where he worked.

"Hey John, you're leaving early today. It's for you to come with us to have some fun after work."

"I can't, I have more work to do so I won't be able to leave early today, sorry."

The man who asked left a little disappointed, but he didn't mind too much because whenever he asked him out he always declined.

"That's why everyone at work doesn't invite him with them and he ends up alone."

"No one gets close to him anymore, all he cares about is his job." Said one of the workers observing John.

After midnight John finished the work assigned to him.

"Huff... I'm finally done, it's time for me to leave the office."

John grabbed his bag picked up the things he had on his desk, shut down the computer. Then he set out for the elevator to go down to the second floor and leave.

When he stepped out onto the street, he went to the parking lot next door to get his car and head home.

"When I get home I think I'll order some food, although right now I don't think I'll find anything open. What do I do..."

John got to where his car was parked, opened the door got in and started it up. As he was driving down the road sleep was taking over his body.

Gradually he dozed off until he fell asleep. He lost control of the car and went off the road and crashed into a power pole, losing his life on the spot.

John opened his eyes and saw his emaciated body in the car.

"Why do I see my body there and why is it in that state?". He wondered confused and a little scared

Looking further he discovered that he was in an accident and somehow his soul left his body. Frightened by the situation he did not notice that he was ascending higher and higher.

It was moving away from the surface. Soon he had surpassed the height of the tallest buildings in the city. When he came to, he was already in the clouds. At this moment he could only watch and wait for what was coming; he regretted not being able to enjoy this life.

"If only I had accepted all the times I was asked out and not concentrated so much on work I would have people who would miss me. But there's no use crying now." She said with a look full of sadness and regret.

John could now see the earth in the dark background of space and still kept moving forward. Soon he passed Mars, then Jupiter and the rest of the planets.

'I don't know how long I've been floating in space, but it must be too long.' John thought.

After a while John's vision gradually dimmed which consequently caused him to lose his consciousness.

When he opened his eyes the first thing he glimpsed was the sight of a dense forest that covered everything as far as the eye could see. He turned back and saw that there was a cave, below him was a nest with eggshells.

"What this place, where am I?" John asked confused.

It was known that until a while ago he was in space so he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He went to rub his eyes in disbelief when he realized.

"But what the heck, why am I all in black and what am I." He said as he looked at his legs and tail alike, plus, he noticed some wings that were behind him.

"Don't tell me I'm a dragon, wouldn't that be too good to be true. Yes, I am a winged lizard if that's what I am."

After self convincing himself already accepting that he was a winged lizard according to him, he decided on a way out of here. When he went to the exit he discovered that he is on a cliff on top of a plateau.

"This is a problem and how do I get down from here."

He began to walk around the cave going deeper. Further into the cave he glimpsed a humanoid figure approaching. John seeing this unconsciously backed up a few steps.

"What the fuck, I'm going to die again I'm not delicious please don't eat me!!!" He screamed hysterically.

He curled up into a ball in a corner of the cave. The humanoid figure approached and stared at him before it began to speak.

"Fear not I do not eat dragons."

"You are telling the truth." John in his previous life was a total scaredy-cat, he was scared of anything and more so when it was at night, that's why he got scared too easily.

"Try saying state, just to check something yes."

John did as he was told and a sound rang in his head.

[Ding! Survival system activating!]

Ding! Charging... 10%...40%...70%...100%]

Ding! Survival system activating]

[Wants to see its status]

[Yes or no]



Name: John

Race: dragon

Evolution Nv: 0/20

Strength: 100

Intelligence: 150

Agility: 50

Mana: 40

Status points: 10


Fire breath, flaying claw, bite.

(Note: you are the last of your kind, don't die!)


'This looks like the role playing games I played in my previous life, what the heck does it mean I'm the last my kind, let's forget for now because I'll have my answers.' He thought to himself.

[What are role playing games, and by the way you are someone interesting I had my suspicions, but I see you are just like those people.]

"That voice I know, wait a minute.... You when the hell did you come into my body!".

[When you were looking at your condition, I did it so I could observe it better and it's better to have someone like me to help you]. He said proudly.

"Wow this is going to be a nightmare." John exclaimed at the current situation.

"And you haven't answered me the questionWho are you."

[I forgot my name so I can't answer you]. He replied regretfully

"Well I'm going to name you umm.... How about Atalea what do you think."

[I like it, Atalea... Atalea]

And so begins the adventure of a dragon or an entity that you don't even know if it's male or female but it doesn't matter.

"And what do we do now."