
I reincarnated as a worm

Follow a random guy got reincarnated into a worm in another world

Shou_Haz · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Descent into Isolation

The weight of her discovery pressed heavily on Elara's mind. Her brother Adrian had been sent into the Forgotten Mine, and he had never come back. It wasn't an accident. It wasn't a tragic raid. It was deliberate—her family's quest for power had killed him, and they hadn't even mourned him properly.

That night, sleep didn't come easily. She lay in her bed, the thick velvet curtains drawn, blocking out the moonlight. The quiet of the estate should have been comforting, but her thoughts were anything but calm.

Her brother's journal sat on the desk beside her. The words on those pages kept spinning in her head:

"The mine… it's alive. It watches. It knows."

Adrian had known something terrible awaited him, but he had gone anyway. Had he really believed he had no choice? Elara wondered if that's how her family had always operated—forcing them into choices that were never really choices at all. It was only then that the weight of her father's expectations fully settled on her. She was next.

She shivered at the thought.

The next few weeks were a blur of isolation and research. Elara withdrew from the social circles she had once mingled in. She no longer cared for the noble parties or the dull dinners. She stopped replying to her friends' invitations, stopped joining the tedious family gatherings, and instead, focused her energy on a single goal: finding the truth.

The Heart of the Forgotten wasn't just a legend. It was real. Adrian had been proof of that. She couldn't let his sacrifice be in vain.

She spent hours in the Voss family library, pouring over dusty tomes and forgotten scrolls. Some books mentioned the mine in passing—its ancient origins, long abandoned by miners after strange occurrences were reported. Disappearances. Voices. Shadows moving where there should be none.

But none of the texts mentioned what the Heart really was. They only spoke of its power, how it could bend reality, time, and space. But at what cost? The texts were cryptic, filled with warnings and vague statements about consequences.

Her parents had stopped asking her about her social engagements or whether she was meeting any potential suitors. It seemed they were content to let her sink into this obsession—probably because they saw it as a necessary step in preparing her to continue the Voss legacy.

One afternoon, while rummaging through an old chest in the back of the library, Elara found something unexpected—a map. It was old, fragile, and covered in cryptic symbols, but it was clear what it depicted: the Forgotten Mine.

Her heart raced as she spread the map out on the desk, her fingers tracing the path that led deep into the mountains, far beyond the city of Blacksteel. There it was, marked in faint ink: The Heart of the Forgotten. A small, eerie symbol indicated its supposed location, deep within the mine.

Elara knew what this meant. She had found the key. Now, it was just a matter of following it.

But was she ready?

That evening, she stood in her room, staring at her reflection in the tall mirror. She barely recognized herself anymore. The vibrant, confident young woman she had once been was now replaced by someone haunted. Her long hair hung in loose waves, and dark circles clung to her eyes. The weight of her family's expectations and the fear of ending up like Adrian gnawed at her.

For the first time, she felt the urge to run. To leave Blacksteel and her family behind. To disappear into some far corner of the world where no one knew her name, where she could be free from the legacy that had consumed her life.

But as she gripped the edge of the dresser, staring at herself, she knew that running wouldn't change anything. Her family's influence would always follow her, no matter how far she went. And besides, she couldn't shake the thought that this was her chance. Her chance to uncover the truth. Her chance to take control of her own destiny.

She shook her head. "No. I can't leave it unfinished. Not like Adrian."

With renewed determination, she began packing. She wasn't sure how long the journey would take or what she might find in the mine, but she needed to be ready for anything. Clothes, supplies, weapons—she would need it all.

As she packed, a quiet knock interrupted her thoughts. The door creaked open, and Mari, the family servant, peeked in. She had been with the Voss family for years, ever since Elara was a child, and though she had never been more than a servant in the eyes of her parents, she had always been kind to Elara.

"My lady," Mari said softly, stepping inside. "You've been so distant lately. Is everything all right?"

Elara forced a smile. "I'm fine, Mari. Just… busy."

Mari's brow furrowed. "It's not my place to ask, but… I've known you since you were a child. I can see when something's wrong. And I worry for you."

Elara hesitated. Part of her wanted to confide in Mari, to tell her everything—the truth about Adrian, the mine, the weight of the family legacy crushing her. But she couldn't. Mari was loyal to the family, and if she told her, it would only create more problems.

"I appreciate it, Mari," Elara said, her voice gentle. "But I'm fine. Really."

Mari didn't look convinced, but she nodded anyway. "If you ever need anything, my lady… I'm here."

As Mari left, Elara exhaled, her heart heavy. The truth was, she wasn't fine. But she couldn't afford to let anyone know that. Not yet.

That night, Elara crept through the darkened halls of the Voss estate. She moved silently, her cloak wrapped tightly around her as she slipped out of the mansion and into the cool night air. The city of Blacksteel stretched out before her, bathed in moonlight, but her destination was far beyond its walls.

With the map tucked securely in her bag, Elara set out on her journey. She didn't know what awaited her in the Forgotten Mine, but she had made her decision.

She would find the Heart of the Forgotten.

No matter the cost.