
I reincarnated as a demi human

I always lived a boring life I wish it just had more excitement that’s what I thought before I just decided to end it so I jumped out into the street and killed my self I was finally dead but then there was this purple light next I see a grass land

fantasyland · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Getting introduced

The merchants started introducing them selves there were 5 before but now there is 3 there was one guy and two girls they were a family the fathers name was Harry the moms name was Charlotte and their daughter's name was Emma she was 15 years old I asked them what they were they were bringing in such a large amount they got evil smiles and said "slaves" they tried grabbing me but all of their heads fell of in a instant I heard 5 lvls gained then she searched their bodies she found a gold card with the number 39 billion she was confused so just put it aside she remembered what they were trading she takes off the tarp there were countless of Demi humans that were unconscious she started laying them out on the floor 1 by 1 until she saw a teenage Demi human she seemed like she was waking up she started to attack me before I could talk I ended up talking her and kissing her she turned red from embarrassment I got off of her and asked if she was calm she was still weary of me and said yeah and asked who I was and where are we I told her my name and then I asked her her name she said it was lily




Race:Demi human




