
I Reincarnated And Became The Shadow Butler Who Saved The World

This is my very first story and I don't know how to write a story so I hope you enjoy! "I'm sure you already know the present circumstances, so I am going to ask you for a small favor. Can you save this world? In exchange, I will give you a tiny bit of my power to make your job easier." Those were the words I heard in my dream. This is the story of how Zeta, the weakest general in the Hero's army in his past life, saved the world... As a butler! *Story might start off a bit slow but, things will begin to speed up around Volume 3. Also, the butler part is going to be insignificant in the earlier chapters but, it will get attention, soon *Update times might be a bit unstable but, I will try to make sure that the maximum amount of time in between the chapters is only 2 days. *Chapter Length: 1000 words to 1650 words Limit, Exceptions May Happen

KrystaliteRadiates · ファンタジー
115 Chs

Chapter 72: Heaven And Hell's Purgatory

Author's Note: Hello, my readers! Welcome back to 'Reincarnated Homunculus Tries To Save The World For The Gods Before A Malevolent Being Destroys All Of Creation'! Well, moving on from the weird light novel-ish, made-up substitute title for this series, let's delve right back into what Alex is doing. The last chapter (released earlier today) showed a drastic change in circumstances for Luscia so, let's see if something significant will happen to Alex in his journey right now! Enjoy!



The moment I felt Calido run out of the cave, I shouted the signal to the adventurer who said that they had the Earth attribute. I quickly shot my tendrils at Calido to pull him towards me as they shouted out an Earth spell.

"Terra's Stele!"

I then heard the Earth spell being cast and readied the shadow tendrils that were still inside of the cave. Any minute now, they will try to break out as they need oxygen. When that happens, I will strike them down as they try to rush the wall. However, the stronger goblin evolutions might be harder to kill than the un-evolved ones.

(What took you so long!? That was definitely longer than just 20 seconds!)

(I was trying to hold all of them back. Some of them made a break for the entrance of the cave, even though you hadn't taken the adventurers yet. So, I started burning some of them up and took down the ones who ran ahead.)

(Oh, then... thank you.)

(I appreciate your thanks.)

"Um, what do we do now?"

Oh, I almost completely forgot about these guys!

"All of you, run away and try to find some help. I will make sure that these guys don't escape their earthly prison."

"Then, we'll do that! C'mon guys, we need to find some backup for this guy!"

"We can help as well!"

"No, he is clearly much stronger than us. Let him do his thing and just follow his instructions!"


I made sure that they all evacuated this area before I started summoning tendrils from the shadows of the nearby trees and rocks. This is putting a massive strain on my body but, this wall won't last long. The goblins will break down this wall and follow the scent of the adventurers who ran away. They will then start wreaking havoc upon the nearest city or village as they would want revenge.

An alternate way this sequence of events could go is that they will start chasing me. Of course, having a bunch of goblins tailing me and wanting to kill me with every last one of my pieces being roasted over a fire is kind of inconvenient. So, I might as well tackle the problem head-on.

As a famous line (that I just made up) says, 'Never put off until tomorrow what could be done today.' It basically means that I shouldn't procrastinate and deal with a problem later along the lines as it could probably develop into some sort of problem that I can't deal with anymore.

Anyway, I just get ready for the big battle that is about to transpire. I then feel the familiar sensation of Mana pouring into me.

(Why now?)

(Well, you wouldn't be able to fight to your fullest. Plus, my recovery is going much better than before so, this amount should replenish in minutes.)

Sensing the real reason why Calido gave me extra Mana, I reveal it through my disguised gratitude.

(Then... I grant you the permission to fight alongside me.)


Now, I don't think I can get mad at him anymore. He's already been reduced into a mental state quite like that of a child. Well, I am technically a child so, it is probably all my fault he is acting like this.


"Alright, you ready for this, Calido?"


That was when the Stele broke and goblins came rushing out. Okay, time to show off some sword techniques I have learned over the course of my stay at Quaran!

I hold Aether tightly and tap the Flame gemstone on it. After I made sure Aether was blazing brightly, I hold it at an angle.

"Alright, Calido, deal with the strong ones for a short while! I want to clear out all of the minions!"

(You're not communicating through telepathy? Well, this does get me fired up so, I can definitely understand. Let's go!)

I put Aether on my shoulder and channel the Mana coming from the gemstone along the length of my sword. This is a new sword technique I developed while thinking of new ways to fight enemies. Since I will be clearing out a bunch of weak goblins, this will be the perfect counter to all of their numbers.

After charging up Aether with as much energy as possible, I swing it as fast as I could in front of me to create a large diagonal slash of Flame energy.

"Phoenix's Wake!"

And yes, I came up with that name. My imagination when it comes to making names is pretty amazing sometimes.

This is a sword technique that channels Flame energy on the blade to create a powerful flaming strike that will persist over a certain distance, burning enemies that get hit with it. A technique used to counter a large quantity of weak enemies.

(Cool moves but, can you probably help out here? I'm literally fighting 30 of these goblin evolutions AND the Goblin King right now.)

(Oops, sorry.)

I quickly confirm that every small goblin has died and start channeling Flame energy into Aether again. This will not be enough to kill them as this is designed for many weak enemies but, it should be enough to disrupt their coordination and damage them a bit.

"Phoenix's Wake!"

Sorry but, I need to shout out these names. They are just that good.

Oh well.

Anyway, after using it, I grab Calido into my arms and give him some extra Mana from the gemstone.

(Thanks for the extra power.)

(You're welcome. But first, I need you to get underneath all of the remaining goblins. I will create a bind for them so that we can combo attack them.)

(Sounds interesting! Alright, just tell me when!)

I run around the goblins, taking in as much darkness from the surroundings as I possibly can. After I got what I deemed to be sufficient for my next attack, I used my ability to it's fullest. I can create any shape from my darkness so, a large net should be possible.

After I made a net made of shadows, I threw it onto every goblin. I then used my remaining tendrils to bring in the ones I missed under the net as well. I then used those tendrils and turned them into nails and nailed the corners of the net into the ground. This will probably last for no more than 10 seconds so, please kill all of these goblins!

(Calido, roast them from underneath!)

(Roger that!)

Calido was also underneath my net and, on my signal, started releasing large amounts of fire from his body. I can feel the heat even from here. But, this won't be enough to kill a monster that can regenerate, like the Goblin King. To do that, you must make a strike to their most vulnerable spot. For humanoid monsters, that would be...

"The head!"

Utilizing the speed I already had and the small tendrils I still had left, I started running up the crumbling, but still standing, Terra's Stele that the adventurer made.

After jumping off with as much power as I can, I leapt into the air. As I descended, I raised Aether above my head and cloaked it in flames that I made as hot as possible. Right, just like with my battle with the Forgeclaw, gravity will be my ally once again.

How ironic that the last enemy I used this tactic against was fire-based and now I am using the power of the Flames. This move will have an amazing name as well.

I shall dub it...

"Heaven And Hell's Purgatory!!!"

I then slashed into the head of the Goblin King and proceeded to try to cut as much as I could as I fell down. After I finally fell down and the fire show was over, I stood up and immediately collapsed onto the ground again.

"How amazing my imagination is."

"Hey, are you alright?"

I heard a voice behind me. When I turned around, I sheathed Aether and spread tendrils to check who they were.

"That battle was brutal. You must be pretty banged up. Come with us so that we can get you treated at the Adventurer's Guild."

"Some D-Ranks came running into the Guild and started screaming for help. They said that when they were captured by the goblins in the quest they accepted, a mysterious man saved them and said that they should send help. I assume you are the mysterious man who fought off this goblin nest?"

Wow, they really got here quickly. Does that mean that a city is nearby? I could really get some much-needed rest in a soft, comfy bed right about now.

"Yes, I am."

"Alright, we'll escort you to the Adventurer's Guild."

Wait, I can't hold my shadows inside of jacket anymore. I have to get out of here soon or they might find out my identity. After all, the Proving was broadcast to the entire continent. Plus, my appearance is very unique due to my hair color having multiple colors and the fact that I probably stood out the most in the Proving, wearing a flashy jacket to the first match.

"I have to politely decline. I appreciate the offer but, I must go now. I will return to your Guild to pay my thanks."

After saying that, I instantly shifted into my shadow and appeared in a random location. Hopefully, Calido was able to escape unnoticed by those people and will be be able to find me. I remove my jacket and place it on the grass before my shadows disperse. I can't let this auto-fit onto me or else I'll need to find another dummy.

Well, at least I have something I can do for tomorrow.

'Leave the forest and give thanks to the adventurers in the Adventurer's Guild located in the nearest city'.

I wonder what city I have come across.