
The Battle Against The Black Knight

"We are getting closer...Soon we will be at the Temple of Aries." Gloria said.

"Hm.." Emma looked at the sky.

"Hm? What's up Emma?" Gloria looked at Emma.

"A random Total Lunar Eclipse...Su Yi wouldn't have done this as it would put Sazuka at a disadvantage." Emma said.

"Must've been a disturbance in the space or an irregular fasting forward of time. Now that you mention it now, time did stop and reverse for 30 seconds." Gloria said and looked at Yui.

Yui looked off in the distance and saw the black knight emerge from the the ground and glared. Gloria looked back then noticed the Black Knight. Emma looked at him as well. He summoned a sword of darkness. He dashed towards the group and Yui tried to transform into her Yin-Yang Mode, but couldn't. She had no energy left to do so. The knight got closer then was blown away by a powerful energy and slid back. Emma got in a stance then dashed towards the knight and bellowed.

"Something is off with this knight." Suzumi said.

Emma swung her axe and hit the knight, but it did nothing. Emma was confused. Despite her power as a Dark Lord, her attack didn't do a thing to the knight. She connected the dots and looked at the eclipse again.

"Ah-ha...The Eclipse does serve a purpose.." Suzumi said. "Emma! The Eclipse gives the Hell Borns more powerful and new feats! It's gonna take a lot to--"

"Finally we found you Demon." Saya walked up in her Nightmare Assembly cloak.

"Man that thing moves fast.." Miyuna said and her Holy Star floated around her as she also wore the cloak.

"Saya...and Miyuna?" Gloria looked back and was astonished at how much they've grown.

"Gloria..?!" Saya looked at her. "What the hell! You've been gone for 12 years!"

"I have my reasons, why are you here?" Gloria asked.

"To take down the Black Knight. He has something of Stella's." Saya said.

"What?" Gloria asked.

"Her Nether Ring. They battled not too long ago and he was immune to her main attacks and her Konrangan. Stella didn't lose the battle because she used Dark Light Magic and destroyed him, but he managed to steal the ring that allowed her to control her chaotic power. She's in the Nether Realm right now, but we've come to take down the Dark Knight." Miyuna nodded.

"If this involves Stella then I'm helping!" Gloria said.

With the three of them together they activated a passive skill that required all three called the Pillars of Lunia. Their power was increased by 45%.

"Emma, take Yui and her friends and continue towards the Temple of Aries." Gloria said and tossed Emma the Aries Stone.

Emma caught the stone and nodded then met up with Yui and the others then they proceeded towards the Temple. Saya smirked and closed her eyes then began using the chakra energy from the nature around them.

"I have been in a depressed state but that doesn't stop me from training. I remember all of her lessons. Master Nene, I am forever grateful to you!" Saya opened her eyes and her aura surged.

"There's the Saya I know and love." Miyuna's eyes glowed and smiled.

"Man this brings back memories.." Gloria said.

"You thought you'd forget about me..?" Kotome landed on the ground and her boosts emitted dark aura.

Four Pillars activated and their power increased by 65%. They looked at Kotome and smiled. Kotome looked at them then stood up.

"We may have lost Arcania, but this is our home now. We will chance the future by winning this war!" Kotome said.

"Not without me you won't.." Kielazar walked out of a portal then summoned his mother's blade.

Five Pillars Activated and their power increased by 75%. Gloria looked shocked to see Kielazar and he smiled at Gloria. He still wore his engagement ring till this day no matter where he went. His heart belongs to Victoria.

"Wait for me!" A woman rode on her horse and stopped then met up with the group.

"Huh? IZUMI?! You're alive you crazy woman?!" Saya looked at her happily.

"The best strategist of all of Eshea is here! He may be one enemy but his power now can take down an army in one blow! But as the Pillars of Lunia, we will fight to protect!" Izumi smiled.

Six Pillars activated and their power increased to 85%. They were missing Victoria who would've made 100% as the Seventh Pillar. Izumi got off her horse and summoned her bow.

"In the name of Stella, Lunia, and Victoria...we will defeat this knight!" Izumi said.

"Yeah!" They all said.

Zain watched from a distance and had a flashback about the Seven Pillars of Lunia. He smiled and watched the battle. He didn't want to interfere as he wanted to see how far they've come.

"You've got my back?" Saya asked.

"Always." Miyuna nodded.

Saya dashed towards the knight and was followed by Miyuna. Saya took out shurikens and threw them at the Knight and frost covered the shurikens then hit the Knight. Although it didn't affect him, frost did appear on his armor. Saya smirked and landed on the ground. She did handsigns and clapped her hands together and ice spiralled around her.

"Frost Technique: Blizzard Gust!" Saya bellowed and blew air and a strong gust of cold air shot at the Knight. Miyuna amplified the cold air with her magic and the Knight was temporarily frozen.

"Their teamwork surpasses all others." Gloria said.

The Knight broke out the frost and swung his sword. Saya summoned her daggers and blocked the attack and was blown back. She slid back and the knight dashed towards her and slashed. A phantom sword blocked the attack for Saya.

"Don't forget you have other enemies!" Kielazar bellowed and summoned 7 more phantom swords.

Kielazar entered battle this time and his floating swords began slashing at the Knight quickly and the knight did his best to blocked the attacks.

"There's no escape from justice! The power of hope compels you!" Kielazar bellowed and caught of his swords with his other hand then began dual wield and slashing with the other floating swords. They clashed multiple times and Kielazar slashed in a circle and released a massive blade beam. The knight blocked, but was getting pushed back by the beam then sliced the beam in half. Kielazar summoned 100 Phantom Swords around the knight and his red eyes shined. "Die!"

Kielazar sent all the phantom blades at the Knight at once and they exploded. The knight dashed from the smoke and slashed, but Kielazar turned into a horde of tiny bats and dodged the slash then Kotome appeared in front of the Knight at great speeds and the knight was taken by surprise. Kotome had red lightning surging around her body then she kicked the knight away and bellowed. Her dark aura surged and she transformed into her Dark Phantom Form and red lightning crackled around her.

"Now she's getting serious!" Saya smirked.

"This is the true power of the Twilight Suns!" Miyuna said.

Kotome dashed towards the Knight and he got in a defensive position and her body flickered then she appeared behind the Knight and kicked his back, throwing him off guard then slashed from all directions of his body at extremely high speeds. The Knight's armor began to crack and she appeared in front of him and the image of Kudan and Julia appeared in her head then she bellowed.

"Dark Phantom Break!" Kotome palmed the Knight's chest and shattered his armor then looked shocked.

That he...was a she. Kotome jumped back and the helmet of the knight shattered then revealed her face. The Hell Borns had already reached the final phase of the process. Humanfication. The woman gave a sadistic smirk and her gold eyes shined.

"You...have only gotten through my armor. You haven't defeated me yet!" The woman said and took out the ring and her dark aura surged.

"I won't let that happen!" Gloria said and dashed to her.

The woman slid the ring onto her finger and her aura surged powerfully and caused the ground to crack. Gloria stopped and grunted then jumped back. The woman laughed and her power constantly rose. The Nether Ring was an Ancient Arm found deep in the Nether Realm, a Ring that was a curse.

"Idiot." Saya smirked.

The woman grunted and the ring began glowing then her skin began to become black and she panicked. Gloria didn't know what was going on.

"What's happening?!" Gloria asked.

"The Nether Ring doesn't help Stella control her chaotic power." Saya said. "The Nether Ring was a ring of nothing but curses. That ring is a Self-Death Inducing ring meaning anyone who wears that ring...dies."

"No, No! This can't be happening!" The woman panicked.

"You fool!" Saya cackled. "You think we are slow?! We know what you demons are capable of! Stella made one, she married one! She is one! We've battled straight demons! We baited you!"

"No- No way Humans of all creatures outsmarted me!" The woman said and the blackness reached her neck and her arms began fading into ashes.

"Three Humans outsmarted you. How does it feel?!" Miyuna laughed. "You ignorant fool! The Holy Star Strikes Again!"

"Never underestimate the people of Lunia." Saya said and pointed her dagger at the woman. "Izumi finish her off!"

Izumi drew an arrow and released the string and struck the core of the woman and she shattered into ashes. The ring fell onto the ground then shattered into magic particles. Gloria looked at them and smiled.

"You guys are smart as hell." Gloria said.

"It was all Miyuna." Saya sat and pat Miyuna on the back.

"Come on, you help set up that false scenario." Miyuna smiled.

"What did you do?" Gloria asked.

"Well first we knew the knight would target Stella because everyone was under the narrative that the Nether Ring helped Stella control her power. I mean she basically manipulated so many demons into believing it. So set the knight up. The knight would push Stella into a corner where she would be forced to use Dark Light Magic. The knight takes some damage, steals the ring and we chase after her. Stella then uses her chaos magic to scale a building giving more of a false narrative that she needs the ring and retreats to the Nether Realm and now we're here." Saya said.

"Nah. I refuse to believe SAYA of all people thought that deep." Kielazar said.

"Eh?! You tryna say I'm dumb?!" Saya asked.

"Well not dumb, but I wouldn't have imagined you coming up with such a plan let alone be the one to help come up with it." Kielazar said.

"It's been 11 years! I got smarter!" Saya frowned.

"Well mission was a success. The knight is done!" Izumi said and nodded.

"The war is far from over. How about we team up with Stella again..find the rest of the Assembly for old times sake." Kielazar said.

"Definitely!" Miyuna nodded.

"I can't. I'm to awaken the 13 Zodiacs. Three of them already being awakened. Whenever I'm done with my mission, I'll join." Gloria smiled.

"Right. We'll have a spot open just for you." Kielazar nodded.

Gloria nodded back and walked off. Kielazar and Gloria shared some connections after the Arcania War. Their bond has strengthen over the 11 years as he and her took down countless foes together. They've become good friends and allies and Kielazar hopes one day to add her to the team.