
I Really Became The Shadow Hunter

"I Really Became the Shadow Hunter" is a thrilling isekai fantasy novel that follows the extraordinary journey of Ethan Blackthorn, an ordinary Earthling who suddenly finds himself transported to the mysterious world of Valandria. Inspired by his favorite light novel, Ethan becomes a Shadow Hunter, an enigmatic group dedicated to protecting Valandria from supernatural threats. Armed with the power to manipulate shadows, he embarks on a quest filled with action, camaraderie, and a touch of comedy.As Ethan hones his newfound abilities and bonds with his fellow Shadow Hunters, he uncovers dark secrets hidden within the organization. Betrayals, a shadowy puppeteer, and a prophecy all come into play as Ethan and his allies strive to restore balance and protect their world from looming darkness. "I Really Became the Shadow Hunter" is a tale of self-discovery, heroism, and the blurred lines between fiction and reality as Ethan embraces his role as a guardian of the shadows and unravels the mysteries that lie in wait.

RSisekai · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Awakening to Shadows

Ethan Blackthorn had always been an ordinary young man leading an unremarkable life on Earth. He was what some might call an "otaku," a passionate fan of anime and light novels. His room was a testament to his devotion, with shelves crammed with manga, posters of his favorite characters, and an extensive collection of light novels that he had devoured countless times.

One particular light novel had captured Ethan's heart and imagination like no other. Titled "The Shadows of Destiny," it told the story of a secret organization known as the Shadow Hunters. These enigmatic individuals operated from the shadows to protect their world from supernatural threats, using their unique powers to maintain the balance between light and darkness.

The novel's protagonist, a young man named Leon Shadowblade, had become Ethan's hero. He admired Leon's unwavering resolve, his ability to manipulate shadows, and his dedication to protecting the innocent from otherworldly horrors. As he read about Leon's thrilling adventures, Ethan couldn't help but feel a deep longing stirring within him.

"I wish I could be like Leon," Ethan mused to himself, his eyes fixed on the book's cover, which depicted a cloaked figure emerging from a sea of darkness.

Little did he know that his heartfelt wish was about to take him on an extraordinary journey beyond his wildest dreams.

It was a quiet evening in Ethan's room. The soft hum of his computer and the faint rustling of pages turning were the only sounds in the small space. He was engrossed in the latest chapter of "The Shadows of Destiny," completely absorbed in Leon's latest escapades.

As he turned the pages, a sudden and inexplicable sensation washed over him. The room around him seemed to tremble, and a strange, pulsating energy filled the air. Books toppled from their shelves, posters swayed on the walls, and Ethan's computer screen flickered with an eerie light.

Ethan's heart raced as he realized that something extraordinary was happening. He tried to stand, but an invisible force held him in place, and before he could react, he was engulfed in a swirling vortex of energy.

The world around him twisted and contorted, and Ethan felt like a leaf caught in a cosmic storm. His sense of self dissolved, and he was pulled in a million directions at once. It was as if the very fabric of reality was being rewritten to accommodate his existence.

Time seemed to lose all meaning during his tumultuous journey through the unknown. Moments blended together, and he couldn't distinguish between reality and the surreal. It was a sensation that was both exhilarating and terrifying.

Finally, as abruptly as it had begun, the chaotic journey came to an end. Ethan found himself standing on cold, uneven cobblestones in the dimly lit alley of a place that was unmistakably not Earth. The world around him had transformed, as if reality itself had shifted.

Ethan: (stuttering, his voice trembling) "Wh-where am I? What just happened?"

His heart pounded in his chest as he surveyed his surroundings. The towering buildings that loomed overhead were ancient and imposing, their architectural styles a strange fusion of gothic and fantasy. The alley stretched endlessly in both directions, disappearing into the shadows.

Ethan's breath hitched, and he clutched the light novel, his only link to the world he had left behind.

Ethan: (his voice shaking) "This... this can't be real. I must be dreaming. Or maybe I've finally lost my mind!"

Panic threatened to consume him as he called out, hoping for any sign of life or familiarity.

Ethan: (Desperately) "Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?"

But his cries echoed off the stone walls, unanswered. He was utterly alone in this eerie, otherworldly place.

Just as despair began to creep in, a voice, both melodious and ethereal, drifted through the air like a haunting melody.

???: (Softly) "Welcome, traveler, to Valandria."

Ethan's head snapped in the direction of the voice, his eyes wide with astonishment. Before him stood a figure cloaked in shadow, their features hidden beneath a hooded cloak. Their presence seemed to defy the laws of reality, like an enigma wrapped in darkness.

Ethan: (nervously) "Who are you? What's going on?"

The figure remained shrouded, their voice a gentle whisper that seemed to caress his very soul.

Shadowy Figure: (smirking) "I am Lysandra, a member of the Shadow Hunters. You, Ethan Blackthorn, have been chosen."

Ethan's heart raced, and he struggled to process the words. The name 'Shadow Hunters' sent shivers down his spine, reminiscent of the organization in the light novel he had been reading moments ago.

Ethan: (stuttering) "Ch-chosen? But... this is impossible."

Lysandra: (Stepping closer, her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light) "Is it? You wished to be part of a world filled with danger, magic, and the unknown, did you not?"

Ethan nodded, his voice a mere whisper.

Ethan: (hesitating) "Yes, but I didn't mean it literally. I just wanted adventure."

Lysandra: (Chuckling softly) "Ah, but sometimes the lines between fiction and reality blur. The Shadow Hunters exist to protect Valandria from supernatural threats. We need someone like you, a stranger to this world, to wield our unique powers."

Ethan's gaze flickered between Lysandra and the light novel clutched tightly in his trembling hands. This was the opportunity he had always dreamed of—a chance to live out his fantasies. But it also meant leaving behind everything he had ever known.

Ethan: (resolutely) "I choose to be a shadow hunter."

Lysandra's eyes sparkled with approval, and she extended a hand towards him. Her fingers seemed to ripple with a dark, otherworldly energy.

Lysandra: "Very well, Ethan. Your journey begins now. Embrace the shadows and awaken your true potential."

With a graceful sweep of her hand, Lysandra summoned a swirling vortex of shadows that enveloped Ethan. He felt a surge of power coursing through him, as if the very essence of darkness had chosen to reside within his being.

When the shadows finally dissipated, Ethan stood there, transformed. He could feel it in every fiber of his being—he had become something more, something beyond the ordinary.

Ethan: (Examining his hands, which now seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly energy) "What... what have I become?"

Lysandra: (nodding) "You are now a shadow hunter, Ethan. You possess the ability to manipulate shadows and tap into the hidden forces of this world. But with great power comes great responsibility."

Ethan's heart swelled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He had wished for adventure, and now he had been thrust into a world where every step would be an adventure in itself.

Ethan: "I'm ready. I'll do whatever it takes to protect Valandria."

Lysandra: (grinning) "That's the spirit, Ethan. Now, let's begin your training."

Over the next few weeks, Ethan's life underwent a radical

  transformation. Under Lysandra's guidance, he learned to harness the power of shadows, bending them to his will. He discovered that he could move through the darkness, becoming virtually invisible, and that he could conjure shadowy weapons to defend himself.

As he honed his newfound abilities, he also delved deeper into the world of Valandria. He met other members of the Shadow Hunters, each with their own unique powers and quirks. There was Kael, a stoic elf with the power to manipulate time; Lyria, a mischievous gnome who could communicate with animals; and Zephyr, a brooding dwarf gifted with earth-shaking strength.

Ethan's interactions with his fellow Shadow Hunters were filled with camaraderie and humor. Despite their differences, they had all chosen the path of the shadows for a reason, and they shared a common goal: to protect Valandria from the supernatural threats that lurked in the shadows.

As he grew more confident in his abilities, Ethan joined his new friends on missions to thwart dark forces that threatened the balance of their world. They faced malevolent spirits, enchanted creatures, and even rogue sorcerers with nefarious plans.

Through these harrowing encounters, Ethan learned the true meaning of courage and sacrifice. He discovered that being a hero wasn't just about wielding power; it was about making the right choices, even when the odds seemed insurmountable.

One fateful mission led them to a hidden temple deep within the heart of Valandria. Inside, they uncovered a sinister plot to unleash an ancient, world-devouring demon. The Shadow Hunters fought valiantly, their powers intertwining like a symphony of shadows.

In the heart-pounding climax of the battle, Ethan faced the demon head-on, drawing upon the full extent of his shadowy abilities. With a resounding burst of power, he banished the demon back to the abyss from whence it came.

As the dust settled, his fellow Shadow Hunters gathered around him, their faces filled with admiration and respect.

Kael: (smirking) "Not bad for a newcomer, eh?"

Lyria: (playfully) "I always knew you had a knack for this, Ethan."

Zephyr: (grumpily) "You've earned your place among us, lad."

Ethan's heart swelled with pride. He had truly become a shadow hunter, a guardian of Valandria's delicate balance between light and darkness.

Ethan: (Grateful) "Thank you, all of you. I couldn't have done it without your guidance and friendship."

And so, Ethan's journey as a Shadow Hunter continued, filled with thrilling adventures, unexpected challenges, and moments of laughter and camaraderie. He had found his place in a world that was once just a fantasy, and he had become the hero he had always dreamed of.

As he gazed up at the starry Valandrian sky, Ethan knew that his story was only just beginning. The shadows held countless secrets and mysteries, waiting to be unveiled.

And he was ready to embrace them all.

To be continued...