
Chapter 2807 Pressuring_1

翻訳者: 549690339

At this point, Bi Bidong suddenly paused...

She spoke in an even deeper tone, "For this, I need your help, Xu Sheng!"

Xu Sheng pursed his lips, calmly responding, "Your Holiness, I'm afraid I may not be of much help with the strife between Worship Hall and Pope Hall; after all, my current strength is but that of an ordinary Titled Douluo!"

His words neither explicitly refused nor consented...

However, Bi Bidong did not wish to let the former off the hook so easily and said again, "You're underestimating your own potential. The height of one's Innate Soul Power not only represents the talent of a Soul Master but also indicates the speed of cultivation!"

"In other words, you, with Innate Level Ninety Soul Power, will certainly face no obstacles before breaking through to become an Ultimate Douluo. Therefore, you will undoubtedly become my greatest asset in the future!!"

"Xu Sheng, become my disciple, how about it?"

Xu Sheng's expression was somewhat complex, "Your Holiness, what benefit would there be for me in this?"

Upon hearing this, Bi Bidong subconsciously replied, "Of course there are benefits. Should you become my disciple, you will not only obtain the best cultivation environment but also higher-quality soul bones!"

"Moreover, if I'm not mistaken, the soul bones you currently possess are from ten-thousand-year soul beasts. Absorbing soul bones of such quality will only limit your growth!"

Pretending to be contemplative, Xu Sheng took several seconds before replying, "Your Holiness, your proposal is indeed very tempting, but I need to consider it carefully!"

Bi Bidong could see his intention, "Very well, but you only have one week. After careful consideration, give me a satisfactory answer!"

Xu Sheng was taken aback and asked, "What if, after one week, I refuse Your Holiness's proposal?"

"Are you saying, Your Holiness, that you're preparing to take action against me?"

Bi Bidong shook her head, "No, I won't do anything to you, of course, nor will I do anything for you anymore!"

"This naturally includes investigating those abyssal creatures!"

Although not a single word was overtly hostile, the implication was filled with threat...

Xu Sheng nodded to show he understood, and then cupped his fist, "I understand. If Your Holiness has no other matters, I shall take my leave!"

With that said, he turned and left the grand hall...

And Bi Bidong did not stop him, letting him disappear from her sight...

Soon after, Yueguan and Gui Mei, who had been hidden around the grand hall, appeared one after the other...

The former spoke with dissatisfaction, "This kid, to actually not accept immediately, it would be his honor to be taken as a disciple by Your Holiness!"

The latter also spoke up to remind, "Your Holiness, don't be deceived by this guy. The way he behaved just now, it's clear he has no intention of accepting. Even if given a week, I expect the answer will be the same!"

Bi Bidong was not surprised by these words, instead she spoke very calmly, "Hmm, I know he is just looking for an excuse to buy time. However, to get the help of Spirit Hall, he must accept my terms!"

"What's the harm in giving him a week to think it over?"

Yueguan and Gui Mei exchanged glances, seemingly coming to an understanding...

Could it be that Your Holiness's proposal just now was merely a test of Xu Sheng's attitude??

No, it's certainly more than that!

Otherwise, there would be no need to have the two of them hiding around...

It's highly likely that if Xu Sheng refused on the spot, he might well be executed by Your Holiness!!"

Bi Bidong's expression turned cold, "Yueguan, Gui Mei, do not presume to guess my thoughts. What you should do is to watch over Xu Sheng for this week and ensure he does not leave Pope Hall!!"

Upon hearing this, they both shuddered sharply, no longer pondering, and echoed together, "Yes, Your Holiness!"


Tiandou Empire!

In Xue Qinghe's bedchamber!

"My apologies, Holy Daughter," Serpent Spear Douluo said upon his return, "I went to Pope Hall on my own initiative!"

Qian Renxue waved her hand, indicating she didn't mind, "It's fine, Ning Fengzhi and the others were still at the imperial palace at that time, and you wouldn't have been able to get in anyway!"

"But, did you get any news about Xu Sheng?"

After saying this, her amber eyes brimmed with strong anticipation…

The former nodded and confirmed, "Of course, Xu Sheng successfully entered Pope Hall and was not besieged by its forces."

"On the contrary, he unexpectedly received Bi Bidong's nurturing, allowing him to train alongside the Spirit Hall Golden Generation!"

To be honest, he couldn't understand why Bi Bidong would do such a thing!

It couldn't possibly be to compete with the Worship Hall for people, right? He doubted she had the nerve!

Hearing this, Qian Renxue's anxious heart finally eased as she chuckled, "As long as Xu Sheng is fine, I was worried Bi Bidong might take the opportunity to make a move on him!"

However, Serpent Spear Douluo hadn't finished speaking and continued, "Only…"

Upon hearing these two words, Porcupine Douluo couldn't help feeling that something was off…

He had the feeling that what was about to come from the former's mouth would be something serious!

Qian Renxue's eyes filled with confusion, "Only what?"

"Only… it seems that scoundrel Xu Sheng has quite a deep relationship with another goddess, Hulena, even to the point of walking arm in arm and leg in leg!"

Serpent Spear Douluo blurted out the sentence in one breath…

Porcupine Douluo, upon hearing this, widened his eyes and quickly covered his face, exclaiming, "It's over!!"

Serpent Spear, what are you doing bringing up the worst possible topic!!

Knowing that the Holy Daughter was concerned about Xu Sheng, yet you say such things!

As expected, a dark line appeared on Qian Renxue's forehead, she maintained her smile and said, "Serpent Spear Douluo, I didn't quite hear that, could you say it again??"

Serpent Spear Douluo instinctively took two steps back and quickly explained, "Holy… Holy Daughter, that… that might just be my speculation, I've asked Xu Sheng and he personally said he has no interest in Hulena at all!"

"I… I think it's quite credible, Hulena is nothing but an unacknowledged fake goddess, Xu Sheng can't possibly be foolish enough to like such a person!"

Damn it, I should have kept my mouth shut!

Seeing the Holy Daughter looking like this scares me...

With these words slipping out, Qian Renxue once again revealed a gentle smile…

"You should have said such things earlier, Serpent Spear Douluo. I figured that with Xu Sheng's recent arrival at Pope Hall, he wouldn't fall for someone of Hulena's sort!"

Although I heard she has some talent, I'm very confident about my own looks and strength!!

I won't be outdone by her!!

Serpent Spear Douluo gave an awkward smile, "Yes… that's right, Hulena doesn't have any aspect in which she can compare to you, Holy Daughter!"

Porcupine Douluo took this opportunity to pull him aside and scolded, "Serpent Spear, can't you think before you speak next time? With the Holy Daughter looking like that just moments ago, if you said to go kill Hulena, I would have believed you!"

Serpent Spear Douluo spread his hands in innocence, "To tell you the truth, I was also scared, I didn't expect the Holy Daughter to have such a side!"