
Chapter 2492: Devouring the Human Plane_1

This scene left everyone completely stunned...

Xie Xie swallowed hard and said, "Is this the power of the Sea God? The Abyssal Emperor, whom we considered an invincible adversary, was actually killed within just a short minute!"

Xu Xiaoyan raised both hands, excitedly saying, "That's amazing, long live the Sea God! That Abyssal Emperor was so arrogant before, and now it turns out he was nothing special!"

Yuanen Yehui exclaimed in awe, "Even though I don't know why the Sea God descended to the Lower Realm, the fall of the Abyssal Emperor is a good thing for us!"

With the death of the Abyssal Emperor, the remaining Abyssal Creature Army were nothing but brainless lower beings that we could easily deal with!

Tang Wulin also watched with crimson eyes as Tang San slowly turned around, and he subconsciously wanted to call out "Dad."

But, because of the people around him, he forcefully swallowed the words back...

Tang San merely smiled slightly and walked up to him. After he reached him, he patted Tang Wulin's head, "Child, you have already done very well!"

Keep in mind, they were fighting against the Abyssal Emperor, whose strength was no less than that of a Third-Rank God!

Surviving until now was already a miracle!

Gu Yuena witnessed this scene, seeing how affectionate Tang San was and figured he must indeed be Wulin's father!

Perhaps his indifference towards the Ten Thousand Beast Platform was truly because of the latter!

However, suddenly she sensed something with her spiritual power and exclaimed, "Something is not right... The presence of the Abyssal Emperor has not completely disappeared!"

Di Tian and other ferocious beasts sensed it too upon hearing her words. They instantly sensed the Abyssal Emperor's extremely weak, but undeniably existing, presence!

They all started saying, "Not good, the Abyssal Emperor was hit by the Sea God and yet he didn't die!"

"His entire chest has been pierced through, yet his life force is terrifyingly strong!"

"What is the Sea God waiting for? Hurry up and finish him off!"

Ya Li also perceived the same thing and immediately spoke to Tang San with a tone of reverence, "Sea God, the Abyssal Emperor has not died. Please strike again and thoroughly annihilate him."

Tang San's expression remained unchanged. After retracting his hand, his pupils glowing with a pale blue light, he glanced down. Through hundreds of meters of distance, he saw the Abyssal Emperor climbing out of the huge pit...

The figure with a shattered chest and blurred flesh was spreading his hands behind him, laughing like a madman, "Hahahaha, Sea God, did you really think I hadn't anticipated that the Divine Realm would get involved?"

"I had already made preparations long before this, and now, let me show you."

The next second, all the energy within him erupted in an instant, seemingly to activate something terrifying...

However, Tang San just raised an eyebrow and said indifferently, "Abyssal Emperor, if I'm not mistaken, you're trying to initiate the Formation that would devour the Human Plane, right? It's a pity... I have already sealed that Formation years ago!"

"Therefore, your plan to ascend to the God King realm by devouring the Human Plane is absolutely not going to succeed!"

The Abyssal Emperor's lips curled into a smile, "Sea God, you are indeed troublesome, but... your seal alone cannot possibly stop me from devouring the Human Plane!"

Without that person's help, perhaps, I really would have been utterly defeated!

But... that's just how it is!!


After letting out an intense roar, the entire sky was covered by darkness, as if it was the end of the world...

But what was truly frightening was that the Formation hidden in the distant abyss had been activated!

The entire abyss was shaking violently, and it was starting to shift towards the Human Plane...

Everything it touched at the boundary was completely devoured by it, and it was growing stronger...

Realizing that something was wrong, Tang San immediately released all his spiritual power, sensing the situation in the abyss...

It was visibly clear that his complexion turned an incredibly ashen color as he said in disbelief, "How... How is this possible? I had clearly sealed your Formation, why can it still be activated?"

The Abyssal Emperor did not answer him, but responded mockingly, "You can ponder over that question yourself!"

The sudden change in weather made Ye Xinglan shiver a few times, and she said with suspicion, "What's happened? Why does it feel like the end of the world is coming?"

Xu Xiaoyan laughed lightly, "Who cares! No matter what tricks the Abyssal Emperor plays, he's definitely no match for the Sea God!"

"Right, Zheng Yu?"

The nearby Yue Zhengyu nodded heavily, "Mhm!"

As long as the Sea God could kill the Abyssal Emperor, it would be avenging his grandfather!

Xie Xie also stretched lazily, "That's right, it's just a bit flashy. Does he really think he can scare the Sea God? How foolish the Abyssal Emperor is!"

However, Yuanen Yehui's expression was extremely grave as she reminded them, "No... it's not like that. Look closely; there's something off about the Sea God's face. This matter is clearly beyond his expectations!"

That is to say, the upcoming events even made the Sea God apprehensive!

The group immediately turned their gazes toward the Sea God...

Capturing the latter's expression in their eyes...

Ye Xinglan hesitated, "It seems... it seems that the situation is really not quite right?"

Xu Xiaoyan's smile quietly faded, "The expression on the Sea God's face is like some terrifying thing is about to happen!"

Xie Xie comforted himself, "No... impossible, right? The Abyssal Emperor was already beaten to such a state within three moves; he shouldn't be a threat anymore, should he?"

Feeling a sense of foreboding, Tang Wulin couldn't help but ask Tang San, "Dad, what is the Abyssal Emperor doing...?"

Tang San said solemnly, "He has opened the Formation of the abyss, planning to devour the Human Plane ahead of schedule. Once he succeeds, the abyss will become a plane on the same level as the Divine Realm, and the Abyssal Emperor will be elevated to the God King realm!"

"At that time, the situation will be much more troublesome!"

Tang Wulin exclaimed in shock, "Become a Divine King? So you mean he must be stopped now!"

The former shook his head, "The current Abyssal Emperor is protected by the planar power, and even I cannot easily make a move against him!"

Acting rashly would result in a backlash from the planar power!

Even though he was a Divine King, it would be difficult to cope with!


As time ticked away, the Abyssal Emperor's pace of devouring the Human Plane grew faster...

His strength was naturally increasing several folds, and in the blink of an eye, he had already reached the strength of a Second-Rank God!

He was vaguely on the brink of breaking through to a First-Level God!

Sensing the approaching disaster, Tang San clenched his teeth, "No, even if I risk the backlash, I must stop him!"

As one of the Divine Kings of the Divine Realm, how could he let the Abyssal Emperor run wild in front of him!

Having said that, he gripped the Sea God's Trident in his hand and uttered a phrase...

"Golden Thirteen Halberds, Tenth Style, The Sunshine of the Sea!"

The Sea God's Trident in his hand dissolved into golden particles...

Subsequently, a gigantic blue halo emerged from his back, a manifestation of the true form of the Sea God's Trident...

Under Tang San's swing, the light emitted from the main blade shot straight ahead...


