
I Raised The Tyrant Villain

"I want to go back, go back to my home, to my family." The girl looked at the huge sky painted in blue and with shades of yellow while crying helplessly asking and begging to return home. "Take me home" she stretched her arms to the sky and tried to bring them as close as possible as if she wanted someone to come and pick her up and take her to her resting place. As if listening to her pleas, a silver sword pierced her skin and only stopped when her heart was completely shattered. She smiled in relief thinking that she would return to her world but contrary to her expectations when she opened her eyes she did not return home but eleven years before the event that led to her death. *** My name was Sophia, a simple girl with a normal life, a loving family and a promising future. But I died very young without knowing why I died but it didn't end there. One day I realized that I had been reincarnated in a novel I had read, a tragic love story. I thought if I fulfilled my role I could go back but instead I went back to the past. Something went wrong and I couldn't go home and now I need to know what went wrong in order to be able to go back to my home, my world. *** "Allara stay with me, please. Just a little, don't leave me." Levi is acting weird, the cursed child of the royal family is asking me to stay with him not to abandon him even though he never wants me to be with him . Always isolating himself in his little lonely corner not letting anyone in, that's how Levi is and has always been never letting me in all the time we were together in my past life. But now he asks me to stay by his side and I will do it because my role in this story is Make him a tyrant villain.

Kira_Yani · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 6

"A little taller Levi, I'm almost there, just a little more" With even more strength Allara tried to stretch her fingers and feet as far as she could "Just a little more!"

"My Lady, I don't think I have enough strength for more." Already with one eye closed and arms aching, Levi was trying to lift Allara as high as he could so they could reach the much-desired red apple

"Just a little longer!" Allara was reluctant to give up, they only had two unripe apples that didn't taste good at all, in the basket

Levi couldn't take it anymore and accidentally fell on his face "WUAAA!!" Surprised by the sudden action, the girl screamed as she found herself moving farther and farther away from the apple and with nowhere to put her feet and ended up falling on the poor guy's back

"Are you alright my Lady?" Levi asked with clothes and face all dirty

"Ow ow ow" Allara complained clutching her head "I'm fine and you?" she asked the boy who was in much worse condition than she

"I'm perfectly fine, my Lady" Even though his head was bleeding from his previously reopened wound he didn't complain.

Noticing the blood spurting from his head, Allara began to panic "Oh no! You idiot how can you be so fine, you're losing so much blood! Oh no! Oh no!" Desperate Allara helped him get up.

"Come on, Levi!" Using all her strength she grabbed him and started to take him on her back as he slowly lost consciousness.

"Don't worry, my Lady" He tried to calm her down even though he was in tremendous pain "I'm fine" he whispered softly without strength and passed out

"Levi?" she asked not feeling him move "LEVI!!!"

With adrenaline coursing through her entire body she ran like never before in any of her lives as she screamed for help.

Arriving inside the mansion she found two maids talking and yelled for help but they just ignored her.

Not having the patience and time for these offenses, she carefully put Levi down and walked over to the two maids.

And with a quick movement of her hand she slapped each one of them

"I am your Mistress! The future heiress of this duchy and it is time for you, foul pests, to obey me!"

the maids looked at the ten-year-old who had a look full of hatred and rancor, and laughed

Allara almost exploded with rage at that moment "How dare you."

Seeing that she was wasting so much time, she went back to where the boy was and picked him up again but before that she used the knowledge she had acquired in her past lives.


"I hope you have a good suffering" With a mocking smile she had worn all her past life, she smiled in delight as the two maids began to scream in pain.

A magic she had learned in her past life, it could bring pain to anyone, and it was a necessary magic to fulfill her role as the 'damn bitch'

the problem is that with a girl's body as weak as a ten year old child without any kind of aptitude for magic the price to pay would be a great bodily pain that she would worry later.

She started to climb the stairs already feeling a throbbing pain invading her body.

"Come on, hold on just a little longer, body"

Coming close to her room, the girl was already staggering when she fell to the floor, her closest maids ran out hearing the noise of the fall and when they saw her they ran towards her

"No, take care of him first"

"But my lady?" the maids tried to help her first but she totally refused

"No buts, take care of him!" Allara screamed enduring the pain and pretending to be completely fine

Levi on the other hand was breathing very hard, the maids took him carefully and took him into Allara's room where there were lots of medical instruments as no one ever wanted to take care of the young lady's health.

And using their acquired knowledge for the safety of their beloved lady they set to work starting by stopping the blood from continuing to flow out of the young boy's body.

After stopping the blood, one of them grabbed the boy's arms while the other used some weak but effective medical magic to relieve levi's pain.

But at first the body will reject the magic, which is why they are grabbing his arms, meanwhile Allara watched intently trying to ignore the pain she was suffering.

"Okay Nell grab the line please" Jaina Allara's second maid, a healer, began to close the wound with the utmost care, trying to keep the eight-year-old stable and not realizing what was happening.

Nell on the other hand started to get worried about her Lady as she started to lose her balance. But following her orders, she continued to help the young man.

"Done" Jaina, wiping the sweat off her face, said seeing the wound now looking nicer, but knowing it would take some time to fully heal and that there would probably be a scar afterwards.

"Now it's your turn, my Lady" Jaina and Nell turned to the little girl who nodded in agreement.

"Yes yes, whatever." And before she allowed herself to be healed "Ah. After this remind me that I must go talk to that idiot father I have"

"Yes, now shut up and let yourself be treated."