
I pretended to be Death, Yet she never stepped back.

“My name is Kobayashi Shinsuke, 42 years old. I’m the Head of Financial Section of the Department of Natural Disasters at Marline Insurance. I’ve got a new recruit under me, and I can’t stand her smiles, her glares and carefree attitude. She looks exactly like the crazy woman who went after me yesterday, and now she works here?! That chick… I MUST MAKE HER QUIT!" "My name is Shinohara Hana, 21 years old, and I’m the new recruit. I’ve taken an interest in Mr Kobayashi. For quite a while, in fact... This guy… I MUST MAKE HIM FALL FOR ME!" Or the awkward and misunderstood ennemies-(but not really)-to-lovers relationship in the corporate world of insurance companies?! Hana has known him for a long time, and she got hired in the same company to find him, and to express all her gratitude to him, in spite of his bad personality. But Shinsuke doesn't remember her. Even worse, their first meeting, in his eyes, was horrible! And the young woman doesn't seem to have any remorse, or even remember the facts! But she intends to stand up to him, no matter what. Because she has a debt to settle.... And because, only one thing truly matters for her. ______________ EXTRACTS Yuuto grimaced, and then leaned back to catch a glimpse of Mari. "Hey, Hasami-san?" He said to get her attention. The older woman then leaned back in her seat as well, positioning herself at Hana's side in the same fashion as Yuuto; like two slightly overzealous bodyguards. "Take a look at this," Yuuto said, pointing to the computer screen of the new intern. An intern who, by now, had completely stopped working, and was wondering why she now had two adults leaning over each of her shoulders with a concentrated look aimed at her document. And after a few seconds, Mari winced. "Ouch..." She said, as if what she was seeing was painful, just by looking. She then put her left hand on Hana's shoulder, and shook her head. "Chief Kobayashi is onto you..." She deduced with a sorry voice. "He asked you to return this to him by when?" "Tomorrow morning...?" Hana replied hesitantly. "Ouch..." Yuuto said in turn. "What a piece of..." But the young man quickly paused, looking suspiciously around and turning his head like a prairie dog on guard. Then, seeing that the object of his insults was not walking around the floor - like a vulture hovering in the air looking for a new prey - he whispered sharply to complete his sentence. "What a bastard!" He said in a breath, almost inaudibly. ______________________________________ Cover art by Banae (Instagram: @ba.nae ) English QC : Banae/Maumau

AreeSensei · 都市
115 Chs

They seem to get along well.

It was the end of the day, when Utagawa Takao, 26 years old and newly appointed director for the Natural Disaster Department, decided to enter the lobby of Marline Insurance. 

The company's current president had invited him to a dinner party to introduce him to someone, and Takao already had a bad feeling about the real reason for this meeting: to introduce him to a potential marriage partner. 

Takao had the big disadvantage of being the nephew of Utagawa Tetsu, President of Marline Insurance. And being the only possible heir in the eyes of the old man who had never had children, he had always felt this unnecessary and pernicious pressure of expectations that his uncle could have. 

He was not interested in society at all, and did not want to give in to the insistence of a man who was a member of his family. He wanted to lead his own life, and had his own plans. 

However, the President had managed to convince him to join the insurance company for at least a year, while he found and trained a permanent manager for the infamous Natural Disaster Department. 

At first, he was prepared to flatly refuse the offer, as he had done every time his uncle had urged him to join the company. However, the approach the man had taken this time had been somewhat different, proposing instead a partnership with which everyone could leave satisfied. He had offered him valuable work experience, for a limited time, in exchange for his help in running this department that no one wanted. 

So why had he agreed to this meal? 

He could very well have refused, really. 

That said, he was curious to know who his uncle was going to introduce him to. Therefore, it was his keen curiosity that had placed him at nearly six o'clock this evening in the building's great hall, where employees were coming home in droves, beeping their badges on the electronic turnstiles filtering in and out. 

It was quite mesmerizing, seeing so many people following the same narrow path, only to scatter again into the building's interior and exterior space. It was like a stream that was impeded by rocks, but would continue to flow no matter what. 

And this 'water' also had a uniform consistency, as the employees were all formally dressed, although some liberties were taken with certain aspects of the attire they wore. 

Speaking of attire... 

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a short-haired woman who was quite tall and elegantly dressed. She was actually wearing an outfit that was a little too casual and preppy to be an employee, and was busy talking to an equally lovely woman with an access badge hanging around her neck by a green-colored fabric strap. The latter had long brown hair that was slightly wavy at the ends, but was probably using too much makeup, given how pale her face looked in the hall lighting. Which was a pity, since she already had features relatively enviable by the female as well as male genteel. 

The elegant woman who was talking to her then put her hand on her shoulder, as if to insist on something she was telling her at the same time. 

Since her back remained facing Takao, he could not see her face. But the body of the stranger, even seen from the back, was quite charming and had generous forms. 

"You're already here?" Then asked a voice behind him. 

Takao turned around, and unsurprisingly, saw his uncle standing there. 

Although he was in his sixties, Utagawa Testu had the style and energy of a man half his age. His dark blue suit, which showed off his muscular body, along with square, thick-rimmed glasses and hair that was cut short with a small puff on his forehead, gave him an air of professionalism and insolence. 

Yet, underneath this seemingly approachable and conciliatory exterior, the President of Marline Insurance was a rather stern executive in business, and even more so with the people around him. 

Because of this, Takao had seen fit to come even earlier to the appointment that had been set for him, so as not to displease his uncle. 

He had not anticipated, however, that they would be joined by a third man he did not know. This last one had followed closely the President, to show himself at the last moment to the eyes of the young man. 

The three men greeted each other, and then the President watched his employees leave their workplace for several minutes. 

Takao didn't know if he was lost in thought, or if he was looking for someone in particular. Maybe he was just mesmerized by the almost endless stream of people crossing the hall to leave. 

However, once he returned to the present moment, the older man quickly introduced the person who had accompanied him. 

"This is Godo-kun," he said, pointing to the man at his side. "He will be your appointed secretary for the duration of your employment as Director. He will assist you on a daily basis in all the tasks you will have to carry out, and you can also ask him for information about the internal workings of the company."

The man who was going to be Takao's secretary looked quite conventional, dressed in a dark gray suit and wearing a burgundy shirt with a black tie; and wearing a serious and calm expression. However, he looked somewhat young, perhaps the same age as Takao. 

Did he have enough experience in the business to do a good job? 

Maybe the president wanted him to meet this man, so that he could get acquainted with his future subordinate. 

But unfortunately, this was not the only meeting planned by the older man, who was also cunning like a fox. 

Placing a hand on Takao's shoulder, he made him turn around to face a woman who was advancing towards them, much to the young man's dismay. However, Takao quickly recognized by her clothes the person who was facing them: it was the elegant woman he had seen from behind just before; and she was not wearing an identification badge, which confirmed that she was not an employee. 

"This is Yamada Kiyo, the daughter of my friend, Yamada Kata," said President Utagawa. 

He had really been foolish to think that his uncle would leave it at that. 

However, he would not let it happen. 

He was ready to deliver a scathing retort, when, before he could say anything, the woman with the harmonious proportions began to speak to him. 

"I am very happy to meet you, Utagawa-san. I've heard a lot of good things about you." She said with a warm smile while holding out a hand towards Takao. 

She didn't seem to be bothered by the present situation, and even seemed to enjoy being the main subject of the conversation. 

Her graceful form complimented an oval, softly angled face. She also had a small, straightforward nose, and a beauty mark under her left eye, highlighting her large brown eyes. 

Also, this more than charming appearance, accompanied by this hand stretched towards him, destabilized Takao a little. 

He hesitated for a moment, before finally taking her hand in his, and shaking it with caution. 

Okay, maybe he would get to know her, but not because his uncle had forced him to. 

He would take the time to discuss with her in view of her... Enterprising attitude.

I don't say that Takao is insensitive to the female charm, far from it.

AreeSenseicreators' thoughts