
I Play DC Hero In Marvel world

When Anton’s “Batman: The Dark Knight” sold for $1 billion worldwide, he knew that this Marvel world, which incorporates bizarre movie elements, would be ruined beyond recognition by him… ----------------- btw I just translated this novel and it's not mine at all. please provide support here, $1 is worth more in my country. Buy a Coffee for me: ↪ https://ko-fi.com/otakuakut

RedIsPowerfullHire · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Direct confrontation begins...

   In the busy process, time always goes quickly and unnoticeably. For the veteran Dialy Bugle, catching such a fat sheep as the Life Foundation is not a common event. This is a big business! Everyone is very motivated. As the front page of the newspaper was changed, everything had to be redesigned. Besides, Anton also said that they would use video materials as soon as possible to trigger social discussions.

   Fortunately, daily newspapers are usually finalized in the evening, printed in the middle of the night, and delivered to the distribution point in the early morning. Canceled the original front page manuscript at most upsetting the original editor. However, in the face of big news and bonuses, all unhappy gone.

"How?" Anton looked at tired Betty, without any pity. He asked: "All arrangements are made?"

"Yes, it is."

  Betty is so busy today. But, Anton just moved her lips. His life as the boss is so boring.

  "Post videos on our official website as soon as possible, and arrange for the navy to warm up online. No matter Twitter, Facebook, video sites, or major forums."

   "No problem, I won't let you down."

  Betty is very confident. In the past two years of working, she is more familiar with the routine operation than Anton.

   "By the way, send an email to Life Foundation, warn them to immediately stop illegal experiments on human volunteers." Anton didn't forget Eddie, and said with a headache: "You know, this is the only way we can guarantee Eddie's safety."

   First, expose the situation of "[The home of the homeless]".

   There are video materials, Life Foundation will be condemned by public opinion. At that time, it will be exposed Life Foundation illegal human experiments. Even if there is no evidence, Life Foundation will be in a dilemma.

   To quiet the pressure of public opinion, the San Francisco City Government will most likely launch an investigation into the Life Foundation. This way, they're a certain chance of protecting the tramp who has been caught in the experimental base. In the worst case, the Life Foundation will "process" the homeless volunteers to eliminate all evidence.

   However, the recruitment of homeless volunteers by the Life Foundation is not a secret—the secret is that the Life Foundation's violations of the bottom line of human morality.

   The early traces cannot be erased, doing so is tantamount to self-destruction. Carlton Drake is a clever man and shouldn't do such stupid things.

   "Eddie, I can only wish you luck from now on!"

  Anton sighed.

   So far, this is the only thing he can do for Eddie. At least at this stage, maintaining the status quo is already the best choice.

   The rest is just tricks and tricks.


  The staff at the Dialy Bugle reported the news step by step, waiting for the news to ferment. Life Foundation received an e-mail from Dialy Bugle. The attachment is a few photos from the inside of [The home of the homeless].

   Signed by the sender, Anton deliberately left Eddie's name. This can also be considered as confusing the Life Foundation, and put a black under the lamp, so as not to expose Eddie to Carlton Drake in advance.


   The staff member who received this letter was shocked. Reported layer by layer. Carlton Drake received the news, his face was very ugly.

   "What's the matter, How did he get the picture of Eddie brock?"

   He smashed the ashtray beside him, glaring at the senior assistant in front of him. A senior assistant with a suit and leather shoes and full of elite temperament, but now his head is downcast, shaking like a quail.

   "Boss, I don't know where their photos came from. everything is normal at [The home of the homeless], and there is no sign of being sneaked in…" The assistant swallowed his saliva and said tremblingly: "I guess they sneak in as tramps."

   "Go to investigate all tramps on [The home of the homeless], compare the information, if you find that person, you know what to do." Drake took a few deep breaths, his tone was cold.


   The assistant chick nodded like a peck.

   "What did the Dialy Bugle News say?" Drake then asked: "Apart from this email, does Eddie brock have any more news? For example...how much is he going to ask for before he will give us all the photos without leaving any questions."

   "No, no!"

   Assistant shook his head.

   He opened his mouth, just about to say something. The door of the office was opened by another person. This is the person in charge of the Propaganda Department of the Life Foundation, and he is extremely capable. In the previous rocket crash of the Life Foundation, it was this person who turned public opinion from bad to good, and Drake valued it. But at this time, the man's face was extremely anxious, and he broke into the office before he could knock on the door.

   "Mr. Drake, something went wrong!" After finishing speaking, he even felt that it was not specific enough, and he added in a deep voice: "Something happened!"

   When Carlton Drake saw this as if he had expected something, his unhappy face was immediately as ugly as a dead person. The content of the e-mail sent by the Bugle Daily to the Life Foundation has been completely exposed on the Internet.

   All the content in the email is available online. Incidentally, there is an introduction to the Life Foundation, and...sarcasm.

   What makes him even angrier is that the photos he has now received are only screenshots of the video content. What circulates on the Internet are not static photos at all, but dynamic videos.

  The iron proof is like a mountain!

   Now I don't even know how to refuse it! The head of the propaganda department, who has experienced many battles, suddenly has nowhere to start. In the video, the management staff with the logo of the Life Foundation run wild at [The home of the homeless], beating and scolding the homeless. The helpless and self-respectful encounters of homeless people deeply aroused the sympathy of netizens.

   [The home of the homeless] itself is a nonprofit organization, and when the Life Foundation cooperated with the San Francisco city government, it harvested a lot of goodwill from San Francisco citizens. At this time, seeing the real situation, many people instantly became angry.

   They feel like a monkey, letting Life Foundation and San Francisco City Government play around.

   "There is a navy who is hyping this topic."

   Carlton Drake flipped through the comments and found obvious traces of navy forces on major forums, video sites, Twitter, and Facebook.

   "Go and check!"

   He gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with anger: "Find the source of the navy for me, I want the person hiding behind to pay the price!"

   "The Dialy Bugle?"

   The person in charge of the Propaganda Department hesitated. He glanced at the assistant, who didn't even dare to give him a look.

   "Talk to them through the upper-level relationship in New York, no matter what conditions they offer, we must not let the situation continue to deteriorate." Drake said coldly: "Also, Eddie brock, I don't want to see this person again, get rid of him."


   The head of the Propaganda Department nodded.


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