"I have learned that
people can forget what you said,
people can forget what you did,
but people will never forget
how you made them feel. "
- Maya Angelou
My little sister Amelia: she was strong, she managed to overcome my death without throwing herself into that dark tunnel that she had conditioned part of her life; she was at Meredith's side even when she pushed her away and pushed her away. I am proud of her, of the wonderful work she has done to her so far because she continues to carry the surname Shepherd always high, she continues to fight for impossible causes just like I did. I'm sorry for how things went with Owen but I wanted to tell her not to stop believing in love because you know: it comes when you least expect it.
I would have liked to congratulate Owen because, after all he has been through, he is back in the army again to fight for his country, it means having courage to spare and an infinite love for the people. I was grateful for the support and strength he had provided to Amelia, but at the same time I wanted to beat him up for what he had done to her. Yet I can't and couldn't really be angry with him: we all knew that Owen and Cristina are destined to be, time has simply confirmed it.
Cristina… after saving my life she became like a sister to me. Congratulations and best wishes could not be missing, not after the victory of 2 Harper Avery. I have always known about her incredible talent but I think she could have more than devoted her life solely and exclusively to surgery. I am grateful to you for being next to Meredith. In those years she had changed so many men that she didn't realize that not all of them could be Owen Hunt. Just like Owen, I wanted to tell her to run to her person, to take care of her before her fate would tear her away without giving her the chance to say I love you one last time.
And finally my better half, the love of my life. I have so much to say to Meredith that I don't know where to start. She and she were very strong, even during the pregnancy and the birth of our little girl. I am happy for the discoveries that she has made and for those that she carries out, she moved me when she admitted in an interview that all this was due to me, to all the people who have been close to her, for better or for worse . I don't regret her choice to leave our house: too many memories, too much pain; indeed, I am honored for the choice of making it registered in the name of our children; so at least they will have something of me. I would like to tell her to go on, I know it's easy but she shouldn't be afraid of falling in love again: after years of pain, it's time to start living again with another person by her side.
*Life is short.
She forgives quickly, she kisses slowly, she really loves, always laugh out loud and never regret anything that made you smile or cry.
** You can't choose the way to die. Or the day. One can only decide how to live.
I have only one regret: leaving too soon, leaving them when I could still give them a lot.
I took everything that life has offered me, good and bad times.
I chose who to be and who to become.
I have loved and I have lost.
And I gave my all: in life's successes, mistakes and difficulties.
I have really lived and I do not regret anything, because everything has brought me to them.
Author space:
* Sergio Bambarin ** John Baez
Here is the second chapter of the story, I know I recently updated it but I had finished it and so I wanted to update it * _ *
As I wrote at the beginning, this story participates in the contest and there was a limitation of maximum 600 words, this is exactly 600 words .... I'm sorry it's short.
Just like in the first chapter for the idea, I thank PervicanBlack "I Swear, I Lived" on the Glee fandom that gave me the idea of writing one for Grey's Anatomy with the protagonist Derek. The idea is of him, I just adapted it to my beloved series and everything inside it is my own invention.
Moving on to history .... well, what about? Derek is the progatonist of this chapter like the previous one, here we see that he talks about 4 other people who are important to him and tells us what happened in those years that he passed away. Here I wanted to insert an explanation that there is not in the series, namely the fact that Meredith sells the house, so I decided to give her a good reason and trying to get me to accept that she did it for herself because she was suffering. too much and as a gift to his children; I really loved writing this little motif.
Also this time I have to thank my sister Veronica and my cousin Viviana who have given an extra touch to the story, making it more complete and giving a more delicate and sweet meaning despite being sad and a little melancholy.
What else to say? I hope you like the story, it was absolutely not easy to write it, I loved Derek and his death destroyed me, I still can't accept it and I will never do it XD ... And so, if you like, leave a comment both negative and positive, both are always well accepted and constructive.
Happy reading to all ^ _ ^