
Lunar Cataclysm, Make a Choice Stark

Stark was perplexed, as he needed to actually save not only himself, but also the two girls with him: Sora and Lilith.

If the moon crashes, then they're gonna be all killed, and though Stark didn't care about himself since he could revive, the others couldn't.

In the crater, Aphex hovered above, his arms crossed, his laughter echoing like thunder.

But then he suddenly remembered something: there were still items available besides his, weren't there?

Every single item on the bodies of the other participant was disintegrated by the spear, but those on Lilith's, Sora's and Follower's should still be good to go... right?

[Stark Items: Cooldown Gem, Double Power, Blood-Sainted Amulet and Clarity Orb]

[Lilith Items: Teleportation Sphere]

[Sora Items: Armor Reinforcement Shard]

[Follower Items: ???, ???, ???, ???, ???]

At least that is what he knew.