
I Own a Succubus and a System

Denny Lorenzo has everything required to never get a friend, let alone a girlfriend. Poor, introvert and... the list is long. Who would have thought that one night, a succubus, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen would come begging him to become her boyfriend? She even gives him a strange system. He can now visit a fantasy world and... Enough with words. I guess it's time to become both rich and handsome while enjoying beauties and revenge. ———————— Love&support!——#FrequentUpdates——

ErioMillionz · ファンタジー
34 Chs

I'm not Afraid

Even if this could be a dream, Denny would not feel sad about it. It's not every time people get to dream about beautiful landscapes and girls, actions flowing in a somewhat of a realistic way.

Yeah! A somewhat.

He would be exaggerating to say that things were realistic here. What was so realistic about making love to someone you just met? Maybe those things did happen a lot and felt normal to some people but not to our Denny.

To him, even flirting with a girl would take him months of proper planning and research.

'Things have changed, you fool!'

Now, Denny could see the gargantuan skull tenths of meters away, avoiding to glance downward to avoid the overwhelming view of the endless abyss below. Their bridge had took many turns, leading them to a wide one that could incompanste groups, not just one person.

"There are too many people."

Denny muttered almost to himself, but Amellia heard it. She didn't turn around, though.

"Everyone in this world lives by levelling up. That's why."

Satisfied by her answer, Denny prepared himself for meeting so many beauties. Like Amellia had said, Chubby and Petite were lower levels. Now, looking at the voluptuous figures walking all around him, he could see why she badly wanted to level up.

Amellia reached for his hand, entwined her fingers with his as if a mother taking measures to not lose his beloved son among a crowd of people.

Together, they squeezed their way through the crowd, everyone giving them a strange look especially girls.

Were they looking at Amellia? Denny didn't understand because their expressions were a mixture of surprise and admiration.

Come to think of it, Amellia's Ex had made it a rule that no one was allowed to be friends with her. Perhaps that's why they were all surprised to see her with a guy. However, that was for a surprise. What about admiration?

At that moment, Denny heard Amellia's voice.

"I knew they would ogle at you."

Denny felt like laughing. This was ironic. In just a few hours, he had transformed from 'a hated by everyone' into 'a loved by everyone'.

'Oh gods!'

This was good. The only problem was that a few hours later, he was going to return to earth in his usual unlikable body.

'Uh... really? No!'

There was no problem in returning to earth. He was going to become rich and have a girlfriend. She had even said she knew how to melt his body and turn him into a flower boy that every girl would die to have.

Nevertheless, he answered Amellia's question.

"That's impossible. There're a lot of handsome guys here." Denny could see male figures here and there, their flawless appearance capturing even his eye. There's no way girls could be ogling at him.

Amellia lowered her voice.

"You don't understand, do you?"

She should make him understand instead of reminding him so.

Amellia was not done speaking.

"This world requires one to have a partner for some things to go smooth in his or her life. Actually, only females struggle to get partners because males are few."

'That means I'm a treasure now, ha!'

Before continuing her speech, Amellia gave a glance that carried killing intent to a blue-haired succubus who was waving at Denny.

"Though you're on Buff level, your handsomeness can be compared to that of those on King Level. That's why every petite here is ogling at you. Even a few Voluptuouses."

Denny's eyes were busy swiping over his surroundings and it was true. Some beauties with enormous bodies were offering him lustful smiles, others bitting their lower lips. Could that be only because he was handsome? Denny felt like there was something else considering their behaviors.

"Only that?"

Amellia's right foot landed on the first stair were a twenty meter gentle slope stairs lay, the only obstacle between her and the Dungeon of Desires.

"Of course not! If you were with another succubus, they would not act like they're doing. All of them know I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend. Not really! I can have a boyfriend only when he's committing suicide or too strong to fight my Ex. You look like none of those."

She took a turn toward stairs nearby, her lips still moving.

"People from around the world come here so since none of them knows you, they think I'm showing you the way. Once we reach the entrance, the guys there are going to warn you about who I am. Those girls think you're going to abandon me hence have their way with you."

"That means your Ex has guys on the entrance so you'll never walk inside with a guy?"

"They're not his guys. They're gate guardians so it's their duty to warn people about those they're with. It's not only me who has such a reputation. A few more girls are like me."

This made Denny curious to know what she had done to deserve such a treatment.

"What exactly did you do to make your Ex hate you on that level?"

They were in the middle of the stair way so Amellia had nothing else to do except walk and answer his question.

"He was about to level up when I found myself in Dark Days. Take it like menstruationon girls on earth. When it happens, we're in much pain that we can not have sex. Since I was his official partner, he couldn't pick any other girl to level up. This made him wait 10 more years to level up."

After hearing this, Denny was like, 'What the fuck?' Did their menstruation take 10 years?

Only Amellia could explain so he asked, "10 years?"

"No! It takes a few days. I was unfortunate and those days were Free Entry Days. Three days once 10 years where people are able to level up and skip the next level. It's like a bonus to level up from level 1 to level 3, skipping level 2."

Now Denny could understand.


He was pissed. He had been thinking that maybe Amellia cheated on him, that maybe her Ex had a reasonable reason to treat her like that. Hearing how unfair it was, he couldn't help but feel angry toward the goddamned Ex.

Now, they were done climbing stairs. Amellia turned to look at him, her expression pleading.

"My Ex is going to be pissed if he hears about this. For today, there's a possibility for us to be fast and leave immediately. However, sometimes gossips can spread on lightening speed. Aren't you afraid for your life?"

Denny could see succubi girls who had been ogling at him walking mere meters behind, waiting for the time he would part ways with Amellia.

'Sorry to disappoint you, little prostitutes!'

With that, Denny stared into Amellia's ruby eyes, his expression reassuring. "I'm not afraid... girlfriend!"