
I Own a Succubus and a System

Denny Lorenzo has everything required to never get a friend, let alone a girlfriend. Poor, introvert and... the list is long. Who would have thought that one night, a succubus, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen would come begging him to become her boyfriend? She even gives him a strange system. He can now visit a fantasy world and... Enough with words. I guess it's time to become both rich and handsome while enjoying beauties and revenge. ———————— Love&support!——#FrequentUpdates——

ErioMillionz · ファンタジー
34 Chs


Denny's eyes fluttered open, the sunlight through the glass wall on the left side of his apartment welcoming them.

'It's already morning? Damn! That means school. I haven't even... '

He was going to complain about needing to first take a nap, but he felt OK. He didn't feel sleepy.


Usually, the first thing that would pop into his mind would be checking on his mom, then playing the game. However, this time, something was different.


Till now, he didn't know how Amellia did it. He would always settle his body on the bed to find himself transported into or from her world.

First, she placed her hand on his forehead. Now, though it was through a kiss, Denny still couldn't understand how she did it. She would only touch him, her touch making him feel a series of a sucking energy, disintegrating his body to pull the particles away like a magnet.

'Don't stress yourself!'

With this thought, Denny reminded himself not to waste his precious time pondering on some phenomenon beyond his capacity of comprehension. If he was to know it, he was sure that the time will come.

This is why he glanced at his mom who was still as expressionless as usual. After confirming that she was OK, he reached for the new phone on his bedside table and...

'The latest PG&x?! Damn!'

When Amellia told him she had placed a phone on his bedside table, Denny had wondered what brand it would be. The usual cell phone. He had assumed. Now, not only it was a smartphone, but also the latest brand of the most expensive phone in the world.

'This is good!'

With excitement and the increase in beating of his heart, Denny turned on the phone, grinning like a fool.

'What else does she have in store for me?'

He tried not to think too much, but his mind was already filled with expensive gaming kits and outfits.

'Uh... wait! She said she already has a house and a car. A fake baground and... Oh my! It seems like I don't need to give her some guidelines.'

Though Denny had been OK with the idea that Amellia had already prepared everything before hand, he was curious to know how they looked and afraid of how he would be able to tell her to change them if he found them cheap and old-fashioned.

Fortunately, now, looking at the PG&x in his hands, he could tell that she was not an ignorant buyer. A sign that his life was going to take a turn heading in a direction he had long wished for.

'This feels good!'

As soon as he finished this thought, the PG&x in his hand had already turned on, the light from its screen bathing his face into a purple hue.

Purple? Hell, yeah!

The succubus had decided to give Denny a surprise after another. While he was praising the fact that she was able to buy such kind of phone, she showed him that she also knew how to use it by installing her picture as a wallpaper. The origin of the purple hue for she was wearing her amethyst dress—purple.

Denny stared at her picture for quite some seconds, admiring her beauty. The beauty he would never be able to see again for she had transformed.

'At least her current body is more beautiful.'

After this thought, Denny casually swiped her picture away to access the phone, excited to explore this mighty device. He wanted to see all those features which had made it notorious among the rich folks.

Not even a second passed, the first surprise came.

[Good morning master!]

An Abstract Companion inside every PG&x that interacts with the phone owner in any way he wants. He might decide to have a male one, a female one with personalities of his desires like a naughty girl, a timid one... whichever personality.

...And now, Denny was going to have one.

Since the Companion had paused, Denny felt like she wanted him to answer.

"Good morning... uh... what's your name?"

'Oh! I am the one to name her. This is crazy!'

At his pause, the Companion said, "I don't have name. Master should give me one."

Denny was in a hurry. The school hours were approaching, only a few minutes and he would be late. He also needed to talk to Amellia and take care of his mom's needs. However, naming her was not something he needed to ponder much about.

"Your name is Belize."

Belize was his mom. The only person Denny longed for talking to.

"What a beautiful name. Thank you!"


"How should I behave, master?"

Though Denny was going to turn her into his mom, customizing her would take so much time. The reason he decided to skip it and save it for later.

"Behave like my little sister. We can always change that, after all."

"Thank you, big brother... uh... shall I call you by your name?"

Denny nodded his head, soon realizing he must make a sound for Belize to hear him. However, before he could tell her yes, she said, "Thank you once again, Brother Denny!"

'Oh! She can even read my facial expressions and gestures? Technology is really something.'

"Don't thank me. My little sister would not thank me for that."

"Sorry, Brother Denny!"

"Damn! I told you to be like. my little sister. She can't apologize for that."

Belize was about to say something when Denny shut her up.

"Keep quite and let me call someone. I also have to go to school so don't disturb me, okay?"

Debby could not believe that he was talking to some AI girl as if he was talking to a human.

'The world is changing.'

"I understand Big Brother Denny!"

"Brother Denny is enough!"

He said this, ignoring any other thing on screen except the Contacts icon.

"Uh... Belize, call Amellia!"


Did the AI girl say yep? Denny just grinned. She was trying to be her little sister, after all.

"Uh... Brother Denny, there's no one called Amellia in your contacts."

'No Amellia?!'

As if Belize knew what was going on in his mind, she added, "There's only one person, Girlfriend. The beauty in wallpaper."

Ha Ha Ha!

Denny was laughing for he couldn't believe now he was going to have such a name in his contracts. It was a dream coming true.

"Call her!"

"Is she the Amellia you were talking about?" Belize asked as she dialed Amellia's number.

Denny just nodded his head.

"Brother, you must be quite rich and popular to have such a beauty as your girlfriend while still in high school."

As if those weren't enough, Belize added a question, "Did you do it?"

Denny was confused.

"Do what?"

"OMG! Brother, you don't even understand what I mean?"

Could it be what Denny was thinking about?

'No way!'

'This robot! It's starting to get to my nerves.'

Nevertheless, this was good news. Better speak to an AI girl than to yourself, right?

At this moment, Amellia picked up her phone.

"Boyfriend, I thought you said you would not call me."

Her voice was filled with joy, a sign that there was a smile on her face as she said those words.

"Me? I didn't say such things!"

"You did! You said that... "

"Hey! Cut the crap and tell me your schedule. Remember to be brief so I won't be late at school."

Denny heard a chuckle before she replied, "Get ready! I'm on my way to your house. We'll talk in person."

"On your way?"

"Don't you want a lift?"

This... this meant that Denny was going to go to school in a car.

'Damn! I wonder what model it is.'

***A/N: Sorry for infrequent updates! Currently, I was battling a writer's block and it was my first time in this situation. Man, it was hell. I'm glad that I'm back. Expect daily updates and thank you everyone who read and voted: @Daoist_Iveyflame @RikashiShiarimoto @Dovahkin20219 @Matthew_Heckmann @Iskandar7V @Jess_Elms @Umer_Khan_6986 @KH_885 @Legend2005 @Phil_Onsurez @Nine_home @arnold_idkjoker55