

Spatial rift turned realistic, bringing monsters alongside it. Humanity was driven off their feet, having no choice but to send out representatives into another world. Lucas, being one of the representatives had set out on a voyage in quest of recruiting a hero, bringing with him the courage and kindness that their parents had nourished. But what would happen when Lucas found out the deep and dark reason behind their quest? would he be able to keep the innocent and kind him? or would he take everything for himself? --- Nothing was certain, humans mind was built like that - full of uncertainty. Only one thing was certain, Lucas - he will own a lich.

I_dont_know3 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

You Are Human, Arent You?

Minutes earlier...

As Lucas felt a mixture of dizziness and peace consume him, his body disintegrated and turned into rays of light alongside the reverse-summoning pattern.

He then felt a gust of wind swept through him, tingling his sensation. Opening his eyes, a forest that was light-deprived welcomed his sight.

"It's a success!", Lucas wailed in excitement upon knowing that he did get successful transportation.

Scanning his surrounding, he had with him a bird's cage and a suitcase. "Thankfully it got transported too!", Lucas heaved a sigh

As he was about to open the suitcase, a screeching voice pierced his ears.


"What's that?", Lucas uttered upon hearing the screeching voice

Staying silent for a moment, Lucas focused his hearing on the voice, trying to trace the source of it.

Seconds had passed yet no voice echoed the second time

'Am I just hallucinating?', Lucas thought, doubting the voice he heard earlier

A moment later, Lucas' effort was deemed futile. Hence, he made his resolve, thinking that it was indeed just a hallucination, then once again tried to open the case. But as he was about to, it was at this moment -

"Acckkkk!!", a screech louder than earlier was heard, causing Lucas to rush towards the scene without hesitation



Lucas' body turned into a dark silhouette that streaked from tree to tree, as he ran. The speed was so rapid that the average athlete on Earth couldn't compare to - it was the speed of an Enchanter! 

However, due to the sudden change in his body, he tripped as he tried to outrun himself.


"Sudden downfall in level is indeed hard!", Lucas thought

Before transporting in this World, Lucas was a notable level 128 Enchanter, and upon transportation, his level dropped or rather reset to level 1, thus this change made it hard for him to control his reflexes, losing momentum as he ran.

With no further thoughts, Lucas took a step, dashing towards the scene, whilst tempering his movement. This might hamper his pace, but it's way better than tripping from time to time.

As he closed in on the scene, there he saw a humungous monster, leaping on its four feet. Looking further below, he saw an entity that seemed to be the prey and source of screeching earlier, thus, without further ado, he opened the bird's cage whilst shouting...

"Bow your head!", Lucas shouted, as the bird on the cage freed itself, stretching its enchanting wings coated with long crown feathers. Its massive arched beak protruding on its fierce cranium, with a talon that could capture and tear its prey with a might.

Its sharp, bluish eyes gazed at the monster as it freed itself.

If one were to look at it, its unique appearance could distinguish its identity - the Philippine Eagle!

After stretching out its wings, the eagle flew towards the monster that was suspended in the air, encircling it as it flew.

The monster's interest was piqued, tilting its head drooling upon a new entity that could boast a delicacy of meat. It ended up losing track of its initial prey.

Having success in taking the monster's aggro, Lucas leaned out and bring his legs up into a tucked position with the soles of the feet in contact with the tree's branch, ready to push off.

He then released himself, increasing his speed as he borrowed momentum from the tree. 

Clenching the sword that emerged from nowhere, he wielded it upwards, then brought it down as he near in the monster's neck, alongside his years of experience hunting.


A dark and stinky fluid splash all around the area as the severed head of the monster drifted away from its head. 

Everything ends in swift. 

The pace didn't surprise Lucas, as he did habitual hunting back on Earth. Besides, the monster was a low-level monster and could even be killed by a pack of non-mutated lions on Earth. 

[You have killed a level 3 monster ' Low Dark-Skinned Behemoth'] 

[Experience: 0% > 10%] 

The system prompted a couple of notifications, causing Lucas to be ecstatic. Gaining experience was akin to going to a gym - it could make you stronger. 

At last, after killing the Low Dark-Skinned Behemoth, Lucas shifted his gaze on the entity that was twitching with fear before him. 

The entity had two feet like a human, likewise, its hands had two. However, its dark and long hair that was akin to fur, covering its entire body made it inhuman. 

'What is this?', Lucas thought whilst gazing at the entity. 

Scrutinizing was futile thus Lucas intended to ask the entity in subject as that would be way too valid. 

"It's fine now, you can open your eyes", Lucas uttered as the entity still had its eyes covered, despite the end of the fight. 

The entity twitched first upon hearing Lucas' voice, suggesting its fear from the unknown. 

However, as it seemed to hear a familiar voice, it made some slight opening on its eyes, peaking at what transpired. 

Gazing at its surrounding with blood splattered on trees, stone, or leaves alike, made its eyes widen from shock. 

'It is dead!', the entity thought as it looked at the monster that was chasing before it - breathless. 

Its mind had been on ruckus, sorting out the fear and life it was about to give up. A Cascade of tears fell from its eyes as it reminisced its trembling body earlier. With its eyes soaked wet, its lips trembled with gladness. 

'I'm alive!', the entity rejoiced within

After minutes of shedding tears, it came unto entity that he had a savior to give his boundless gratitude. 

Wiping out its tears with its hairy hands, it looked at its front, revealing its savior. 

Standing on his two-foot, Lucas' might was shown as he seemed to gleam upon the dark forest. 

Scanning its savior, confusion was imprinted all around the entity's face. 

"You... You are hairless?", the entity uttered in disbelief as unlike him, that was full of hair in the entire body, its savior had lesser hair and mostly situated on its head. 

But after seconds, its face turned ecstatic as its mind suffered enlightenment. 

"Y--- you, you are human, aren't you?", the entity uttered as its eyes now gleamed in excitement.