
chapter #3


"I woke up with the burning ultraviolet rays of the hot ball which is really high above the sky hitting my face

I check my alarm clock and it already ticked ten

I got my lazy ass up from the comfort


here ya go

I tripped

darn it!

now I have to drag my body all the way to shops and buildings cause today I have to find fewer new jobs to earn money to give that motherfucker rat "

after doing my morning routine I walked down the stairs (no dragged)

"won't you attend your lectures?"Mia asks while being settled on the couch sipping on her coffee

"no it's the weekend"

"oh yeah...

I forgot"

Mia facepalms herself

"btw where are you going then?"

"to get some new jobs obviously "lily told her with a straight face

"sit and have breakfast "

"no I will eat something at the cafe on my way"

"make sure to eat "Mia insisted her

just at the moment lily walked out of the house


" now I have to walk (no drag)all the way to the bus station "

lily starts to walk

at least walking for ten minutes she approached the bus station

but here her bff (worst luck) was waiting for her

(there was no bus currently )


come on....now I have to drag my poor soul more"

At least strolling for half an hour she approached the city's massive and attention seeking restaurant.

panting really hard she stopped and even her heart rate then entered the restaurant

after walking for a few minutes she approached a waiter

"sir pay me some attention please"Lily excuses the waiter

"yes madam!"

"I wanna see your manager "

"what happened?

are you here to protest about something?"


that's not the thing

I'm here to get the job"

"is that so....then

follow my drift "


"he signaled me to follow him so I did what was said...

after walking for five minutes from left to right we approach a middle aged man"

"here ya go mam"

then he left after saying that

"yes?"The manager said after diverting his gaze towards me

"well, I am here for job "


so "he hummed and acuired my intro

"after at least five to ten minutes of losing brain cells he finally said "

"fine miss

I'll inform you about the job Tomorrow

what is your contact number .

I'll contact you so make sure to be updated "he said and left when a waiter called him

"so lemme eat now"

I left the restaurant and signaled a cab to stop for my poor body

"I just left a place where people eat and I am famished ....

the thing is.... I can't afford to eat but to work here so I guess I have to find a unvalued stall or store"

I begin to stroll and I found a stall nearby of fried chicken

I bought some pieces for me and moved forward after paying

At a distance of a few feet I noticed a store so I entered into the store and started to browse.

at second Isle I found my favourite lime and watermelon flavoured soft drink I picked two bottles of it and moved to cash counter

the staff scanned the stuff and gave that bottles to me

I pay him and walk out of the store

"let's find a perfect place to eat"I started to walk but there was no park or bench to sit but there I saw a fountain on display so I thought to sit on its edge

I walked near it and sat on its verge and started to uncover my food and began to munch on it . I was starving so I took massive bites and in just a blink I ate all of my chicken...

I hold a bottle of soft drink ....

opening the lid of it I gulp half of the drink in one go ...

After a few minutes I realize.....what it feels like

then I felt it's chills that the drink was cold and bubbles popping on the surface of it

I drank the leftover and got up from there

I started to walk

I walked for at least two to five minutes when I saw a trash can...

I dump the trash in it and moved forward with a bottle of soft drink in my hand

"now I have to talk to the owner of the hotel to get a job of cleaning services "

I started to walk and after a few minutes I stopped by the road .

I signaled a cab and it stopped

I sat in it and the driver drove the cab

"drop me by the Safari Hotel"

I took the last bottle of drink and opened the lid. I was about to drink when It slipped out of my hand and spilled on me

fuck it....

I cover the bottle again with its lid and take a napkin from my carry bag . I try to wipe it a little bit but it fucked up and looked like I am just being stabbed and then at the same second the cab stop by a massive sparkling hotel

"here ya go mam

4 dollars..."

I pay him and get out of the cab

I somehow try to cover the stain.

as I entered the hotel I got lost....

after gazing for five minutes here and there I saw a waiter and stopped him

"excuse me sir can I talk to the manager"

"oh!the manager....

he is not here "

"where is he?

can you inform me...."

"he left the hotel because few VIP guests were arriving so he left to be with them.....and....

I have to go also"

saying this he left....

so If he is not here then guess I should wash this stain

"I remind myself after facepalming"

I left the hallway and then I saw a maid who was looking like she will be shooted if she won't do her job well

"excuse me! mam,can you tell me where the washroom is"

she didn't glance at me and said in extreme hurry

"there is a washroom in every single room"

I was about to ask her about the washroom in the hallway

I mean a washroom that everyone uses except guests but at the very next moment someone started to scold her so she finished her work and left also.

I was about to move but then I saw the man I was looking for

the manager.....

well Mia told me about him that she know him and she can help me to get a job here

I begin to walk towards him right after when I saw him....



"I'll be back in a few minutes until then tell your servants to prepare hot bath for me and do not disturb me after that"

"yes sir ..... "

manager POV:

"I was about to go and inform servants to prepare a hot bath when I saw a girl walking towards me in a pace"

she stopped in front of me

"yes! how can I help you"

"Hi! I am Lily browns

sir ...

and I am here for the job"


so you are the girl Mia was talking about.


she told me about you so...."

I was about to say but then a maid stumble in front of me and fell

"what are you doing?"

she got up in a hurry and apologize

"I am sorry sir I was in hurry"

"hurry of what?"

then reality hit me like a truck and I was about to run in pace when a voice stopped me

"sir ...

what about me?

you didn't reply yet"



I was in a hurry so that I don't lose my job so I launched a yes on her

"you are hired and about anything else.

I mean if you wanna ask something you can ask from reception"

Lily POV:

saying this...

the manager strolled out of my sight with the speed of light

"now I believe I should go home"

I begin to walk when....someone bump into me

I stumbled and was about to fall but no....

how could I fall alone

the Trey which that maid was holding dumped on me and all the spaghetti and wine which as far as I know she was going to serve someone with spill on me


holy shit.....

what the fuck just happened?"

"I am sorry mam....

I am so sorry...

I didn't see you"

she said helping me get up

"mam I am so sorry...

y....you..... I.... I"

"where can I clean this?"I ask her with a straight face

She pulled me with her to the hall which was not so far and opened the door of the first room

"mam, you can wash here

currently this room is reserved by someone else but they are not here yet...."she said with a terrified face


whose room is this.... I can't just barge in like I own it"I said with anger

"you can't roam around like this mam...

your undies are on display"

then I looked at my body...

at the moment I realize what it was wearing

white plain shirt from which my lacy black bra was tracing my curves along with my red wine dripping shirt which was sucking onto my chest,belly and back

I mean every single part of my upper body


I enter the room and It was all dark

I somehow turn on the lights to see what was happening or where I was going

I realize that the room was not actually room but an apartment in which I am lost now...

I started to look for the washroom which seemed like impossible at the moment cause it was a VIP high classed well furnished room (no apartment)

after searching for five to six minutes I found it being lucky

I entered the washroom and it was also levish...

oh what am I even thinking...

I need to wash

I lock the door and put my carry bag on the counter

after that I start to strip in a pace wondering they might not walk into the apartment who reserved it

I took off my shirt along with my bra and pant ...

I turn on the shower and wash my body but then I notice there is a hot bath prepared to be used so I started to admire it cause it was way much fancy than I could imagine and afford

I wanted to relax my body in it but I couldn't so I decide to smell it's fragrance and fresh my mind a little bit

I bend my body and sniff it

it smelled like coconut and roses.

It relaxed my mind and I felt relieved

I was lost in my imagination of probably being touched and fucked by someone in this hot bathtub.....

His hand touched my eract nipples sliding down and deep



Just like this




H...h....harder m..more h...harder

After ten minutes I came out of my slutty world and stop

admiring it....

reality hit me like a plane that...

if there is a hot bath prepared then they must be on the way for whom this bath is prepared ...

I got panic right away

I began to collect my belongings and started to wash it...

after washing I slip into my clothes with water dripping from them

my clothes were still wet and my skin was still showing from them

whatever.... I have no choice

I open the door after turning of the lights

I move my gaze here and there...

when I noticed there was no one I moved my foot to walk but then at the moment I hear someone's foot steps who was entering the apartment

I panicked and started to find a place to hide.

having no choice I hide behind the couch which was stupid indeed.

those feet walked pass me straight to the washroom...

That was close


I recall

"I... I ... I Left my carry bag on the counter"

I facepalm myself....

"why I do this kind of idiotic stuff?" I whisper to myself

After a few minutes I hear the noise of foot steps again...

and this time I think that person was going out of the apartment

"this is my chance ..."

I hopped in the washroom and glanced at the counter but my carry bag wasn't there....


I searched here and there but no.

it wasn't there....

so I thought to look for it more but I froze at my spot when I hear the door of the washroom being locked along with a husky and soothing yet terrifying voice

"are you looking for this?


Author POV...

thanks for reading this chapter and also be patient for the next chapter.....

it will be fun

see ya....