
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · ファンタジー
29 Chs

*Who were you trying to harm*


"Here...you must be thirsty" Aviva extends a glass of water to the tied guy who wouldn't stop coughing. Instead of drinking the water he turns his head away making Aviva sighs.

She drop to a squat in front of him dropping the glass of water on the floor also.

"For how long will you continue this?...just spill out the truth already...do you like being tied up like this?" Aviva asked calmly while the guy looked at her.

"Yeah...tell me. Who sent you? Why were you trying to harm them? Who is your target? The guy or the girl? You seems to possess some kind of power which obviously says you ain't ordinary? Who is your boss? Were you behind that car accident also? Why are you after her? Uh?" Aviva asked the same questions she had been asking since a day ago.

She was actually the one who stopped the mask guy the day before. She had brought him to an old abandoned building tied him up and tries to get the truth out from him but he won't speak till now.

"Seems I have no choice after all...I gave you many chances to confess...don't blame me for this" She said them brought out sodium pentothal serum from her pocket to extort the truth from him. The guy glared at her. Aviva made to inject it in him and he didn't resist. Aviva sensed something strange and drop the serum quickly trying to open his mouth which he keeps tightly shut. She didn't give up and tries to open it up forcefully. But before she knew it, blood started dripping out from his mouth.

"No...NO SH*T!!" She withdraw sitting on the floor. She watched the guy drop dead on the ground with blood rushing out of his mouth. He had apparently cut off his tongue and died.

"What the hell are you hiding?" She mumbles rubbing her forehead exasperated.

"Who sent you? Why...?"


Jason drove into the house looking blue. He had broken up with Mag but he isn't sure of his decision. Mag literally means everything to him and everything he said to her earlier was because he was just angry at her.

Opening the door his eyes widened at the sight that behold him. The house was in such a total mess. Everything disorganized.

"What the heck!" He creased his brows as he looks around. No sigh of Penny around also.

"What's all these mess?" He walks through the stairs to his room and his mouth dropped when he opens the door to see the state his room is.

"My God!" He exclaimed.

Penny who was going through his drawer heard his voice and her face lightens up instantly.

"Young man?" She mutters before turning to him.

"Young man is here!" She grins waving at him.

Jason's eyes almost bulge out of its sockets when he laid his eyes on her.

"Hey!...hey you...what did you do?" He points to her while she just grins.

"What? Ahh this?" She touch her face which she applied shaving powder on.

"You do this everytime....it must be a good thing so I was just trying it out also. I was bored" She beams while Jason facepalmed.

"I brought a psycho into my house" He mutters.

"Young man...but this thing is itchy so I was trying to wipe it off but it won't go away" She says again trying to clean the dried powder on her face with his boxer. On seeing this Jason's face widened more.

He rushed forward to collect the boxer from her but penny was fast to dodge him.

"What are you doing young man?" She quizzed.

"Give that to me" He pointed to the boxer in her hand while she looks at it.

"This? Sure" she points it forward to him but as he was about collecting it she withdraw it back.


"Take it if you can" She stuck out her tongue and started running away while Jason chased after her in the messy room.

"Stop right there weirdo!"

"Catch me if you can young man!" She giggles jumping on the bed. Jason jumped after her and just as she was about jumping down he got hold of her leg making her fall on the bed. Immediately he seized the opportunity to capture her pinning her to the bed with him on top her.

Penny stares at him as his heavy breath fans her face. Jason snap the boxer from her hand and threw it somewhere before bringing his face down to her. That's when he realized the proximity between them. Penny keep staring at him with a total different expression on her face while he stare back also. Slowly, his hand left one of her hands and brought it to her face.

She blinked her eyes feeling tingles as she felt his touch on her face.

His hand careless her face slowly and before she knew it...he burst into a peal of laughter.

She creased her brows at his sudden reaction. Jason got away from her while she sat up also.

"Wait a min" He said amidst laughter bringing out his phone taking shots of her.

"You're really one hell of a character weirdo" he chortled


Penny squeezed her face as he washes off the powder on her face.

"Don't ever do this again...it ain't for people like you" He told her and she nodded like a little kid.

"Be a good girl" He grab a towel to dry her face.

She brought her face forward and he dabbed it with the towel.

"Young man can you do this everyday? I love it" She enthuse.

"You....are such a handful" He flicks her forehead slightly while she smiles cutely.

"But young man where did you rushed off to earlier leaving me all alone" She asked while Jason's expression changed instantly.

"Did...you went to meet the goddess again? You always run to her everytime she calls...I'm envious" She pouted.

"You don't need to...cause that won't happen anymore" Jason mutters.

"Why? Are you not gonna see her again?" She asked while Jason gave her a sad smile.

"You should go back to your room now...it's time to rest" He said and went back to the room. Penny follows behind.

"Can't I just sleep here? I can sing you to bed also"

"I never asked for a lullaby! And also...learn how to maintain your distance with guys from now on...don't go around asking a guy for a kiss or to share a bed with them...not every guy is as good as me" He cautions.

"But you're the only guy I asked those things"


"I only do those things to you young man. You're the only guy I sleep with and the only one I wanna kiss also. Other guys don't matter to me" She shakes her head.

"You...stop it. Don't expect my heart to flutter from hearing those things. It won't happen."

He walks towards his bed but had to stop when penny suddenly wrapped her arms around him from behind tightly.

She says nothing but just stays like that. Jason tried to get her away from him but since she isn't ready to let go he just leaves her.

"I don't wanna let you go young man...to me...you're more than just a kiss" She mumbles behind him.

Jason exhales deeply as he heard this. Strangely he felt emotional those words hit him hard.

He held her hand then spun around facing her. Before she could say anything he wrapped his arms around her. Her head landed on his chest and she could hear his heartbeats.

"Strangely...all I wanted her to do...you keep doing them. Thank you Peninah...for being here..." He hugs her to himself while peninah just reciprocate the hug not uttering a word.


Aviva came out to dispose the trashes when she spot Penny coming towards the bar.

"Avi!!!" Penny grins waving at her as she also saw her. She ran to her arms immediately.

"Hey! What are you doing here! You can't just show up like this" Avi said as they disengage.

"I missed you....so I came" She pouted while Aviva sighs.

"Follow me"

Through the back door, Aviva took Penny up to her room.

"Stay here! It'll be break soon so I'll come join you. Just wait here for me Boss mustn't see you or he'll be miffed"

"Will you take long?" Penny asked

"I won't...just few minutes. Remember don't come down...Boss doesn't like seeing your gender since it may affect his business. I'll be back" she pats her before rushing out of the room. Penny sighs and sat on the small sized bed. She looks around the room. There was nothing special.

"It's small...unlike Young man's" She mutters swinging her legs.

Forty minutes later, Aviva went in and met her sprawled on the bed sleeping soundly. She smiles and went closer to her sitting beside her on the bed.

"Pen...Penn.." She woke her up gently while Penny opens her eyes yawning.

"Aviva...how long have you been here? I...I was just..."

"You slept off" Aviva smiles while Penny sat up.

"Would you like anything?"


"I figured that out" She stood up and moves towards the table where a jar of water and glass cup are placed.

"Let me ask you this...until when are you gonna stay on land?"

"Forever" Penny replies going to her.

"You seems determined"

"I am"

"It won't be easy"

"I'm confident I'll do well" Penny smiles.

"What about you? How long have you been here?" Penny asked.

"I? For a long time now...much longer than you think" She smiles extending the glass of water to her. Penny collect it draining it down her throat.

"Tell me how are things between you and your Young man?"

"Well fine I guess"

"Guess it's not going well"

"I'm just envious...of that his girlfriend. He always think about her. I want him to think about me too"

"Give him some time...you have to understand...you just appeared in his life"

"So have you got your kiss?"

"No...he hasn't give it to me yet"

"Really...that means you two haven't become that close"

"He's just being stubborn...but it's okay...since I've got plenty of time" She grins. Aviva place her hand gently on her shoulder.

"Don't hope too much...you may end up getting hurt" She advised.

"By the way what brings you here? Tired of your young man already?"

"No way...I just missed you. Strangely, I feel safe whenever you're with me. I also forgot about my worries also" Penny replies.

"Don't dote on me too much...there's more to what you can see..."


"It's nothing...by the way...has anything strange happens to you recently? Like meeting someone who happens to give you an odd feeling...or..."

"What do you mean Aviva?"

"Ohhh....it's nothing...just be careful" She says while Penny nodded leaving her side. She went back to the bed side sitting.

"Your place is quite small...how about living together with me and Young man?" Penny suggests looking around the room once more.

"Isn't it crabby here?"She asked.


"Oh! What's this?" Penny interrupt her on spotting something like a picture just on her drawer. She took it and uhhed on looking at it.

It was a picture of her and a guy. The guy's hand was around her shoulder. She was smiling one could tell she was happy.

"Who is this? Why is his face scratched?" Penny asked touching the part of the picture which was scratched. Because of that she could not see the guy's face. Immediately Aviva saw this, she surge forward snapping the picture from her.

"Why are you going through my stuff?" She yelled on impulse.

"Aviva?" She called obviously stupefied on her actions.

"Oh...don't...don't look at it...it's hideous..." Aviva said keeping the picture in her pocket.

"Ohh...." Penny ohhed awkwardly itching her hair.

"I'm...sorry...i shouted at you" Aviva apologize slowly while Penny only smile.

"Em...come on...let's eat something...what do you like?" Aviva said restlessly changing the topic immediately.


Penny keep bouncing as she walks by the roadside.

"Peninah!" She heard a car honk and look to her side only to see a car by her side.

"Hey!" Rowan waves to her from the car and her face lightens up on seeing him.

"Handsome man!" She beams waving back.


"Hmmm" she moans on the cake she's eating.

"Were you on your way home?"

"Huh? I was coming back from seeing a friend"

"Ohh...I see"

"What about you?"

"I had a business nearby. Right I'm actually glad I ran into you"


"About the proposal...what do you think about it?"

"What's is a proposal?"

"Ohh...interested in becoming a top star? I can make you one. You have the look...body and talent. You wouldn't struggle at all"

"You mean....you're gonna make me become like that goddess?"

"Frankly speaking, you'll become a goddess loved by everyone. You can trust me Penny...." He places his hands over hers while she just stares.



"If I become a goddess too then I won't be able to be with young man. I don't wanna do anything that will take me away from him. I'm really happy being with him right now"

"Ahh....but you_"

"Handsome man....let's us just stop talking about It" She stops him while he retreats.

"If that's what you want...sure" He forced a smile.

"Eat up...I'll drop you home after this" He said while she nodded.


"What?!!" Cain and Josh chorused.

"You don't mean that?"

"I refuse to believe it"

"Jason you? Can you really do that?"

"It's already done..." Jason replied dryly.

"Are you sure you aren't gonna regret this?" Cain asked

"It's was bound to happen anyway"

"Are you okay?" Cain asked again while he just look down on his fingers.

"Hey he looks perfectly fine...he doesn't seems like someone who just had a breakup"Josh said.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Hey...he has another girl in his house...did you forget?"

"Ah right? That psycho girl?"

"Hey it isn't because of her!" Jason snapped.

"Nonsense...hey we all know how crazy you are for Margaret but now suddenly you want a breakup? Hey how come you think of this when that psycho appeared in your life?"

"She isn't a psycho watch your mouth"

"Listen to him...I'm right...I'm right he's leaving Margaret cause of her"

"I said it isn't like that!. Margaret hurt me"

"This isn't the first time she'd do that but you never broke up. Tell me...has something happened between you and the psycho? Is that why you're being like this?"

"JOSH! I TOLD YOU...IT ISN'T LIKE THAT" Jason gritted.

"Margaret....she sees me as nothing...even If i didn't broke up first she was going to. To her....I'm just a person of the past...im not in her future...she's just still seeing me cause she had no choice. Tell me how am I supposed to be with a person who thinks I have no future? Someone who's just using me to relieve her stress? She only comes to me when she needed someone to pour her frustrations on. I mean nothing to her NOTHING! so don't just run your mouth anyhow if you don't know anything." Jason lamented while Cain and Josh just stare at him.

"Look Jason...you have to calm down. Are you are about this decision of yours?" Cain asked calmly.

"It's something that had to be done"

"Will you be okay? You...you love her a lot."

"I'll get over it...as time goes by"

"Bro look...sorry if I was being harsh I just wanted to make sure...you know why you're doing this" Josh said.

"Don't worry Josh...it ain't in my plan...to have something to do with weirdo. She's only staying for a while."

"I'll take your word for that"

"I...I'll get going...take care guys"Jason stood up excusing them. Cain and Josh's eyes followed him as he went out.

"Can you trust him? I bet he's gonna get swayed" Josh said.

"I know Jason...he's a principled guy. He won't do anything that isn't right" Cain replied.


"Just a little...just a little longer...please...hang on for me..." Rowan sobs silently holding onto an unconscious woman's hand.

"I promise...to make you stand again...just keep on fighting for me mum...I miss you"

Penny stood by the door step watching him. Earlier at the coffee bay he has received an urgent call. The moment he received the call he became a total different person. Nervousness gripped him that he had to rush over to his house immediately. Penny had no choice but to follow. Throughout the ride he kept shaking and had a worried look on. And when they got to his house....he rushed straight to a room where a woman who was on the bed seems to have a seizure.

"We don't have much time...we act to act fast" A lady told him after which the woman had become stabilized. Ever since then...he had been weeping talking to the unconscious woman who she assumed to be his mother alone.

"Handsome man..." Penny called slowly behind him and he sniffed facing her.

"She's my mother. Years ago she was poisoned by some bad people...since then she has been lying here...not opening her eyes"

"Then...she should be taken to that place....where they treat sick people"

"Hospital? " Rowan scoffs bitterly.

"They can't wake her up. For her to wake up...I need to give her the antidote for the poison"

"Can you find it?"

"I'm still looking....but I'm positive I'll find it soon. She doesn't have much time you see"

"Don't worry...she'll be okay" She placed her palm on his shoulder and he nodded.

"I'm sorry for keeping you....I should probably take you home now. It's getting late" He said and she nods.

"Let's go" He stood up. Penny gave the woman one last look before exiting the room.


Penny came out of the car as Rowan opens the door.

"Should I just go in with you?" He asked and she shook her head.

"It's okay...you should go now..you look exhausted" She said while he nods. He took a step forward and embrace her warmly.

"Thank you for today..."

"Don't think too much...she'll be fine" Penny hugs him back. They stayed like that for some seconds before disengaging.

"I'll go inside...bye handsome man" She smiles and started walking away.

"Peninah" Rowan called and she looks back.

"If you ever change your mind...always let me know...I promise to make you a goddess anytime" He smiles while she smiles back.

Jason who had been watching from the window scoffs before walking to the couch.

Moments after, Peninah walks in only to find the whole place dark.

"Is Young man not in?" She thought turning on the light.

"AHH!!" She shrieked as she suddenly saw Jason sitting on the couch crossed leg with a mean look on.

"Youn...Young man" She called holding her chest.

"Did you have fun...with another guy behind me?" He asked expressionless.