
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · ファンタジー
29 Chs

*Kiss your food*


"Ahh....it looks delicious" She grins clapping hee hands together.

"Shrimps....I love shrimps!"

"Dig in...you must be hungry" He said and she dipped her hand into the rice he served.

"Ouch ouch!!" She removed her hand instantly fanning it.

"Hey! How can you dipped your hand inside? It must be hot"

"Young man..." She pouted.

"No matter how hungry you are you shouldn't become a fool...use the spoon"

"Spoon?" She looks at the spoon and knife placed beside her plate and picked the knife up.

"This?" She held it with her full fist shoving it forward to him.

"Hey....move that away"

"Why? How do I use this? Uh? Uh?" She shoved it more closer and he stood up immediately.

"HEY!! DO YOU WANNA KILL ME!" He yelled.

"Young man..."

"Did I brought a...murderer into my house....seriously"


"Hold it like this...then scoop the rice with it....and in your mouth it goes..." He explained for the third time and she did as explained.

"Wow...I did it! I did it Young man...the food didn't fall off this time!" She grins while Jason ruffles her hair.

"Yeah...I'm proud of you"

"Thank you Young man..." She smiles and continue eating as he taught her.

"But Young man...when are we gonna kiss?"

"Just kiss your food for now....continue"


"Young man....Young man...when are we kissing? Uh? Uh? Let's do it now...why do you keep on stalling? Young man....Young man..." Peninah keeps following Jason around everywhere he goes.

"Seriously! Mention anything about kissing again and I'm gonna throw you out!"

"Young man..."

"Gosh I'm sleepy..." He said leaving.

"Don't you dare follow me...perve!" He said before running to his room.


"Why won't he kiss me? Just why is it so hard getting a kiss from him? Young man is really stubborn...why do I have to meet a human like him....what do I do now? We really have to kiss for me to become human...I have to get him to kiss me at all cost" Peninah keeps thinking with her eyes wide open staring at the ceiling.

After a while she started smiling cunningly to herself.

"Seems like...I'm eventually getting my kiss tonight..." She laughs.


Peninah opens the door silently, she peeps inside and saw him sound asleep.

"I just need to kiss him that's all..." She tiptoe inside the room smiling to herself.

Jason felt a presence beside him and open his eyes slowly just to be met with peninah's face so close to him.

"AHHHGH!!!" He shouted out of fright sitting up immediately.

"Shhh! It's me Young man" Peni whispers.

"Freak...freak! What are you doing here?!"

"Since you won't kiss me...I'm just gonna get it myself" She smiles

"She's....she's nuts" He shakes his head.

"It'll only take a moment" She made to kiss him but Jason tries to jump off the bed immediately however peninah was able to catch his leg dragging him with it.

"HEY! Let go you PSYCHO!!!"

"It'll only take a moment Young man!!!"

"You're insanely crazy aren't you?!!"

"I really have to kiss you!"

"All my life I've never met a girl throwing herself desperately at a guy like this!! You're a FREAK!"

"If I don't kiss you I'll die!!"

"I shouldn't have brought you back! Let me gooo!!!" He kicked her and she let go of his leg making him fall on the floor.

Peninah stood from the bed.

"Whether you like it or not we're kissing tonight" She said determined and charged at him. He got up quickly running around the room while she chases.

"You...get out of my room!"

"After kissing you"

"You're mad!!"

"I'm mad for Kiss!!!"

"Oh my God!! She's completely out of it!"

"Come here Young man"

"As if!!"

""YOUNG MAN!!!" She shouted making him flinched. He frozen where he stood.

"Hey...weirdo..." He called slowly and she moves to him. He stared down at her.

"Let's kiss" She said softly. He just stares.

"Please..." She added. Jason sighs.

"You want a kiss?" He asked and she nodded.

"Aright...I'll give it to you....is it not just a kiss?"

"Really Young man!" Her face lit up.

"Close your eyes"

"My eyes? Why?"

"It's more sweeter...close it" He said and she gladly did it Puckering her lips.

Jason stared at her in disbelief.

"Kiss my foot" He thought within before pinching her lips.

"Ummm!! Uhmm!!!" She hummed winced holding his hand. Jason swept her off the ground and carry her outside dropping her. She landed her butt on the tiled floor.


"You want a kiss...go kiss your ass Young lady" He smirks before slamming the door before her. Peninah stomp her feet on the floor.

"He's so hard seriously..."


Peninah keep thinking going back and forth in her room.

"Something must be wrong? Why is he being so adamant? Why? Why? Does he hate kissing? Wait! He said he could kiss his girlfriend? Yeah...I just need to become his girlfriend...then I'd be able to kiss him freely..."

"Agh!" She slumped on the bed.

"No wonder the water goddess gave me so much time...it ain't easy to kiss a human after all."


Due to the other night incident, it took a while for Jason to sleep fearing she might come back again. He slept late which made him woke up late also.

"Aww!!" He yawns getting down from the bed.

"Weird girl....I should be careful" He took off his top and went to the bathroom. He washed his face and took his toothbrush pasting the toothpaste on it and started brushing. Image of how she attacked him the other night flashed in his head.

"How can a girl easily offer herself? She should be thankful it's me...imagine if it's some other guy...she would have certainly got into trouble."

"Come to think of it...I think it'd be best I keep her with me...who knows what will happen if she goes out there...the world is dangerous now" He spat out the foam and wash his mouth.

"Agh!" He sighs.

"Not only am I handsome...I'm also generous and kind...i must say there's no guy like me...I'm rare...she should be happy" He said checking himself in the mirror.

"Aww...so charming" He smiles going into the shower.

"No wonder she's crazy over me..."


Jason hums as the shower pours down on him.

He plays with his hair washing it and giggles.

Twirling around as the water washes down the foam down his face.

"Umm...I love this...hummmmm" he continues humming however the door suddenly opens and a head popped in.

"Young man...if I become your girlfriend will you kiss me?" She asked good humouredly while Jason's eyes almost flew out of its sockets. He looks at himself naked and look back at her.

""AHHHHHHH!!!" He released a loud scream while peninah just look at him with an innocent look.