
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · ファンタジー
29 Chs

*I Love You*

"Pardon...?" The guy raised his brow at her.

"Woww...so handsome....just like young man" She drooled clasing her palms together.

The guy couldn't help finding her cute as he releases a chuckle.

"Come on..." He held her up while she wouldn't stop staring.

"You'll wear my face out"

"That would be good...I'll just take it home and stare at it all night" She replied making the guy chuckle again.

"The name is Rowan Huxley" he offers a handshake with a smile.

Peninah look at his palm and without thinking twice, she held it with both her hands swinging it grinning at the same time.

"Ohh...wait..." He slowly removed his hands from her. He bent down and pack the stuff which fell along with her earlier.

"Thank you..." She bit her lower lip as she collected the nylon from him.

"Um...I'm sorry for bumping into you earlier...it was my bad"

"I'm glad you did" she grins.

"Um okay so...where are you headed? I could give you a ride"

"A ride??"


"Hey you're here" Rolex said to Jason who rushed into the bar.

"Where is she?" He asked panting heavily.

"What did you do to her this time around? She seems quite pissed off" Rolex opined cleaning some glasses.

"Is she really miffed?"

"She has been drinking ever since she arrived. She won't talk to me either. I don't think you'll get away with it easily this time" Rolex said and Jason sighs.

"But what really happened? I know you aren't such type of man but...Jason did you perhaps cheat?" Rolex asked carefully.

"No I didn't!" Jason snapped back.

"Why raising your voice? Just go...go sort out whatever it is. it's annoying seeing you two here"

"You should be glad...talk to you later" Jason said before going to the corner where Margaret is seated.

"Mag..." He called slowly while Margaret raised her head up to him.

"Look who is here..." She mumbles.

"I heard you dropped by...yesterday"


"Mag don't be mistaken that was just_"

"Your revenge"She interrupted him.


"She's pretty. Jason you...really got some good taste there mmh"

"Mag listen its not what you think?"

"What I think?" She scoffs.

"Yeah...I do admit I hurt you. But...did you really have to go that far? Is this who you really are? Is this what you do behind me!!!" She yelled at his face.

"Believe me...i have nothing to do with her! I don't even know her! "

Mag sneers.

"Of course you won't...since you probably picked her up at a club or something?"


"Can you get lost? I wanna be alone" She said draining down her glass of whiskey.

"That's enough you'll get drunk" He tries to collect the glass from her but she pushed him away.

"Don't act like you care! Just go back to your latest beautiful girlfriend and leave me the hell alone!! I don't ever wanna see you...ever again!!" She stood up angrily walking out of the bar.

"Mag! Mag!!" Jason went after her.


"Mag please wait!" He held her hand back.

"Mag...please look at me. Give me a chance to explain will you? I really didn't cheat on you. You know me I'd never do such a thing. You mean so much to me..."

"You don't need to feed me lies anymore Jason...let's just end it"

"No!..no we aren't ending anything"

"I know you're tired of it...I understand...you're fed up also. Dating a lady who doesn't have time for you...it must be hard. You don't need to force yourself anymore...you've done enough" she said solemnly while Jason pulled her into a tight hug.

"No...I can't end it with you Mag. I can never...you are my life...I don't think I'd survive if you leave me also"

"Jason..." She wiggled her body from his hold.

Jason disengage from the hug and held both her shoulders.

"Listen...no other woman matters to me...you're all I see. The lady you saw the other day...she's nothing. I'm only helping her out cause she's sick"


"Um...I actually met her when I went to see Mom...she was wandering around and had nowhere to go. I accidentally hurt her then and I had to took her to the hospital. She doesn't have a guardian and remembers nothing also. Where she came from or who she is. I couldn't just leave her...so I'm only helping her out for a while. Whatever she might have told you...don't believe it...just believe me Mag...I only have eyes for you...you know that. I can never...love anyone...but you" He said staring directly into her eyes.

"She was wearing your shirt" Mag said with wistful eyes.

"There was a situation...I promise to explain everything to you...I'm sorry Mag" He apologize hugging her.

She hugs him back also crying in his chest.

"I'm sorry also Jason...I love you so much...I don't wanna lose you...I can't bear it..."

"You won't...I promise" he kissed her hair while hugging her.


"Hey hey! What are you guys doing!" Rolex

"If you wanna have a date then go somewhere else...did you forget this is a Gay's bar...you guys aren't welcome here do you wanna ruin my business" he added.

"We aren't the one ruining your business here man"

"What do you mean? You think they're pleased seeing you two here."

"You mean me?" Margaret said drinking.

"Just what is a topstar like you doing here? Do you wanna ruin your career?"

"The is the only place...where I'm safe from that bunch of reporter bees stalking me around."

"You are not welcome here"

"Deal with it...or give me back my money. You remember half of everything here is from me right?"

"Wow...how cheap...seriously."

"But man you're unbelievable..." Jason faced him.

"What...what did I do?"

"It's funny you employing a female worker in a gay bar. Who is she?" Jason pointed to a lady serving drinks to the customers.

"Ahh...she?" Rolex looks at her also.

"Just someone...you don't need to know the details of how she got here"

"Ohh...Roll...im suspecting you"

"Just shut up and get out of my bar...it's annoying to see you two here"

"Like I said earlier you have to deal with it...cause we'll be coming more often...to have our dates" Mag said.

"Just why this place?"

"I told you remember...I feel safe here and also...you don't get much customers... they all mind their business...and not so many people knows about this place...it's feels like everyone is in their own world also...I love it"

"Ugh! You guys are unbelievable...hey! Avi come over here" Rolex called on the female worker and she went to him.

"Boss...is there anything you need me to do?" She asked politely.

"Oh nothing much I just wanna introduce you to these two...this is Mag and Jason...my friends they would be coming here frequently so always treat them well." Rolex said and she smiles.

"Hello ma'am hello sir I'm Aviva a competent waiter. If you ever need anything just call on me I'll get it sorted out. Welcome to Rolex bar and I hope you do have an enjoyable nice time" she smiles.

"Hmm...I like her. Rolex you did a great job for the first time in hiring a worker" Mag said.

"Tell me about it. I remember the last one he had...he was a total freak" Jason chipped in.

"Beats me" Mag chuckled while Rolex frowns.

"What are you two saying? Why bring up that asshole!"

"Why? He was cute though"

"Shut it! Avi you should get back to work"

"Yes boss...enjoy your night" She made a slight bow and leaves them.

"One more word from you two and you're out. Why did you even have to reconcile."

"Ohh...he must be one of them" Jason mutters.

"One of what?" Rolex creased his brows.

"Our love antifan" Mag whispers.

"You seriously!!"


"Apart from Young man you're the second handsome human man I've come across" Penny said making Rowan chuckle.

"You know I find the way you talk kind of interesting...it makes one laugh"

"Really...handsome man...you're driving me home even though you don't know me. Never knew there are many psycho in the human world"


"You're a really a good person handsome man...I'm so happy to meet another psycho like Young man" She grins.

"But if I'm a good person...why call me a psycho?" He frowns.

"Young man told me that being a good person means you're a psycho. That's why Young man is a psycho."

"Ohh... I don't know how to react to this..is that a compliment or an insult....I don't know who your Young man is but I do agree...he's indeed a psycho. A big one"


"Huh a very serious one"

"I'm so happy he is...and I'm glad to meet him"

"But you must like this Young man of yours a lot...I can see it all over your face"

"I do...very much than you can ever imagine. That's why I don't regret ever coming on_"

"Coming on what?"


"You were saying something."

"Oh...I mean I like him a lot."

"I hope the feelings isn't one sided...figures who wouldn't like such a pretty funny thing like you" Rowan mutters.

"What did you say?"

"Uh? Ohh I said he must like you a lot also...seeing how much you like him. He must have been a great boyfriend"

"Boyfriend? You mean someone you go on a date with, catch fun together with...embrace all day?" She asked.

"Of course...someone who loves you and is ready to do anything for you. Someone who cares a lot about you and misses you greatly whenever you're not with him. Someone who doesn't get tired of kissing and embracing you all day" Rowan added smiling.

"Ahh...so that's what a boyfriend is..." She mutters.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Young man is...not my boyfriend"

"Oh really... you two must still be sorting out your feelings out first."

"Feelings?" She looked out the window.

"I think....I like Young man...more than he does to me"

"Oh...really..." Rowan mumbles.

"It must be one sided..." He added looking at her who has become quiet now.

Suddenly the car stumbled on something making them both gasped.

"Are you okay?" He asked immediately while she looks at him.

"What happened?" She asked back.


"Thank you for dropping me home handsome man" Peninah smiles as she came out of the car.

"Im really sorry for the delay. I never knew the car would broke down suddenly" Rowan apologizes.

"No it okay...thanks to that I got to see more of your handsome face I'm happy"

"You've been complimenting me non stop...I don't even think I'm that handsome"

"Has anybody never told you that?"

"Ohh...I do hear it a few times"

"Oh really"

"But you know...you're also beautiful"

"Of course I am...I'm a princess. I ought to be" She smiles.

"You know what I like you...it'd be nice if we do meet again"

"Right? Right? I wish so also..." She gushed and Rowan smiles watching her.

"You're beautiful..."He mutters before realizing it.

"Handsome man...I really need to go now...young man must be waiting already"

"Oh right? I shouldn't keep you waiting anymore...you should go in."

"Bye handsome man..." She grins waving at him as she leaves while he smiles waving back also till she was out of sight.

"She must have forgotten my name seeing on how she only calls me handsome man all day....come to think of it...I didn't catch her name..." Rowan snickers to himself.


"Young man! Young man!!" Penny called happily as she ran into the house.

"Is he in the room?" She thought on not seeing him.

"Young man!" She rushed up the stairs smiling nonstop. In excitement, she rushed to his room but had to freeze on what she saw immediately she opens the door.

Right there was another lady in Jason's arms. The were kissing each other immensely that the didn't even realized she was at the door.

Her heart dropped the moment she witnessed that. Strangely, she felt angry, disappointed and hurt...but yet she couldn't do a thing but to watch them.

"You're the only one I want Mag...I love you" She heard Jason's voice to the lady as he stares at her with an expression he has never had on when he was with her.

"I miss your kisses Jason...I miss your touch and everything about you...I love you very much Jason.." The lady sounded back also.

Penny watched as Jason lay her down gently on the bed before getting on her interlocking their lips together again. A tear gently fell from her face to the floor.

She doesn't understand why she's feeling so hurt to point of wanting to cry right now but what she knows is that she doesn't wanna witness that anymore. Slowly, she turns around and left them with heavy heart.


Margaret smiles as she watch Jason sleeps soundly. She brought her hand to his face and trace his face with it. Slowly Jason opens his eyes and smiles back at her.

"Good morning" he mutters.

"I enjoy last night" Margaret said in return.

"I missed you" Jason said before locking lips with her.

"Come on don't be naughty early in the morning..."Margaret pushes him away slightly sitting up.

"If I'm not haughty with you then who should I be like this to"

"Me" Margaret replied and they both giggles.

"I really hope everyday...every morning could be like this...waking up with you next to me...kissing you whenever I want to" Jason said good humoredly.


"Margaret...I love you"

"I know...now get up and go wash up. You stink"

"Let's do that together"

"What will I get in return?"

"Me?" Jason swept her off the bed carrying her to the bathroom.

"Let me down Jason..."

"Let gets you cleaned up first..."

"My gosh you're so naughty..."

"Only for you babe..." He winks.

"Stop that it's cheesy..."