
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · ファンタジー
29 Chs

*I'm a mermaid*

Margaret was dressing up when Jason left her in the room. He went downstairs and met Penny coiled up on the couch.

"What's she doing?" He thought waking her up.

"Hey weirdo get up!"

Penny rubs her eyelids opening her eyes slowly. She yawns loudly while Jason covered her mouth.

"Hummmmmm!" She muffled talk while he removed his hand.

"Young man...I...clouldn't breathe"

"So should I just watch you swallow me whole" He said while she pouted.

"But did you slept here overnight?"

"Seems like it"


"Because of you!"

"Me? Why?" Jason asked.

"Oh...it's that goddess" Penny mumbles slowly looking at Mag who was descending the stairs.

Jason look up to see her and smiles.

"Hey" He called.

"Hey...".Margaret smiles back joining them.

"Hey weirdo...meet Margaret...my girlfriend. You've seen her before right?" Jason introduce.

"Wow...that's such a weird name...weirdo" Margaret stiffs a laugh. Penny just stares at her.

"Oh my bad! Hi...you must be the sick lady"

"Sick?" Penny asked.

"Oh I mean..."Mag looks at Jason.

"Umm...she's Peninah actually...that's her name" Jason said to Mag.

"Oh...but I thought you said she remembers nothing"

"Apparently she knows her name...only her name though" Jason replied and Mag ohhed.

"Hi nice to meet you Pen...I'm Margaret. I doubt you'll recognise me...you can't even remember who you are. I'm this wonderful man's girlfriend" She smiles stretching a hand forward to Peninah.

"You told her about me?" Penny asked ignoring her hand.

"Ohh...I had to. To clear the misunderstanding...you know our relationship almost went into ruins because of you....so you have to treat her well" Jason replied.

"Why are you so beautiful....it makes me jealous..." Mag mumbled withdrawing her hand while Jason face her.

"Why are you jealous of her...you're more beautiful" Jason held her cheeks while she smiles back.

"I know...I'm unmatchable..." Mag giggled.

"Young man...why is she here?" Peninah asked in a cool manner.

"Why do you mean? It's because she's my girlfriend"

"Then why about me? I also stay here...am I your girlfriend too?" She asked making Mag laughs. Penny looks at her.

"Oh sorry....she sounds so funny. Jason I think I believe you now...she's out of it" Mag said amidst laughter.

"Oh honey...I'm so sorry...I can't believe a pretty lady like you is....you know....this life is really unfair" Mag pats her shoulder.

"Cheer up" She smiles and took her seat.

"Hey...what nonsense are you saying? Whose girlfriend...seriously..." Jason whispers to her.

"Oh! This!" Mag exclaims looking at a pearl.

"What's that?" Jason asked.

"I saw it on the couch. This is a Pearl right? Wow...I actually saw one at your doorstep earlier too. Jason where did you get this?" Mag quizzed while Jason shrugged.

"It's probably fake...hey is it yours?"Jason asked Penny whose eyes was already beaming lasers at them.

"I don't know! Why are you asking me?!" She snapped and walked out of the house while Jason just watch her leave in awe.

"Oh my...what's wrong with her?" He thought.


Peninah sighs at the umpteenth time as she wander about the street.

"What's wrong with me? Why do I feel so irritated?" She thought out loud.

"Someone who doesn't get tired of kissing and embracing you all day" Rowan's words replayed in her mind.

"Ugh!! This is frustrating...I was hoping to be his girlfriend...she's so pretty..." She sighs remembering Margaret's face.

"Gosh I hate that she's pretty! Why does she have to be so pretty? Is she a mermaid or what!" She continues stomping her feet on the ground as she walk across the road.

"I can see you are living well..." Aviva mutters looking at her from a corner.

"You shouldn't be doing that..." She mutters again then look towards the road.

"I'm pretty also...I'm a mermaid...mermaids are awesomely pretty...I got a lot of suitors cause of my beauty....she's not the only pretty one" Penny was still whining when a car which had been blaring from afar raced towards her.

"Ohh...ohh what's wrong with this! Ohh!!" The driver fidget trying to step on the brake which doesn't seems ready to work instead the speed increase itself.

"OH NO!!!" Yelped the driver.

"PENINAH!!!" She heard someone calls and looks to her side only to see the car zooming towards her.

"ARGH!!!" She screamed going down.