
I Never wanted to be a cyborg

... Trone, an ordinary young man with a passion for adventure, lived in the bustling city of New York in the year 2050. He had always dreamed of exploring new worlds and uncovering the mysteries of the universe. Little did he know that his life was about to take an unexpected turn. One fateful evening, Trone found himself at a secretive underground gathering, where he met his four best friends: Mia, a brilliant scientist; Lily, a skilled hacker; Emma, a fearless martial artist; and Sophia, a charismatic engineer. Together, they formed an inseparable bond, sharing their dreams and aspirations. Trone's life changed forever when a group of enigmatic scientists, led by the renowned Dr. Alexander, abducted him and his friends. Trapped in a hidden laboratory, they were subjected to a harrowing experiment against their will. Dr. Alexander, driven by an insatiable thirst for power, sought to create an army of cyborgs to conquer the future world. Trone and his friends were chosen as unwilling subjects, their bodies forcibly integrated with advanced cybernetic technology. Trone regained consciousness, he found himself in a world vastly different from the one he knew. The year was 205T, and Earth had become a dystopian landscape filled with towering skyscrapers, flying vehicles, and advanced robotic beings. The once vibrant cities were now under the oppressive rule of a tyrannical regime. Trone, now transformed into a powerful cyborg, discovers that he posses incredible abilities beyond his wildest imaginations. Together with his friends, they vowed to find a way back to their own time while also liberating this future Earth from the clutches of tyranny

Cion_55 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 5: am actually a cyborg pt3

"Kill her" clara ordered. "Our pressure" all the four demon lord commanders said at once as they aimed there hands in the almost ten feet hole mia made. The four commanders hands started to glow red. And after a while, maybe like one minute of charging there hands released huge red beams from there hands. Trone was talking to Lily but then felt like something was about to go on. "Lily why isn't Mia coming back". Trone asked full of concern. "Let's check on her". She answered with worry.They both went to check on the entrance of lily's house but they found nothing. Lily then held to Trone and teleported out of the house. Immediately after getting out of lily's house. His top body burnt blue and his body just flow away at a speed. The speed at which his body moved was as if time had stop for everything and everyone but him. "What's going on? Where am I going?" Trone thought to himself with confusion. Trone's body drugged him to the place where Mia was at. When he arrived at the place, he still didn't have control of his body The four demon lord commanders aiming there red beam at mia, they released the beams but they sensed a threat coming from the destroyed front of the bar they all aimed at the front but in no time. A teenage boy not wearing a shirt, his whole top body apart from his neck going up was cybernetic. He had blonde not too long hair. He was wearing a black trousers and a pair of black air force one. Trone's body moved him to speed kick all the four demon lord commanders. The four demon lord commanders where kicked away from the hole. Breaking the entire bar to rubble was the four demon lord commanders. Then Trone looked down the hole as he regained control of his body, he found himself looking in a hole shaped like a human was placed in there. When he looked again he saw Mia in the hole. His blue eyes sparked more as anger filled his face. " Get the fuck out of here girl if I see you again I'll fucking kill you". Trone said looking at clara. Clara immediately ran passed Trone. Trone as if knowing that it would happen he pointed his hand at mia she started coming out of the hole. Then Trone held mia in his hands. Then teleported to Lily's apartment and left Mia then back to where he was. The four demon lord commanders coming out of the rubble and find a cyborg in front of them. "You know what you've done" sebria said. Lily was about to go searching Trone. But then saw mia's body in front of her. She carried her and then she started treating mia's wounds. Trone looking at for demons with human forms. " Who did that to mia?" Trone asked trying to calm himself. Instead of an answer Trone was answered bye a punch by sebria which he cought. "Good bye". Trone said as he released a huge blue beam from his hand completely incinerating sebria. The remaining three demon lord commanders where about to run Away but Trone fired his beam at them cause he was faster than them. Trone inscinarated all the demon lord commanders. "Blame yourselves for your fucking deaths" Trone said almost leaving the place but was disturbed by someone. "You just killed the demon lord commanders, meaning you just defied the demon lord and since the demon lord is one of the helpers of the demon god. You just offended me" a feminine voice spoke with killing intent. "Whoever you are you don't wanna do this with me now" as soon as Trone said those words the girl was in front of him and she grubbed his neck. "I have never killed a girl, but am not afraid to do so" Trone said trying to remove her hand from his neck. To his surprise the girl slammed him to the ground while holding his neck tight. Trone got angry and throw a right jab which the kill blocked with ease and moved back but Trone was too angry to hold himself back so after she blocked his first punch he followed up with 6 more punches which landed on her when she moved back, like they punches were fired like bullets but Trone landed the punches when she was close to him. Emma spat out blood. "You are strong enough to injure me" the girl Trone was fighting said when she pulled of her robe. When she removed the robe she revealed she was wearing a black sleeve t shirt And a black been trousers. Her boobs where as big as lily's. She had long black hair, the girl was beyond the beauty any of us could imagine...Trone looked at the girl with surprise. "Emma!" Trone shouted, excitement and surprise was written all over his face.