
The System!

'Its been a few days since i have reincarnated in this world, although i have only been here for a few days, there a lot of things i have lernt in this past few days'

'First is the fact that i am the 8th child of a baron, second is the fact that even though we are a noble baron, we have no such things as countless treasures or knights or some sorts, in fact we can't even eat atleast three times a day and we even rarely buy anything at all'

'And the fourth is the fact that i am the only one in this household, and what i mean by that is they abandoned me in this already fallen family'

'Why the fuck did they even gave a 10 year old a fucking old manor and a near dead weak horse' Alex thought

'Although i have been abandoned, atleast the butler stayed and help me manage the small manor and teaches me how to operate things as a baron and abandoned noble'

"Young master, someone from the imperial palace came and requested your audience, i think they from those baron bastards!" Rey shouted

"Let them in, its been a few days since they were requesting for an audience, i suggest we hear them" Alex said with extreme calm voice

"Yes young master" Rey bowed

-Inside the manor-

"It looks like Young is doing well this time" The baron grinned

Alex smiled at him and sat on a chair and asked a serious question "Why is baron here?"

"That was a rude, anyways, my offer is still up, since your just a kid, i will again offer you the thing i offered you yesterday, as i said before, merge with us and you will be treated well, since you rejected our offer yesterday, i will also add a 10% increase in ur salary" The baron sneered

The butler was pissed, he looked at the baron with an expression as if he was going to consume him in one gulp

The baron trembled as he looked down on the table in front of him, Alex saw this and gestured Rey to lower his anger and so Rey did

"I advise you to get out of my manor!, if you ever come here again, i will not hesitate to kill you myself!" Alex Shouted

The knights who followed the baron trembled in fear, although Alex was only a Silver Ranked Mage, they did not dare to move a little bit as they are only Bronze Rank Knights

Every Rank has a huge gap between it, it is said that a Silver Rank Mage can atleast defeat 10 Bronze Rank warriors thats why they trembled in fear because they are only atleast 10 Bronze knights as well

Hearing what alex says, The baron punches the table and left trembling in anger, the baron almost walked forward but alex stopped him as this is the best way to handle the situation.

"I hope baron Alex has thought this through, i will give you a month and if you still reject our offer, we have no choice but to attack you with all my might, don't think being a Silver Rank can give you victory, even though your a silver rank mage, you are still a young abandoned kid!" The Baron shouted and left in anger

Alex's blood boiled as the last sentence was drop from the mouth of this bastard's mouth, but thinking about the things he said, its true, its true that even though he us a silver rank mage, he cannot defeat the Boson Barony with his might alone.

He didn't even considered the fact that the baron was a silver rank as well because he thinks that the butler might leave before the war

Seeing the expression of his young master, he kneeled down and bowed his head and said "Young master, although u don't have the strength to help you in this war, i will follow you until i die!, ever since you are abandoned by the Baron, i have helped you since until now and this butler wishes to fullfil my last wish, it is to serve you until my death!"

Seeing the butler kneel in front of him, he immediately helped him stands up

"Butler Rey, i will accept your wish, since we are preparing for war with just the two of us"

Hearing Alex's words, he again bowed his head and thanked him


After the meeting, Alex decided to stay in his room and try to atleast manifest his mana and breakthrough the third tier of the silver rank, he also prepared a lot of herbs that was supposed to be auctioned off but since this is an emergency, he atleast would need to prepare himself

Before starting to prepare, a mechanical voice sounded in his ears and a blue holographic thing appeared infront of him stating

[Ding!, You have successfully obtained the System!, You are hereby rewarded with a novice gift pack]

Hearing and reading this things, he couldn't control his excitedness and smiled as his lips could curl and directly shouted "Open the novice gift pack!"

Suddenly, the mechanical sound again sounded in his ears and heard the following things

[Ding!, You have opened the novice gift pack and received a Energy Gathering Array (Gold Grade), Wooden Sword (Gold Grade), Spirit Stones x1,000 (High Grade)]

"This!, I would be able to advance to gold grade in no time!, thanks system!" As he finished shouted, he quickly ran unto their basement and used the Energy Gathering Array in a matter of second, after that, countless energy gathered at the basement that even he could already sense that he was near in breaking through the fifth or even the eight tier of silver rank!

Alex was clearly overjoyed and thus, he sat on a lotus position and scattered a few hundred spirit stones around him, since he has a thousands of them, it didn't matter if he would scatter a few hundreds of them on the ground

A few hours later, he had broken through the third tier, a few hours later after that, he again broke through the fifth tier of the silver rank. Sensing that he could still continue, he again sat there continuesly and broke through the sixth tier of silver rank until the eight rank of the silver rank

The spirit stones scattered on the ground was completely got exhausted, every ounce of energy was sucked in, although the energy gathering array can gather energy around his property, his property was located in an area where energy was scarce as such, he could only use the spirit stones

'Although u could use all of my spirit stones to breakthrough the gold rank, i still cannot do it because my body can't handle it, since im already an eight tier silver rank, i should give this to butler Rey to also let him breakthrough' Alex thought

Rey sensed a powerful energy inside the basement and thus he ran with all his might to see what was happening, but after running all the way to the basement, he saw alex standing at the center of the basement

"Master, have you broken through the eight tier Silver Rank?" Rey Asked, even though he could clearly sense that Alex was stronger than before, he couldn't help but to ask him

"I have indeed broken through the eight tier of silver rank, take this spirit stones and scatter around yourself and broke through the gold rank atleast" Alex said it before throwing a bag full of High Grade spirit stones

"This..." Rey couldn't help to ask where he got this High Grade spirit stones where but Alex explained that this was the hidden treasure of his father he found in his father's room the other day

Before Rey could even talk, Alex left the basement room and let Rey breakthrough the gold realm

Seeing that it was already night time, Alex decided to explore the system that he recently got and few things like shop makes him interested in it and thus he clicked on the shop icon


Training Facility (Bronze Grade)

- 10 Mid Grade Spirit Stones

Research Facility (Bronze Grade)

- 10 Mid Grade Spirit Stones

Brick Walls (Bronze Grade)

- 10 Mid Grade Spirit Stones


Upon seeing the items on the shop, he couldn't help but scroll down and saw countless items

Black Jade Walls (Gold Grade)

- 100 High Grade Spirit Stones

Training Facility (Gold Grade)

- 100 High Grade Spirit Stones

Stone Mansion (Silver Grade)

- 50 High Grade Spirit Stones

Upon seeing the items listed on the shop, he immediately bought the three items above

[You have successfully bought a 100 Black Jade Walls, it is automatically been put in you inventory]

[You have successfully bought....]

[You have success....]

After buying the items, he immediately used the walls to cover atleast 10 Kilometers of land around the mansion and later used the Training Facility and put it besides the old wooden mansion

[Training Facility] (Gold Grade)

A gold grade training facility which multiplies by 50x and also give the trainers a little boost with their stamina during training

- It has a built-in medical room facility

- 1,000 Dorms

- 500 Storage Units

"Fuck!, isn't this too op!?, it multiplies by 50!?z fuck!" Alex was shocked, even though it was a gold grade, he didn't expect that the effect that it will give is this much!

"Might as well train my magic while butler Rey was busy in the basement, seeing the training facility infront of me, i can atleast upgrade my magic to gold grade, in no time, i can also defeat the Boson Barony in no time keke" Alex Laughed