
I need, I want, I'll steal what you have¡¡¡

misspell · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnation

It was already late at night, but I could not get used to raise my head and see that the sky is no longer there as I remember it.

The night sky ,now seems more illuminated, I wonder how I will end up in this place I who was a simple boy who had a part-time job and died for having made public the acts of corruption of my boss and I knew that after that I would not expect a good future.

First with his threats I understood him for ruining his life, he was fired because of social pressure then he was seen by the public eye of the press, but I did not expect him to enter my apartment and shoot me dead in the most humiliating way I could not even defend myself.

I knew I was not supposed to do anything like everyone else in my job but I could not turn a blind eye when he diverted public funds from the orphanage.

Itan Vicent that's me an orphan who was raised by a couple of old geezers the first Jeriko an ex-boxer who had a bright future until he contracted pugilistic dementia I don't know about it and I don't know his past either.

He found me fighting with a cook for the leftovers that were in the street, how could I forget, I was 7 years old, an orphan who lost his parents in a traffic accident, I felt disoriented without realizing I had been abandoned by what I thought was my family.

Without family, without someone to trust, I was stripped of my belongings that were rightfully mine and I was sent to an orphanage. I did not react because of the shock of all the events.

I escaped from the orphanage because my old family (uncles and aunts) made it difficult for me behind the scenes, otherwise I would have stayed, I accepted it as a perfect but comfortable place for that moment of fall.

Jeriko found me and gave me a lesson that not everything could be solved with fists, of course I listened to him (I told him to go to hell and run away), he was a 7 year old boy.

He caught me and gave me a blow that sent me flying, he dragged me to his gym and forced me to hit a damn bag 50 times, but every time I did it he told me that it was wrong, so we continued until night but when he saw that I did not give up he invited me to his house.

There lived two old men, one not very talkative (Leon) and Jim, the last one a nice grandfather, they raised me until I was 15 Leon hardly spoke, he didn't talk about my life and I didn't talk about his, but he always gave me remedies when I practiced boxing with Jeriko.

Jim always cared about my studies, I barely made it through high school, I knew I had no future in college, he taught me that I should always be someone I shouldn't trust and attack at the last minute like a snake, words that I didn't expect from someone like him.

They didn't say it but I felt the three of them had a lot of regrets and raising me was a form of venting but they really came to love me and I loved them.

After I left home I started working as a file clerk in a state owned company and the rest is history.