
I must save the world, but I can't kill anyone.

As one of the angels tasked with saving the countless worlds, Savine took her job very seriously. She was diligent and thorough, and made sure to make herself the perfect example to strive for. But as time passed and as she witnessed the horrors humanity was capable of, her thoughts changed. 'Humans don't deserve the grace of us angels. As long as they're pious and peaceful in the end, the means don't matter.' Thus, whenever she went to a new world, she chose to save it in the quickest manner possible. She killed all the heretics and brainwashed the remaining people to always be faithful to God and to never act destructively towards themselves and the planet they stayed on. However, when she was about to go to another world to save it, God's Oracle enforced a few conditions on her. "No killing, no violence, no threats. Save the world the right way." Savine was then abruptly sent to the new world with all these conditions attached to her, but not only that, she found herself in the body of a 12-year-old girl from the lower cities. It was a far cry from the bodies of High-emperors, multitrillionaires, and the Supreme Magi that she normally took over. With the game stacked against her, what will Savine do? *** Arworks Illustrator: LAM Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramdayo1122?s=09 Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/17429 Website: https://lam-illust.com/

POW · 幻想
268 Chs

A new bodyguard

The next three days, Savine traveled around the nearby farmlands that hadn't yet finished their Harvest Ceremonies and drew some runes on their lands. These didn't need to be as exact as the brand, so Eliseline could also help out.

Five days later, Savine completely painted the two Vasas with her mana and was finally able to use 5% of her total mana. With that, she could create the magic tools she was trying to sell to the temple.

But in actuality, she only needed to work on the Registrars. First, she made it so that to recharge it, a mage needed to only provide mana, not recast the spell from scratch. And secondly, she created a mana motor in the Registrar. A mana motor, was the exact same thing as an electric motor, except it worked off of mana instead of electricity.

She then attached a square-shaped shaft to its tip, engraved her initials on its side and called it a day. With this little invention, Savine likely pushed this world's technological advancements by three centuries.

After all, in every world, the motor reigned supreme. It was included in every appliance, every power tool, every machinery, every vehicle and every infrastructural facility. It was everywhere. It was miraculous how a tool that only had a stick spinning by its side could have so many uses. Perhaps there was a deeper reason why the circle was deemed perfect.

Savine showed her mana motor to the craftsmen and gave them a bunch of ideas. Since the main thing was the ability to spin, most of it would be power tools. Things like circular saws, drills, sanders, etc. Next to that, would be a few home appliances like a fan, an automatic cleaner and water pumps.

Eventually, the engineers would figure out that they can make gigantic machinery with gigantic mana motors, but at that point, the mana motor wouldn't be under Savine's control. After seeing the how the device operated, the people of the world would eventually figure things out.

They might get stuck on a few details when trying to recreate the new Registrar, but they'll succeed eventually.

That wasn't something she could try to bring under her control.

Her job was to simply make the world remember who was the originator of this new invention and which institution spread it. Hence the "Intellectual Property of Savine Lorelei of Fest" on the side of every mana motor.

She wasn't trying to receive royalties from the future mana motors that would appear later on, the world wasn't advanced yet for that. She was just trying to spread her name.

After a week of working, the first samples of the power tools were ready. The blacksmiths worked hard to create a drill and a saw, while the woodworkers made fans with wooden blades.

In the end, it was decided that the duke, Eliseline and Savine would go to the Head Temple by themselves. The bigshots, after seeing Savine's inventions and its potential, realized that they couldn't take things lightly. The worst thing they could do was to send a nameless messenger who could simply be killed and be robbed of his possessions.

But since the duke became involved, this meeting turned into an inter-ducal incident and needed to be prepared properly. First, they sent an official letter to the Head Temple, stating their intent and asking for an audience. Only when the Temple replied, they could go on their journey.

Savine got some free time during this waiting period, but she was always busy making a mana motor. She would make one, recharge for an hour or so before making another one. It was a mundane job, but a familiar one. In half of all the worlds she visited, she needed to introduce the mana motor and manufacture it endlessly.

If she had access to 50% of her mana, perhaps she could make a machine that made the mana motors for her, but that was something she needed to do after the meeting with the head temple. After she fully painted two Vasas, she only received one extra, and Eliseline was warning her not to tame her mana as quickly as she did, since the Duchy had only a single spare Vasa left.

And since it was extremely detrimental for a mage to pause the taming of their mana, Savine was stuck with only a fraction of her true potential.

At that point, she could only spend her time bettering her servants. Thankfully, Wilfred and Zuri were quick learners and dedicated people. Savine could sense their loyalty budding as well. Not to mention them, even Eliseline was starting to look at her differently. She was friendlier and more casual.

As the peaceful days continued, Wilfred came to her with an odd request.

"Young Mistress, after discussing with Zuri, we decided to give you another servant. A male one, that can act as a bodyguard as well."

"A new valet?" Savine asked.


Savine could tell he was trying to say something else, but his eyes were constantly darting towards Leanne, who was sitting on the bed nearby reading a book. It was something he didn't want the bishop to know.

Though Leanne took Savine's five gold, she immediately went back to the bishop to tell exactly what occurred. Of course, she came back and acted as if nothing happened, but Savine couldn't really kick her away randomly.

Leanne stayed in the same room as them and always tried to look as uninterested as possible, but Savine knew her ears were always perked up.

Zuri and Wilfred naturally knew about this.

"Sure," Savine nodded. "It would be good to have a replacement for Zuri in emergencies."

"I'll call him in," Wilfred said.

A giant man walked inside the room. He had hardly any neck, broad brawny shoulders and long hair tied to a small ponytail behind his head. Four lightning tattoos peeked out of his sleeves and on his back, he carried a round shield and a light axe, both worn out and battered, but both spreading the faint aura of death all over the room.

Though, the thing that Savine was drawn most to were his eyes. Dark, tired, sick of everything and everyone; but still possessing the spark that kept people going.

"I'd definitely feel safer with you at my side," Savine said. "What's your name?"

"Dred Rabban."

His voice was raspy, but it somehow sounded soothing and trustworthy.

"You seem like someone with lots to talk about. Why don't we go outside and chat a bit?"

Zuri and Leanne got up to follow, but Savine waved them down.

"We'll be quick."

I was searching for electric engines, and then I learned about electric motors. Overpowered bastards, these fucks are.

Even mechanical hearts have a motor running it inside.

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