

She was treated like a slut, her first time was taken away from her forcefully by the man she married.

She was forced into a marriage just so her uncle company could have benefits, he hated her for not being a boy and blamed both her and her mother for all the misfortune that happened to the Tang family,both of them never loved each other they only married for the benefit of their family despite that she wanted to love him but he didn't think that way he treated her like a slut, told her strip right in front of him while he sat like god when he found out she was pregnant he told her to abort the child without even hesitating no matter how much tears she sheded he didn't listen, A year passed and he fell in love with her she didn't want to stay anywhere close to the man who made her kill her first child but she still fell in love with him she had another child with him and decided to forget about the past.

They were a happy family but like they say "not all stories has happy ending", she had an accident only when her child was only 3, The doctor diagnosed her with amesia since he saw her covered in blood being rushed into the hospital he never saw her again he thought she had died like the hospital said, those 2 years were one of the worst years of his life, he felt like he had no reason to live anymore but he still had a child with him how could he just give up, he stayed 2 years without her and not a single day did he not feel miserable. 2 miserable years passed without her UNTILL he saw her he thought he was hallucinating once again but he was not, he happily ran to meet her and hugged her like she would disappear if he let her go..... BUT there was a problem she didn't even know him and asked excuses me Mr but I think it's inappropriate to hug a stranger..... unknown to them someone in the crowd was looking at them if looks could kill both of them would die a thousand times,

Find out what happens next, how will he react, what happened to her, why did she dissaper

This is my first novel ever written so I'm a little bit nervous please give your opinion on it thank you

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