
I may be a wizard, but he will tear you apart like an animal.

What happens if you connect the Wizard of Harry Potter with Wolverine? This question will be answered by this Fan Fic. I have no right to Harry Potter or Marvel.

Kriuswer · 書籍·文学
8 Chs

Four Years of Innocence

Severus Snape's mansion

It was late evening that Severus, with the help of the apparition, showed up at his house with a new family member. This new person was a little boy with brown hair and green eyes who is about a year old and this boy hugs Severus' shoulder, his face showing despair and pain which is abnormal for a young boy but the kid doesn't fall. one tear.

(Severus) -Relax, Krius.

He pulled Krius up high and said, You must be strong, live for her and for yourself. Now you have me and I promise no one will hurt you. At the end of the sentence, a tear ran from Severus' eye and he hugged the boy again.

Snape and Krius spend their first year fairly quietly. Nowise Krius. It was a nightmare for Severus, though not quite. Snape from the fact that he was single. He could not count on help in raising the child and he had to deal with it himself. Whenever someone suggested hiring a babysitter, he refused and said it was his duty. But except for nappy and other baby related chores. Severus was pleased with Crius' upbringing, after the first month the bond between them deepened. Snape now saw Crius as his own son.

Despite the pleasure of having a good time and being together in general. Snape was sad and scared because Krius would wake up every night and scream. He did not so much utter sentences as shout the word "mama" between vague screams. So Snape had to calm the baby down every day.

And in such situations, as a result of Crius' nightmares. Snape had been scratched many times with his fingernails. However, most of the cuts heal easily. However ... unfortunately for Severus. He was hit with a claw in the right eye. Which for some reason he could not heal with magic or potions.

However, that wasn't a problem for Snape. Over time, the scar became a symbol for him. As soon as he touched her, he remembered the moments spent with his son.

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The following years were similar to the previous one. Over time, Snape had fewer and fewer responsibilities in organizing food and activities for Krius. Ever since the boy started walking and speaking in full sentences. He began to show his boy's abnormal maturity. Snape guessed the boy's maturity was the result of childhood trauma. And that it will be difficult for the boy to act like other children.

So he didn't even try to make him play with the toys he had bought with little Krius in mind. Instead, the boy preferred to spend time with Severus at work. Weighing mixtures and testing the ingredients. Snape, seeing the boy's fascination with his work, invented a new game. Or rather, a new way of spending time. When creating potions or testing new ingredients. Snape described what he was doing, if and how. e.g:

This is the venom of Acromantula, an extremely dangerous and deadly venom. I need it as a catalyst between the powdered scales of a Hungarian dragon and the blood of a fire salamander. Of course, this blend consists of more than just three ingredients. Well, you also need to add a few more ingredients that will trigger an immune effect and not another. These ingredients are Asphodelus, Bezoar, Knotweed. Thanks to its properties and combination at the right temperature. We get a Strong Potion against Fire. [A / N / (Made it up)

Seeing a smile and from the boy's time. Snape was happily spending time with the boy. It happened in their favorite pastime in which they spent their free time.

Snape the animals get permission to arrange meetings between Krius and Harry. However, for some reason, Albus disagreed. > After a few more, Severus gave up the test and left the topic alone.

Four years passed very quickly for Severus and Krius. It happened that with the help of magic, Krius adds extra content to the cauldron. You used to joke with Snape like that sometimes. But nothing lasts forever, because since the boy was five, he has started to change. And he showed more desire than just being an observer.

Thanks for reading.

I look forward to your comments.

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