
I married the love of my life

What do you do when you fall in love with someone? Do you keep trying until you make the other person feel the same or do you give up? Melissa fell in love with Jasper at first sight. He was her whole world. Situations led her into marrying this man of her dreams but will this cold and biased man feel the same for her? Excerpts from the book: "I love you and one day I hope you would too." "I've never loved someone so much to the point of not seeing what it has done to me. I don't think I can ever stop either."

Aphrodite_123_Ares · 都市
11 Chs

The beginning of something

Later that evening, Derek took the initiative to add both Melissa and Jessica to a group chat. He also included Jasper, aiming to facilitate a comprehensive discussion about the vacation's travel details.

Upon receiving the notification on his phone, Jasper swiftly disapproved of it.

"Dude, I had no clue about this. Why didn't you consult with me before making this decision?" he inquired of Derek.

"Derek responded, justifying his decision, "I know you don't have any plans for the summer, and I'm aware you'll probably stay cooped up in your room playing games and watching anime the whole time. I wanted you to step out for once." Derek's intention was to encourage Jasper to enjoy a different kind of summer experience.

Jasper persisted, saying, "But you should've asked me first!"

Derek, with confidence, responded, "I know you'd say no if I asked you. So I just did it myself. I'm pretty sure you'll come along in the end." Derek's optimism in their friendship led him to believe that Jasper would eventually embrace the idea.

Jasper sighed in reluctant acceptance of Derek's point. He recognized that Derek was indeed right. As he reflected on his current social circle, which primarily consisted of online friends he had met through gaming and chat rooms, he finally conceded, "Fine, fine!" His slight annoyance stemmed from the fact that Derek understood him so well.

Derek's primary concern was Jasper's health and well-being. He simply wanted his friend to be part of all the enjoyable memories they were going to create during their summer vacation. His intentions were rooted in friendship and a desire to share these experiences with someone he cared about.

After a while Derek texted in the group chat named,"Summer break plans"

D: Hey guys, good evening.

M: Good evening Derek.

J: Yo! Good evening.

D: I have booked the tickets for this Friday morning around 11am.Since The Blue Bay isn't that far we should reach by the afternoon around 1pm. We will be taking a train till the station and then take a cab to the beach house.

M: Okay.

J: Sure

D: Is there anything you need to ask?

M: Where should we meet up on Friday?

D: How about we all meet at the train station directly? I'll be there with Jasper. The both of you can come together.

M: Alright.

D: See ya guys this Friday. Good night .

M: See you too! I'm excited

J: Yeah, see ya! Good night.

Jasper remained unfazed by the messages in the group chat. He trusted that Derek had handled all the necessary arrangements, and his role was simply to tag along and enjoy the adventure. Jasper's laid-back approach reflected his confidence in his friend's planning skills and their longstanding friendship.

Jasper and Derek's friendship had a deep-rooted history that began in middle school. Jasper arrived as the new kid in the middle of the school year, having recently moved to the city. It was Derek who took the first step to befriend Jasper, even in the face of Jasper's initial distance and introverted nature. Over time, their bond grew, and they became best friends. 

Derek had always been the one person who understood Jasper's reserved character, and this relationship was so significant to Jasper that he had never felt the need to seek out more friends. Derek held a special place in Jasper's life, and he was willing to go to great lengths to support his friend. Their friendship was truly remarkable.


Derek's excitement for the upcoming adventure led him to wake up earlier than usual on the big day. His anticipation made it hard to sleep.

As he got ready for the journey, he couldn't help but feel that this day would create beautiful and lasting memories. After taking a refreshing bath, he began packing his clothes, following a checklist he had prepared for the trip. He carefully checked off each item as he placed it in his bag.

With everything ready, he then roused Jasper from his slumber, handing him the same checklist and urging his friend to freshen up, signaling the start of their exciting journey.

Derek, realizing that he had forgotten to purchase something crucial, told Jasper, "I'll need to run to the shop quickly."

Curious, Jasper inquired, "What are you buying?"

Derek's response was filled with excitement, "Fireworks!".

Derek had a special and a romantic plan in mind for one of the nights at the beach house. He intended to create a special evening and, at the perfect moment, take Melissa out to watch the fireworks. 

" I see," Jasper responded.

On the other hand the girls had a sleepover and got ready for the trip. Melissa, unable to contain her excitement, had woken up early. She eagerly sorted through her closet, carefully selecting and packing the clothes she wanted to bring with her for the trip. Her enthusiasm for the upcoming vacation was palpable as she readied herself for it.

Jessica observed Melissa's high level of excitement and remarked, "I've never seen you this excited for anything."

Melissa, with a joyful smile, replied, "Well, I haven't been this excited either!" The anticipation of their summer break had certainly filled her with a unique enthusiasm.

Jessica offered some advice to Melissa, saying, "Well, I hope you have some plans in mind? You know, like trying to talk and make him loosen up."

Melissa agreed, "Yeah, I hope I can do that. Let's see what happens." She continued with a determined tone, "For now, I'll try my best to look the best." Melissa was eager to make the most of the opportunity and was meticulously selecting her outfits for the trip.

Melissa handed a packet of facial sheet masks to Jessica and suggested, "A little skincare before we head out?"

Jessica nodded in agreement and got up to take a bath and follow the skincare routine.

Melissa's mother knocked on the door and kindly announced, "Honey, breakfast is ready. You girls can come down when you're ready."

In response, they both replied with a simple "okay," acknowledging her message.

As they made their way downstairs for breakfast, Melissa's dad couldn't help but compliment their outfits. He remarked, "You're both looking really pretty."

In unison, they both responded with a polite "Thank you," appreciating the kind words from Melissa's dad.

Melissa's dad, still engrossed in the newspaper, reminded them, "If any problem comes up, call me immediately."

Her mother echoed his concern, saying, "Yes, sweetie, please call us immediately. We'll come right away. And remember, you can call us if you need anything." They wanted to ensure their safety and well-being during the trip.

As her parents expressed their concerns, Melissa's dad concluded with a warm reminder, "But remember to have fun, okay?"

Melissa assured them, saying, "Alright, Dad and Mom, I'll make sure to call you, and I'll definitely make sure to have fun."

Jessica reassured Melissa's parents, saying, "Don't worry, we'll take care of each other."

Melissa's mom responded with a smile, appreciating the girls' commitment to looking out for each other during their trip.

Her father inquired, "What about the other two?"

Melissa explained, "Oh, they're Derek and Jasper. We'll meet them at the station."

Her mother expressed her curiosity, saying, "I see. Do bring them home sometime. I'd like to meet all of your friends." Melissa's parents were open to meeting the friends who were important to their daughter.

The moment had arrived. The maid informed them that their luggage was already loaded in the vehicle and that they were all set to head to the station.

As they got into the car, Melissa's parents stood outside, waving goodbye and watching them with affection. The adventure of their summer break was about to begin, and their parents sent them off with warm wishes.

Jessica complimented Melissa's parents, saying, "Your parents are so nice and friendly."

Melissa thanked her friend with a warm smile, responding, "Thank you." 

Derek and Jasper had arrived at the station in advance, with 20 minutes to spare before the departure time. They patiently waited for the girls to join them.

Derek, feeling a bit anxious, asked Jasper, "How do I look today?"

Jasper chuckled and responded, "You know, this is the third time you've asked me. Calm down, man, it's going to be okay." Jasper was doing his best to ease Derek's nerves, as he could clearly see how apprehensive his friend was.

Jasper playfully teased Derek, saying, "It's funny how you're always so nervous even though you've spoken to her a lot of times."

Derek, blushing slightly, replied, "Stop teasing me!" Jasper's good-natured ribbing only added to the lighthearted atmosphere as they waited for the girls to arrive. 

Derek's phone rang, and to his surprise, it was a call from Melissa. He was in disbelief, so he showed his phone to Jasper, asking him to pinch him because it felt like a dream. In his excitement, he quickly took a screenshot as a keepsake and cleared his throat before picking up the call.

"Hello?" Derek answered the call.

Jessica's voice came through, "Hey Derek, we've arrived at the station, but I don't see the two of you. Which platform are you on?"

Derek inquired, "We're on platform 3, where are you?"

"We're near platform 1," Melissa replied, providing their location.

Derek, ever the courteous gentleman, asked, "Do you need any help with the luggage?"

Melissa declined his offer, saying, "No, it's fine. We've got it covered. Thank you for asking, though. We're on our way."

"Okay," Derek responded, eagerly awaiting their arrival on the platform.

Derek hung up the phone, standing there in a state of disbelief. The fact that he had just had a conversation with Melissa on the phone felt surreal. The anticipation of seeing her in person was building, and he couldn't wait for the moment to finally arrive.


Hello guys! I hope you liked this chapter. please stay tuned for the next one!

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