
I Love You But I Don't.

Temiloluwa_Favour_9325 · 都市
1 Chs


"What am I going to do" I thought looking at my wristwatch and sighed.

I've been doing that repeatedly for over twenty minutes now but it seems luck is not on my side today.

I'm Amelia Lopez,twenty three years of age and I'm a student of Grace College.I don't have a father or I'll rather say I disowned my father. The worst father one could ever have,George Lopez.I wonder how he got married to my mum,a very caring mother who could do anything for anyone she loves and unfortunately for me,she loves my Dad too much I think.

My Dad has a lot of companies in his name but has owed not to assist my career because he doesn't like it. He wants me to be a medical practitioner but I have flair for music and fine arts. My mum has always encouraged me to pursue my dream but when my Dad found out I didn't completely go his demands,he vowed to never drop a penny for my education. Things has really been hard since then because he also banned my mum from helping me but she still tries to give me money whenever she can. Dad had caught her many times and she's always beaten for it the main reason I don't bother her sometimes.

Now,I'm already late for my music class and I can't find a cab since I've been standing here twenty minutes ago. I'm already drenched in my own sweat wiping my face every thirty seconds and there is no cab forthcoming.

I began to walk slowly hoping to still find a cab but the road looks deserted and only few people are walking on the side walk.

I looked at my watch for the umpteenth time and sighed.

"My enemies are at work" I muttered.

Soon I noticed a cab coming at a great speed and I kept for joy

I quickly waved down the cab when it got nearer

I opened the door and was about to enter when a fat woman pushed me to the floor and entered the cab and it sped away.

I angrily stood up and dusted my skirt

I cussed under my breath and went to sit on a bench nearby.

"People can be crazy",I started

"Imagine that....."

"woman who pushed you,yeah she's crazy and that was hilarious"I heard a masculine voice

I looked at my side and saw a young muscular man sitting beside me,sweat dripping from his face making him look hot.

When he saw I was staring too much,he waved directly at my face bringing me back

I blinked repeatedly feeling embarrassed

"Hi" I said silently

"Good day beauty" he said smiling

Is he trying to flirt with me,I better leave here soon,I've never heard any type of relationship with males,I quickly pick fights so they practically run away from me.

One even told me I'm ugly and I kind of agreed,I'm not really beautiful,I'm just plain.

"I'm not beauty,I'm Amelia" I replied looking away.

"A beautiful name for a beauty like you,can I get to know you more" he asked

I looked at him and nodded negatively

"There's nothing to know about me" I replied plainly looking at the sky which has suddenly become slightly dark.

"But I think there's more to you"he replied spinning in a way I can't decipher

I looked at him and sighed

"There's nothing interested about me,bye" I said and stood up looking at the cloud which had started to gather furiously

"I won't be able to go to class again,I better hurry home before the rain falls" I muttered walking fast.

After few steps,the rain started pouring heavily and no cab is in sight.

"This is really not my day" I whined sadly

I was already drenched and already started shivering vigorously.

Soon, a car stopped in front of me and the door opened revealing the guy I saw earlier.

He came down with an umbrella and walked towards me

"Come in"he ordered

I looked at him and nodded negatively

"Don't be stubborn,you're shivering"he said glancing at my body and looking back at my face

I looked away


After much persuasion,I agreed

He left me to the car and I entered,he went to the other side and got in

He looked at me and gasped

"You're shivering so bad"he said and touched

my neck.

I rolled my eyes

"And you're also burning hot"he said frowning slightly

"You're just over reacting"I replied

"What are we going to do now,you have a fever"he sighed sadly

"I just need anything that will reduce it till I get home"I replied

He ruffled his hair looking around

I looked at him suspiciously

"You mean you don't have any pill in your car"I asked raising my voice a bit

He looked at me apologetically and all of a sudden smiled

"Why are you smiling when you don't have any pill"I asked irritatedly

"Because I'm a pill myself"he said proudly

"How" I asked confused

"This" he said and before I could react,he landed his lips on mine.