
I Love You Again and Again

•Not a translation. When Saira Aoki was in middle school, everybody did not care about her and liked to tease her because she was a loner and fat. Therefore, lots of people made fun of her. Until she met Katashi Kobayashi in middle school. He is a senior by a year. He was the only one who treated her nicely. Saira fell in love with Katashi, as he treated her nicer than anyone in school. Wherever Katashi goes he would attract everyone’s attention because of his cool aura. He is handsome, from a wealthy family, smart, polite, good at sports, fashionable and cool. He is every girl’s dream lover. Despite being so popular Katashi never had a girlfriend and did not accept any confession in middle school, because he wanted to focus on studying. Saira got motivated and decided to change herself, her way of living, and lose weight, in the hope that her life would get better and hope that Katashi would notice her. Therefore, she aimed to admit to the same high school as Katashi. Saira’s parent is a very outstanding public figure, however, they are divorced. Saira’s mother had to go overseas to work, therefore, Saira’s mother requested her friend to take care of Saira while she is gone but she was about to get married, so she (Saira's mother's friend) suggested her (Saira's mother), her friend from high school days who coincidentally, is Katashi’s mother. At first, Saira did not know so she refused the idea to be in the care of others and she was used to be alone. However, her mother was worried and tried to persuade Saira. At last, Saira agreed and decided to go along with what her mother has planned for her. When Saira got to know that she would be living with Katashi she felt happy and excited. However, when Saira decided to confess her love to Katashi. Katashi brought back his girlfriend to introduce her to everyone?!!!

LilyPenMe · 若者
21 Chs

Chapter 15

"Is it ok for you to be all touchy and close to me like this? I mean won't your crush misunderstand?" Said Oliver whispering in Saira's ear while posing. Saira jolted for a second because Oliver whispered so close to her ears. Saira was speechless and flustered for a second she wondered how did Oliver know that she has a crush on Katashi. She never mentioned anything to him nor talked to him about anything. " Well, this is just a business. Besides, you are just a stepbrother not more nor less. What's there to be worried about." said Saira while looking at Oliver while making an attractive expression for posing.

"Ooh, just a stepbrother, hah. Well, stepbrother could be changed into something else you know, we don't have the same blood after all. However, at least you are admitting and accepting me, Lil sis." Said, Oliver.

"... Childish..." said Saira.

After the photoshoot finished, the director thanked Saira and compliment her for her great job. He also tried to convince her and introduce her to some modeling agencies, however, Saira kept refusing him politely. The director expressed his disappointment. " What a shame, you could have made it big. I can see that you are a talented one, but I understand I'll respect your decision. However, if you ever change your mind please do contact us, we would be more than glad to collaborate." said the director. The photographer walked towards Saira, and he seemed to want to talk to Saira about the same thing that the director talked about with her. Looking at that Oliver, quickly interrupted and took Saira away so she could change her clothes. Oliver let out a sigh of relief " You are really popular, aren't you?!" said Oliver. "...whatever, I did my best and helped you therefore, please make sure that no one knows about me or contact me. Thank you in advance and I appreciate it," said Saira to Oliver and left him to change her clothes.

Oliver smiled and chuckled in his point of view the way that Saira acted was cute and it was just like how siblings would act and react to each other. Katashi walked towards Oliver asking about Saira holding a takeaway food. "Where is Aoki-San?" asked Katashi. Oliver looked at Katashi strangely "A... Aoki...San?...

You guys are so formal with each other, respect... Respect, hahaha" said Oliver. After telling Katashi that Saira went to change her clothes Oliver said " She might look cold but she is a cute one, Isn't she?! She is different from what I expected. The first time I talked to her over the phone do you know what she told me! She said, "I don't remember having an older brother and I don't remember my mother has ever given birth to anyone but me" (Said Oliver trying to imitate Saira's voice tone) then she closed the line, just like that. I thought she was playing hard to get or something." said Oliver while laughing.

" Well... I think she would have reacted differently and nicely if you started right with her... Unless... You did something that irritated her. After all, it's a sensitive topic and situation." said Katashi.

"Yes... I guess you are right... Oooo~ it seems like you know her for a long time. Tell me what do you think of her?" asked Oliver curiously and with a teasing smile.

"Not that long. She is my junior and we went to the same middle school. And I only think of her as my little sister and a friend no more nor less, so there is no need to worry." Said Katashi.

"Worry?! (chuckle) I don't think there is a need for me to worry about anything. I just asked out of curiosity since you know, I and she are new to each other and I wanted to know more like an older brother and do what an older brother suppose to do, well only the necessary things... So... You are not interested in her at all?! I mean you know...." said Oliver. Katashi interrupted Oliver saying " As I said, to me, she is equally as my younger sister. However, if there is anything else then I would like for us to get along and be good close friends."

Oliver looked at Katashi while rising his right eyebrow saying " Good... Close... Friends?"

"Yes, after all, she is a good person," said Katashi.

When Katashi and Oliver we're talking, Saira heard most everything. When Saira finished changing up her clothes she went out, and she halted and hid when Oliver asked Katashi about how he thinks about her.

Saira was curious about how and what Katashi thought of her. She had a little bit of expectation, however, once she heard Katashi's answer, her expectation was thrown completely. On the surface, she tells herself that she does not have any expectations from Katashi but in her inner self... She has a slight of hope. However, now even her slightest ray of hope vanished.

Saira wished if she did not have hidden and got herself curious but then at least she now knows what Katashi thinks of her. Saira put her hand on her heart. She felt sad and frustrated but what can she do? This is was her reality. Saira put her head straight, tried to control her facial expression, think positively, and act normally. "Being close friends is not completely bad...because...because this relationship will last forever?... I don't know let's just forget about it. Let's not think about it Saira." Saira walked towards Katashi as Oliver as nothing has happened and as she never heard anything.

"Here I took a take out food for you. You haven't eaten anything, you must be hungry. Thank you for your hard work( otsukaresama deshita) " said Katashi to Saira while handing her the takeaway food.

Saira felt her heart acted strangely. She felt even more hurt and her heart clenched painfully even more. She was extremely frustrated but part of her knows so well why. Despite the Saira acted normally, accepted the food, and thanked Katashi with a gentle smile. Oliver who was standing beside them was observing Saira. "... Waaa~~ so you can even smile, huh. I never saw you smile at me like that. Oniisan is so sad~" Said, Oliver while making a sad expression. Saira and Katashi turned to Oliver with (what's wrong with this idiot) expression.

Katashi and Saira turned and walked away "Let's go back home or else everyone will get worried." Said Katashi. "Wait for me! I'm coming with you too. As an older brother, I should at least introduce myself to the family who is taking care of my precious sister, don't you think so dear sis!" said Oliver.

In the end, Oliver walked home with Katashi and Saira. On the way back Katashi suggested sitting down in the park or somewhere so that Saira could ear something. Oliver turned to Katashi saying "Ah! Right! What about me Katashi-Kun?! Where is my meal?"

"... Ah, sorry I did not think about you," said Katashi with an apologetic smile.

"Ooo~ so you were only thinking about Saira-Chan~ I'm so jealous~," said Oliver with a teasing smile. "That's not what I meant..." aid Katashi. Oliver kept teasing ad Katashi kept arguing. Though they have just met today, they seemed like they have known each other for decades. Saira smiled faintly "Well... I think this is good for now..." said Saira in her inner self while staring at Katashi with a gentle smile.

" I missed the chance..." said Saira in her inner self while letting out a deep sigh. Saira remembered her purpose for today. But then she thought maybe today was not her day and that it's good that she met Oliver because Katashi was following her.

Katashi noticed Saira letting out a deep sigh. He checked on Saira if there is something wrong. "No, it's nothing. Maybe I'm just tired." Said Saira.

Saira did not feel like eating so she shared some with Oliver. After they were done they went home. When they arrived home, Katashi's uncle and his wife already have left.

Oliver introduced himself to the Kobayashi's couple. The Kobayashi couple were happy to be able to meet Oliver. Saira excused herself and went to her room to rest.

As soon as Saira went to her room, she called her mother. She wanted to tell her about what happened today and check on her mother. However, Kohana did not pick up. Saira called her mother three times but still, there was no answer. Saira thought perhaps her mother is resting, therefore she stopped calling and started to get ready for bed early. Saira felt exhausted. Therefore, she wanted to sleep early so that she could forget and rest temporarily, at least for tonight.