

A am just an ordinary 17 year old girl and a am a an junior in high school I love music and art they are my only favorite classes of the day but I still get good grades in all the other subjects. I live with my parents and older sister, recently my mom and dad have been going through so some trouble in their marriage, They have been arguing non stop about the bills and if my dad was ever going to get a job.

I see somewhat knew they were going to split up, but I just hoped that it wasn't so soon,

Today is the first day of senior year and I very excited to finally be able to leave that hell hole, the only people I actually care about in that school are my best friends Clarissa and Austin 😘 I've always thought that Austin was cute but I never told him that because I was always to shy to ask him out but we became close friends over summer break, it's to late anyway because I've lost my chase with him since he is dating the captain of the cheer leading team Emma Nightmare 😒 well her real name is Emma Nimare she says it's french but doesn't no what it means. She is annoying and very bitchy she thinks she rules the school and everyone in it, because her dad is the Mayor of our town in Texas, so she is very rich all the boy in our school love her and the girls want to be her except me and Clarissa,We have been best since we were in dippers and couldn't talk we have always been inseperable.Clarissa has always been known to speak her truth and tell it like it is and tell it like it is, and I've always loved her for that but sometimes she can be a bit picky one of the reasons why she is still single.