
I Love Magic!

A journey of a nameless soul that suddenly found himself in a new world. AN: That's the sypnosis or can it even be called that. Just read it if you want. ********************************************** AN: I'm a newbie writer so please bear wuth me as I write my ideas. Please comment your thoughts about the story too as that could help me improve.

Siriusly_Fun · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs


"How should I go around this problem...? My research has come to a stop too, hmm." I mumbled to myself. I was in my base, as usual, doing some testing.

It's been a few years since I showed my research to Shin. After that, surprisingly, he sometimes helps me in my experiments. Thanks to him, my research advanced at that time.

Perhaps it's due to his young mind, he has some creative ideas that actually help me. This is one of my problems too, my thinking is sometimes too rigid and not flexible which leads me to not think of some ideas out of the box hence it leads to stagnation.

I am aware of this but it's just hard to change, I am trying though. Perhaps this thinking was developed after I stayed in that void for an unknown time which lead me to lose my past life's kind of thinking.

Honestly, that's possible if you think about it. Staying inside the void without much to do other than float, anyone would lose their creativity due to not having much to do. Their mind would stagnate as a result. And that's somewhat like me, though in my case, I still retain some of it.

Haaa, maybe I'll ask Shin if he has ideas on my current problem. I'm quite ashamed of myself for asking him and I know I shouldn't since I'm just a human, I can't possibly think of every solution.

On the other hand, during the past years, I managed to develop some more magic useful to me. One of them is teleportation, there's also[Thought Acceleration] which enhances my brain processing speed along with [Memory Partition] which makes more "rooms" inside my brain for thought processing.

I got this idea or more like replicate it from one of the series I watched back in my previous life, although the details are somewhat hazy now due to the years. It took me quite some time to successfully replicate it.

I taught some of the magics I develop to Shin but he couldn't learn everything.

"Haaa" Getting out of my stupor, I exited my laboratory and teleported directly to our home.

I appeared in front of our house and saw, Shin training with uncle Michel. He looks taller now compared to a few years ago. Looks like it's gonna be a while so I decided to watch them and wait for their training to be done before speaking to Shin.

After they were done, I walked over to Shin. "Uncle Michel, good day to you. And Shin can we talk..."

Shin nodded and we said goodbye to uncle Michel who just smiled. "You two enjoy yourselves."

Shin and I walked over to the forest before I spoke. "Can you give some ideas Shin? You see, the homunculi project has almost reached maturity but a problem occurred. The growth of the homunculi seems to be the same as a normal human so their growth was slow. I have been thinking of this but I can't think of a solution. I've thought of the possibility of boosting their growth through sheer magic power like some demon beasts but the probability of success is extremely low as I designed them based on the basis of the human physiology. " After all, that greatly affects my goal in this.

"Hmm..." Shin hummed before exclaiming. "Ah! Then how about creating space where time is faster? You can probably do that through enchantment or runes right?"

That...could actually work, albeit it takes much more preparation. The problem with this kind of solution is that time manipulation is very hard, much harder than space manipulation.

Though I actually can imagine how it works and I also know a bit of runes as well as enchantments related to time. They were inside the Tome inside my body. And even with all of those, I will need to research this subject for quite some time, though I could use [Though Acceleration] to make it faster.

Since what this idea pertains is essentially separating a part of the world and creating a separate environment with different time. It will involve space manipulation too. After all "Manipulation of Time" is synonymous to "Manipulation of Space."

I mean, I could maybe just speed up the process for them individually with either enchantments or magic but that's too impractical in the long run since I would need to accelerate time on the homunculus one by one which takes too much time for what it's worth.

And if I'm successful in this endeavor, I could set up a training room with a time difference compared to outside.

Huhu, I'm actually quite interested in tackling this new idea. But it looks like my homunculi project will be paused first before completing this idea about a time accelerated room.

"Thanks, Shin, I think your idea could work. Though it would be hard due to some limitations." I patted Shin's shoulder and smiled.

He on the other hand scratched the back of his head while smiling wryly, "I just blurted that out, I didn't think it would be realistically possible."

I just smiled, sometimes those unbelievable and unrealistic ideas are actually the most appropriate approach to a thing. Besides, this is a magical world, unbelievable things from my past world's perspective, happen here.


After getting an idea from Shin, time went by as I think of various things I need for the idea to work. And currently, I was conducting a simple test on my base.

I am currently holding a bow and arrow and I also placed some targets upfront. Then I slowly draw the bowstring after putting an arrow.

I then released the bowstring and the arrow flew, then [Time Acceleration], I used this temporal magic on the arrow. And I blink and the arrow that was still far away from the target already hit it.

"Hmm...it works, but I need this magic to be applied in a whole room and not just temporarily but for a long time. It also needs to affect the whole room and not just individual things. " I muttered, this was one of the first tests I thought of regarding the application of time magic on my lab.

Regarding this test, I'd say it's okay. Through the result of it, I found many problems I need to solve first for my plan to work. And luckily due to [Memory Partition] and [Thought Acceleration] working together, I could think simultaneously towards solving them.

Then next on towards runes...


"It's much more complicated huh." With my current level of mastery over enchanting and runes along with my magic, the process will be extremely difficult to achieve. Hmm...maybe I could try using each other in tandem so they could reinforce each other?

Right, I finished testing runes. And while I could partly achieve the effect I wanted, the keyword is "partly", other problems emerged. Maybe I could try my previous idea though.

I could use space magic to separate the room I will use from outside, practically making it a pocket world. Then inscribe runes along with enchantments to get my desired effect of time acceleration inside?

Hmm...let's run a simulation of that in my mind first. Kuh, [Memory Partition] and [Thought Acceleration], go on overdrive.

After using these two magic, my mind went on overdrive as various simulations using the idea earlier were played. Various possibilities or success rate of the idea raced through my mind as I process them.

And after hours of processing it in my mind, a smile emerged on my face. The result I got was sufficient enough for me to try this idea. Even with this result though, it's still not guaranteed and I need months to implement it.

But right now, my mind is kinda tired so I decided to rest. I quickly teleported from my lab into a room in my base and laid back on the bed. After which I closed my eyes and slept.