
I, Lord Void, join the chat group

SCP, Cthulhu, Zerg. Ye Du traveled to a strange world of Lu Li, and he also gained a unique chat system. What would happen if residents from different worlds joined the same **chat? Is it endless torment? Or become sand sculptures together? The man known as the strongest creature on the surface meets the empire's strongest general; The boy who vowed to kill the evil spirits met the wicked man who regarded human beings as bread; The dark knight who maintains peace in Gotham City meets the mafia who aspires to become a Yangko STAT... What kind of sparks will they make? And at this moment, Ye Du, who possesses the power of the Void Lord, joined the ** chat!

Black_Saga_0295 · アニメ·コミックス
47 Chs

Chapter 42: Sorry, I Just Can Do Whatever I Want (2/5)

"This gentleman, what should I call him? Do you know the whereabouts of Walter?"

Xiao Wen raised his head and looked at Ye Du in front of him seriously.

"Just call me Ye Du."

Ye Du had a polite smile on his face,

"What's Walter? I haven't heard of it."

"It's normally a white rabbit with spots on its back."

Xiao Wen replied,

"If you take it home, please be sure to hand it over, it is far more dangerous than you think, and it may have very serious consequences."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense with him? It's just an ordinary person. Give him a little color first, and then he will naturally cooperate with us."

Ding Sheng, who was standing aside, moved his hands, and there were crisp sounds from the joints.

In this world, people with supernatural powers will be recruited by the government regardless of their strength and strength to deal with increasingly frequent anomalies. In order to recruit superhumans, the government has given them great privileges and special treatment, so almost Everyone with supernatural powers will scramble to recommend themselves to the government police and be assigned to a better and more advanced urban area.

Ye Du looks ordinary, and he lives in the tenth district, which is the poorest, so Ding Sheng judged that it is absolutely impossible for him to be a supernatural person.

"It seems that the gentleman here is not polite."

Ye Du raised his head slightly,

"It must be that you are afraid of being punished by your boss because of your ineffectiveness! What is it that makes you so anxious?"

"What did you say!"

Hearing Ye Du's words, Ding Sheng strode forward angrily, Xiao Wen next to him wanted to hold him but found that he was powerless,

"You guy, do you know who I am? I'm..."

"Ding Sheng, I know, one of the famous supernatural beings, who hasn't heard of your name?"

Ye Du yawned,

"So what?"

"You bastard!"

A black sphere burst out from between Ding Sheng's fingers, and there was a smug smile on his face,

"I'm going to teach you a lesson."

"Stop Ding Sheng! How can you use supernatural powers on ordinary people!"

Xiao Wen scolded loudly,

"If you use the power of [Black Hole] here, the entire block including these soldiers will be dragged into it!"

"Don't worry, I only have less than one percent of my strength to deal with this kind of ordinary people!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Even ordinary people will never be able to withstand that kind of power, and once this news gets out, how much will we be condemned by the fishing boat?"

"Didn't that guy dare to go out and report me last time?"

The upward angle of the corner of Ding Sheng's mouth became wider, like a jackal locked on its prey.

Ye Du smiled slightly. From the words of the two of them, we can know that this is not the first time that Ding Sheng has acted aggressively. From the side, it can also be seen that the rarity and strength of A-level supernatural powers have made the police government give Their great privilege.

"It seems that your powerful supernatural beings can really do whatever they want."

Ye Du always had a calm smile on his face.

"That's right! Powerful supernatural beings can do whatever they want!"

The black sphere in Ding Sheng's hand began to grow larger, and a huge gravitational force erupted from the black sphere, as if to attract all the surrounding things into it.

"Stop! Ding Sheng!"

Xiao Wen squatted down and shouted loudly, but the strong wind caused by gravity completely covered her voice, she could only struggle to stay close to the ground to avoid being dragged into it by the opponent's ability, and the other soldiers were also staggering, like Scattered bowling pins.

This is Ding Sheng's ability as an A-level supernatural being. He can create a black hole and swallow everything around him. Now he has indeed controlled his own power, otherwise he could instantly engulf the entire block. Annihilation, but even so, Ding Sheng's power is already like a huge typhoon.

"Would supernatural beings hide in this backcountry? It's ridiculous. I want to show you that us powerful supernatural beings can do it..."

Before he finished speaking, several huge tentacles appeared from Ye Du's side, ignoring the gravitational force of the black hole, and entangled Ding Sheng's body, like a terrifying boa constrictor entangled his favorite prey.


Ding Sheng wanted to make a sound, but found that he was powerless, and his body seemed out of control, and the miniature black hole he created also disappeared.

The thick tentacles raised high, and then slammed Ding Sheng to the ground!

In the blink of an eye, the supernatural being who was still domineering just now fell to the ground like a dead dog.

This huge contrast directly made Xiao Wen and the soldiers stunned in place, unable to believe their eyes.

"Oh, this "powerful" Mr. Ability User really accidentally fell down on the flat ground."

Ye Du spread out his hands, his voice full of innocence.

It seemed as if there were no tentacles at all just now, Ding Sheng really fell down by accident.

"No...that's right, my colleague is just a little sloppy."

"Sorry, I really caused you trouble."

Hearing Ye Du's words, Xiao Wen, who felt a trace of coldness go straight up his spine, replied with a forced smile.

Ding Shengke's A-level ability user, the ability "black hole" he possesses is an extremely powerful ability!

But he couldn't even fight back, so he was instantly killed!

Why is there such a powerful supernatural being in this kind of place?

Although things that I don't understand come up one after another, there is only one thing that Xiao Wen is very clear about!

Even himself and the heavily armed soldiers behind him were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of such a powerful supernatural being, unable to fight back at all.