
I Live With A Ghost!

Eran was a homeless girl with a Rich family that gave her no will, money, or love. She decided to call her friends and leave an apartment for her in California. Eran decided to become a business owner to become successful like her snobby family. But a 22 year old ghost Dylan was funny though very stupid. They worked together though they had an actual adventure with each other.

tzaniepooh1010 · 若者
1 Chs

Chapter One: Mornings The Worst I Think..

"Disgrace." Eran's mind only refused for that word. She was mostly called other words by her family, but Disgraced made her tear her skin off.

Eran turned around the other way to direct herself to the clock. 10:30am. Enough time to open her boutique. She had got up and gotten ready.

"Where do you think your going?" Her mother had stopped her in the process. "Oh, your going to work in your uncertified trashy clothes parlor? Poor thing, maybe if you were more like me, you would be generous to make an unclean dress garage an actual boutique."

Eran doesn't understand how her father can put up with her, she just shook it off and stared her in the eye. "I have nothing to say to you Mother, and furthermore, it's 10:35 in the morning, and you are yelling at me." She had went downstairs, her mother watching furiously.

Eran had grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and got stopped.. but from a big tight squeeze from her sister, her brother, and her father. Eran had dropped the apple and accepted the squeeze. The mother looked devious at the hug and went downstairs.

"I do not understand why you love her, she's just a pain I can get rid of since she's 20, but it would ruin my famous life." the mother said. The father went up to her and said, "Well we love her, and you don't have to, who has more love for her? Three people or one person?" The mother was speechless. "That's what I thought, now come on kids, I'm taking you all to drop Eran off and then can get ice cream!" The children and Eran yelled right out of the door.


The father had dropped Eran off at the corner store she had owned by one of her famous best friends. "I'll bring you a double chocolate fudge cake ice cream later, Ok?" Eran had nodded and said, "Ok."