

Kane Black a 98 year old man who wanted nothing but the end unfortunately had his request denied so instead of once again hoping for his peace and quiet he decides to make it (Author note) leave me comments either on how bad i am or how to improve also if you just enjoyed it and this novel will have r+18 chapters later on you have been warned early

Tundra74 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Schemes, Schemes, and more Schemes

After being escorted to his temporary room Kane is admiring the stone castle he appears to be in unfortunately his room is about the same as the throne room old, decrepit, and covered in dust.

Kane sat down on the bed as a cloud of dust puffed up from under him but he didn't mind it as he still had a roof over his head or should I say his soul either way it didn't bother him as he drifted into a slumber.


In the throne room Death was currently getting an earful from his daughter.

"How can you be so mean to him father he is just an old man who wants to rest in peace." Anara said in a pouting tone

"I don't have a say in this matter Anara you know that I can't defy the heavens will if I had a say in the matter he would be able to pass into the spirit world and rest just like every other soul." Death said with a sigh

Hearing that it wasn't her fathers doing but the heavens to have Kane be reincarnated she didn't say anything anymore no one can defy the heavens will if the heavens say jump you don't ask how high you jump plain and simple.

Knowing she can't change the outcome Anara stormed off to somewhere in the castle while Death sat in his throne rubbing his temples and before he could react a man covered in light appeared in the middle of the room Death didn't speak and only watched as the light moved from the man to one of the thrones covering it until the stone broke off leaving a beautiful golden throne with a lion, tiger, snake, and dragon carved on it after sitting down the light faded from the man as he turned to speak.

"Hello little brother how is the soul world these days" (??) said as he looked at Death

"Tiring now what are you doing here Haerth you know its forbidden for more then 3 kings to be here" Death said with a cold tone

"Im here for Kane my dear brother I was told I was unfair to the old man" Haerth said without paying attention to the fuming Death

"Quite unfair if you ask me but that doesn't answer my question why specifically you are here for him Haerth god of karma and luck" Death said staring at him with cold eyes

"Cause the heavens ordered me to give him a blessing there does that satisfy you" Haerth said with an eye roll

Death didn't speak and just leaned further in his throne hoping Kane would leave and take his brother with him at this point.


Kane who was sleeping in his room is now thinking about what he should do since he can't seem to escape this fate he might as well try to make the best of it 'if I am going to be reincarnated I will pick a different world maybe my luck wont be as shit there as it was on earth' Kane thought to himself un-aware of the new arrival in the castle 'I might as well get this over with and leave I don't want to upset Death more than I have already.' he thought

Upon arriving back at the throne room he noticed the new man sitting in his throne but didn't dare to speak first if he was sitting in a throne it meant he was god either as strong or stronger then Death himself.

"Hello Kane I am Haerth god of karma and luck" Haerth said while casually looking through his memories to see how unfair he actually was to this mortal and if he could risk just leaving without giving his blessing but as the thought entered his head he saw a flash of lightning strike his mind internally and could only keep a calm face as he screamed in pain inside his mind.

"I'm here to give you my blessing so you may have a better life in the next world and I'm sorry you you had to live through that torture" Haerth said hoping now that he had apologized the pain would stop but it only lessened making it more tolerable but that was enough for him to focus again.

"I want to go to a different world still if that's possible" Kane said lowering his head in silence

After a short minute Haerth stood up and touched Kane's forehead with a ball of shining light and not long after Kane was gone no longer standing in the throne room with the gods but before Haerth could leave

"Do you know what the heavens have planned for that poor soul" Death said with a hint of worry in his voice

"If he gets strong enough they said he would fill the void that has been emptied" without another word Haerth disappeared leaving death with his mouth wide open 'a mere mortal man will fill the void that father left' Death thought to himself


Hey guys I'm sorry it took so long to get the next chapter out I had some power problems due to storms but I should be fine now also if you want to read more or just have a comment on how bad I am at this or how I could improve tell me plz in the comments below and to the 65 people who read the first chapter I hope you stuck around for this one and hopefully more to come :P