
home life

* stares out the window * I need more sleep..

* my grandma * bridge get down here and help your grandpa he needs help moving some stuff outside!

* gets up * okay nana!

* walks to the kitchen and looks at my grandma * so what do i do?

just go help him carry some stuff

okay nana, i'll be back in a minute


* sometimes I wish she would leave me alone, I love her but lord does she ask for alot *

papa!! whrere are you!

* grandpa * I'm back here!

* looks on the roof * what are you doing??

I'm fixing the roof up some

oh okay papa, so what do you need me to do?

just go out to the woods and grab the tree I cut down earlier for me its not that heavy, I just needed a support beam for the porch but I have to put it on from up here

where's the ladder papa??

I broke it..


I threw it because I got mad earlier so yeah.. I'm also kinda stuck up here but that's a problem for another time * concerned laugh *

alright then, im gonna go get the ladder see you in a bit

oki doki

* rolls my eyes * weirdo

I know you are

* walks to the woods * okay

* walks on the path * god I'm tired I didn't sleep very well last night

* hears a noise * what was that? * stays still *

* looks behind me * huh? I guess it was just me

* keeps walking *

* hears it agian and turns around agian * what is that???

* sees a beautiful blue and pink bird * huh?? I've never seen a bird like you before

* flys towards me *

ummm.. your getting pretty close

* flys above my head * what are you doing???

* gets dizzy * why am I so dizzy all of a sudden??

* passes out *

* unknown voice * is that her?

* unknown voice * yep that's what he said she looked like

* unknown voice * alright, grab her and lets go

to be continued...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I'm new to this and I hope you can help me out

Bridgett_Lemmondcreators' thoughts