
I just don’t care if anyone doesn’t like me I wasn’t put on earth to entertain everyone.

The society have boundation but i try to get through this. But never think that my own family will be against me.....................I really want a chance again to certify and prove everyone that i can make proud everyone and will acheive the dream soon....................He helped me a lot with all his love and care to support me but i end up disappoint him.

Killeraayu · ファンタジー
2 Chs

World against me!!


The beautiful morning filled with the sound of sparrows, bright light of sun and new hopes to begin the life. Everyone indeed playing there roles doing work earn money and running their home. Me as the girl of my house just sleeping till 10 everyone is shouting, quarelling but no one knows for how long i have been sleeping. My day starts there i dont have to do anything just wake up then morning tea then wash up then eating and again sleeping.

Holidays are going on. I don't like to do household works but there is a dream to acheive sucess, earn money, have fun and all luxuries with me.

I started searching for job. Then i got jobs but timing are not going well with my university. I ended up choosing a job of night shift as a cultural beliefs that girl who works overnight are not good for societies.