
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

DaoistLbwMKl · 都市
370 Chs

It’s none of my business if you lose money.

 Although Zhang Menglong is young and used to playing around, when he becomes serious, the confidence brought by his family background makes him extremely strong, and he is filled with the aura of a superior.

 This question directly shocked the foreign shareholders who had been the most violent in the discussion.

 The expression on Xu Huan's face standing behind Zhang Menglong was very exciting. When Zhang Menglong kicked the door open just now, he had no time to stop him. This was because he did not expect Zhang Menglong to do this at all.

 It's not that the previous chairman of Silicon Moonlight never got angry, but those who are truly dignified will not show many of their emotions because they have too many things to take into consideration.

 But Zhang Menglong had no such consideration at all. He could do whatever he wanted. When he felt unhappy, he would kick in the door if he wanted to. Anyway, this company was his, and he didn't care at all whether it would have any bad influence.

 "This guy's personality is exactly the same as that bastard Zhang Xiaoyun!" Liu Qian and her assistant walked silently behind Zhang Mengwu, "But, I like it!"

 "Who are you?" A skinny man with a broken Chinese colloquial voice The foreigner asked, "This is the chairman's room. Can people like you come in casually?"

 After saying that, he glanced at Xu Huan and said, "Xu Huan, don't you want to do it anymore? The chairman has just resigned, you Just let some unscrupulous people in?"

 "Oh, it seems that you were the dog barking in there just now," Zhang Mengyu smiled, "Infilite, right? Okay, I'll remember you. Yes."

 Zhang Mengyu just glanced at him and immediately ignored him.

 "Who else was talking about the Chinese people just now?" Zhang Menglong continued to ask, "What's wrong? They are all mute? Didn't everyone talk happily just now? Why don't you continue?"

 Zhang Menglong did not use the word "Huaxia" Because most of the people here are foreign shareholders, and almost all of them are from English-speaking countries, if they still use Chinese, they may not be able to understand themselves.

 "Who are you? Please get out immediately, or we will call security!" This time the speaker was a Chinese, and Zhang Mengyu recognized his voice. He was just the shareholder who was called Gao Feng.

 "Oh, by the way, I'm sorry, I forgot," Zhang Menglong's face showed no apologies at all, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Zhang Menglong, the new chairman of Silicon Moonlight!"

 Everyone was surprised, Zhang Menglong said Menglong is really too young, incredibly young. Although they all knew that the new chairman would take office today, they never thought that Zhang Menglong would be the chairman.

 "Zhang Menglong? Is it that Zhang Menglong?" Everyone's reaction was almost exactly the same as that of Xu Huan after hearing the name. Some people even took out their mobile phones in front of Zhang Menglong and searched for photos on the Internet to compare with him.

 "It's really him! The richest man in the world in his twenties!"

 Looking at the shocked expressions on these people's faces, Zhang Mengyu seemed very impressed.

 "I am a person who speaks more directly. I want Silicon Moonlight to agree to the conditions of those Westerners and ban the sale of chips to China. Let them eat shit!" Zhang Mengyu said.

 He glanced at the foreign shareholders and said, "If what I said offended one or more of you here, if you are dissatisfied, come and beat me!" "You

 said we Chinese people can't do business?" Zhang Mengyu continued to sneer, "When my ancestors were doing business all over the world, your ancestors didn't know where they were playing in the mud!" "

 What are you looking at? Why are you blushing? Cosplay Zhang Fei? Are you not convinced?" Zhang Mengyu said to The one named Inferit is a four-course player with excellent qualities.

 Yin Feit was so angry that his face was livid, but he had nothing to say, because Zhang Mengyu's mouth was like a machine gun. Even if he had an iron wall, it was really difficult to resist him.

 "Also, your name is Gao Feng, right?" Zhang Mengyu looked at the middle-aged fat man, "When you have money, do you forget that you are Chinese? If you have breasts, you are a mother? If foreigners tell you to eat shit, you will eat shit. ? Are you a dog?"

 "Mr. Zhang, please pay attention to your words and deeds!" Gao Feng glared at Zhang Mengyu.

 They are shareholders of the company, not executives. According to the law, as long as they do nothing illegal, they will always enjoy the company's share income. Even if Zhang Mengyu is the chairman, he can't do anything to them.

 "Oh, I'm sorry, I want to apologize to the dogs. I think I offended them." Zhang Mengyu walked to the chairman's seat in the conference room and sat down.

 "Xu Huan, please introduce these shareholders to me first." Zhang Mengyu crossed his legs.

 "Yes, Mr. Zhang," Xu Huan began to introduce the shareholders in order from the left side of Zhang Mengyu. In addition to Zhang Mengyu, Silicon Moonlight also has two shareholders who hold more than 10% of the shares. One is Yinfeilite. Another one is a middle-aged man named Xu Songhai.

 Zhang Menglong remembered that he was the one who raised objections just now, so Zhang Menglong had a very good impression of him. He smiled at Xu Songhai, and Xu Songhai also smiled back. Sometimes, friendship between men only requires a person who is the same goals, age, etc. are not important.

 "Oh, by the way," Zhang Menglong continued, "I have made my attitude clear just now. Now I have gone against the interests of most of you. You can impeach me!"

 "Mr. Zhang, now you have it. With 52% of the shares of Silicon Moonlight, it is already the company's largest shareholder. According to the company's articles of association, you have the right to veto the company's affairs, and no one has any power to impeach you."

 "Well said!" Zhang Mengyu I like this kind of discerning employee, "Starting from tomorrow, your salary will double!"

 Xu Huan's face flashed with joy, but then it dimmed. What would happen even if his salary was increased? How long can the company last?

 "Well, did you hear that?" Zhang Mengyu shrugged, "It's not that I don't give you a chance, it's that my strength simply doesn't allow it!"

 After hearing this, those who hope that Silicon Moonlight can follow the requirements of Westerners and ban The shareholders of Huaxia Chip Sales all turned gloomy. It seemed that Zhang Mengyu was determined to refuse cooperation.

 "Mr. Zhang, haven't you considered the consequences?" said a shareholder. "If foreign countries stop supplying wafers to us, our company will be almost paralyzed. Those low-end chip orders will not be profitable, let alone profit." We can't even maintain capital."

 "Yes, if our company does not lay off employees, its annual labor and equipment costs will be about 5 billion US dollars, and the total amount of our low-end orders every year is less than 2 billion US dollars. That's a loss of 3 billion US dollars!"

 "I have money and don't care about losing money." Zhang Mengyu blocked him with one sentence, "My dog ​​cost more than 3 billion US dollars!"

 "But we care!"

 Shareholders Each of them looked even uglier. Shareholders are different from employees. Even if Zhang Mengyu is rich and doesn't care about losses, his employees will still be paid their wages, but shareholders are not. They are eating the company's dividends. If the company loses money and makes no profit, They don't get a dime.

 Moreover, this dog's plot is difficult to overcome. Does Zhang Mengyu have a grudge against the dog? Both mouth and mouth are dogs!

 "It's none of my business whether you care or not!" Zhang Menglong sneered.

 "How are you? Are you angry?" Zhang Mengyu said provocatively, "I am the largest shareholder and I have the final say on all important decisions of the company. I just like to see you look unhappy but you can't kill me!"