
I Have Too Many Spawns

After eons of visiting world to world, our main character who is a Multiversal God decided to finally take care of his man slutting consequences, and that is to take care of his children from various worlds starting from RWBY! Not the best summary but you can tell what's the story is going to be about, M-for violence and swearing. Reminder: This is not a dark story and it's filled with humor.

Charlottes · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Coco Adel 4

The white Beowolf growled at them, thus making the air heavier than before, and the temperature was getting lower and lower for the residents of the village.

The white Beowolf started circling them, like a predator stalking its prey, before finally hunting it, no one moved a muscle.

Coco and her teammates were frozen in the stop, they were unable to move by the pressure alone, each second was so slow from their perspective.


Glynda forgot to breathe, it wasn't just her either, this situation was bad, no it was downright horrible, one mistake could cost their lives.

After all, they were facing an unknown Grimm, which means there are no known records of its abilities, meaning they are completely fucked.

The white Beowolf was finally getting ready to attack, the tension rose to a whole new level.

Glynda, Coco and the rest of the team noticed this, without hesitation Glynda shouted, "MOVE-"

But it was too late as the titanic white Beowolf tackled the nearest prey and got swallowed whole,

The hunters' eyes widened, by this action alone, it was confirmed despite its size, this gigantic Grimm could move so fast that they could barely see it move.

Fuck, it just got worse.

"AHHHHH!!!" A female resident screamed in despair as she saw her partner get swallowed by the titanic white Beowolf, and her screaming became the catalyst and everyone started screaming in panic!


Thus everyone started scattering around like ants, and the entire situation got much worse, the Grimm could feel their negative emotions and it started hunting those who ran.

"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" Coco wanted to shoot the gigantic Beowolf with her Gatling gun, however, she couldn't as it would cause friendly fire, she can't risk it, especially when the residents of this village were auraless.

With her weapon type, she can't do anything, which is the worst! 

The only thing that she could do is to help the others so that they could somehow avoid getting eaten by the gigantic Beowolf that was preying on them.

Glynda, Velvet, Yatsuhashi, and Fox were doing their best to kill the white Beowolf, but their attempts failed!

While the white Beowolf is fast, it isn't so fast that they can't hit it, they could but their dust-infused bullets couldn't even graze its skin!

But despite knowing that, they didn't give in to despair, because as long as they were alive and still, there was hope.

"Coco! Help the residents evacuate!" Coco heard Glynda's words loud and clear, she didn't need to be told twice and did what she was told.

There was too much happening in a short moment, that it was pressuring, Coco prioritized those who are closer to her grasp.

Despite everything, she couldn't save everyone as she could only look at the other residents getting devoured by the white Beowolf. Guilt and shame was the only thing she felt, but they didn't overpower her ability to think logically and give in to pressure.

She saves and saves as many as residents she can, and finally, her stamina hits the limit, she was panting and sweating, and her aura was nearly depleted, then she stared at the place where her team and Glynda 'fight' the white Beowolf.

And all of sudden, she froze from her spot, the scene right in front of her was something that would become her nightmare for years, perhaps in a lifetime.


This is just a dream, yes a nightmare there's no way that this is true….. 


Coco was desperately trying to deny what she saw right in front of her, even though she could feel the pain, tiredness, and numbness in her body.

It wasn't a dream,

It's a nightmare.

Half of Yatsuhashi's body was missing.

Fox's head was separated from his body.

Velvet's intestine, spleen, kidneys, ribs, and everything inside her were scattered around on the dirty ground.

And Glynda's body was currently getting chewed by the giant white Beowolf as if her body was a toy, however, it wasn't the worst part, the worst part is, that she's still alive as she got chewed by the white Beowolf.

Coco could see her horrified and pained expression, Glynda in her last breath saw Coco and said.


After saying that, the light in her eyes completely disappeared and died.

That was the last straw, Coco couldn't remember what happened clearly after that but she screamed in an inhumane voice, she broke.

And her eyes turned into a familiar clock, it glowed a little and the clock inside her pupil started rotating backward.

Everything within a mile radius paused and started rotating backward, everything went back before the white Beowolf arrived, before everything turned into hell.

Coco's father stared at the sky with a grin on his face, knowing what happened, "I didn't think she would use her innate ability this early, but then again with my precognition locked I'll never know what's going to happen next."

His grin, turned into chuckles then turned into a full burst laughter and the people around him were looking at him as if he was crazy, but few found it attractive. He's handsome after all, perks of being good-looking.

He continued to laugh, only stopping when a police officer tapped his shoulder and asked (ordered) him to follow quietly so that they could speak in private.

Coco didn't know what happened after she unknowingly used her time manipulation ability, she lost her consciousness after all that traumatic experience, including the piled-up stress and exhaustion that she felt at that very moment.

We all have that worst day of our lives and today is her worst.

An unknown time passed, and Coco's eyelid started trembling and it's slowly opening.

She finally regained her consciousness after that traumatic experience, after she fully regained her consciousness, she stared at her surroundings in confusion before a sudden flash of memories appeared in her mind.

All of the memories before she lost her consciousness, it all coming back to her.




Ms. Goodwitch!

Remembering everything made her stomach churn! She almost puked on her legs if she didn't block her mouth.

Tears came out of her eyes, she couldn't believe it, her teammates, Ms. Goodwitch t-they were dead!

No..no.. nononononono…this can't be happening…!

No matter how much she denies it, it happened and it's still fresh inside her head, she couldn't stop her tears from falling from her eyes, she sobbed, "hic* Velvet, Fox hc* Yatsuhashi, Ms. Glynda hic*"

Before she could blame herself and develop a survivor's guilt, someone suddenly shouted her name, "Coco! You're awake! Thank God I have so many questions-"

Coco stop hearing the rest of the sentence as she could only stare at the person in front of her in shock, it was her partner Velvet, who she thought was dead, without hesitation she bolted out of her bedsheet and hugged Velvet with force enough for Velvet to wince in pain.

She wanted to stop Coco but she realized that her friend was crying, so she let her hug her even though it was a bit painful.

"There.. there it's okay, everything is fine.." Velvet started patting Coco's back making her feel a bit comfortable.

It took a full ten minutes for her to stop crying and hugging Velvet with force, finally, she spoke her first word in ten minutes, "I-i thought I lost you, all of-"

Suddenly Coco paused as if she realized something important, "H-hey is Fox, Yatsu, and Ms. Goodwitch still around?"

There was an obvious trembling in her voice, she wanted to confirm if they were alive or it was just Velvet who survived even though she clearly died in her recent memory which makes no sense.

She wondered if this was all a hallucination of her mind.

Immediately Coco got her answer from Velvet's mouth, "A-ah yes, they are still around…"

Hearing that from Velvet calmed her down, she didn't even realize that massive relief on her face, "T-then.. what happened, was just a nightmare..?" she said to herself rather than Velvet.

However, Velvet heard that question and answered it with a shaken tone, "Nightmare? The fact that I-we died from the white Beowolf?"

Coco's eyes widened at her word, her body started sweating and trembling, "W-what…? B-but I thought…"

Knowing exactly what she meant Velvet replied, "I-we remember ou-our deaths, the p-pain I felt, no we felt was real, it was not just hallucination…!"

Coco started trembling, "T-then how? H-how are you all a-alive? H-here with me….no way..! A-are we all dead..?!"

That's the thing that her mind could think of, it's the only possible outcome for them!

"W-what?! No! We're not dead, we're all breathing and alive, but we don't know how we are even alive or what happened after our supposed 'death'!" Velvet quickly replied in a panic.

Relief was evident on her face, so they weren't dead, but how? How exactly are they even alive?

"You what, let's meet the others, Ms. Goodwitch has 'theories' she can explain better than me," Velvet's words quickly gained her attention.

Right.. right, the others! They're also alive!

Coco can't still wrap her head, that the fact that her teammates and Ms. Goodwitch are still alive, even now she was still in shock. She's not having it easy, watching her team and teacher die wasn't the best memory she got.

Coco went outside the bedroom with Velvet, she looked around and realized that they were still on flight, not only that she saw a bunch of familiar faces.

Some of them were the people she couldn't save, the people that got devoured by that cursed beast.

She forcefully shook her head, she can't allow herself to feel guilty now that they were alive, it would have been for nothing.

Walking at the center of the bullhead, she saw Yatsuhashi, Fox, and Glynda!

Her eyes lit up,

They were really alive, thank the brother Gods..!

It's not like she didn't believe Velvet, it's just different to see them with her own eyes.

As Coco and Velvet got closer, they noticed their presence, seeing her Yatsuhashi couldn't help but smile, "Coco! I'm glad that you're awake!"

Fox nodded along with Yutsu's words, he too was relieved to see their leader okay.

"Ms. Adel, I'm glad that you're awake..now," Glynda said while eyeing her, "Mind talking about what happened after...I 'died' It's not a comfortable subject, but I need information about it."

Ms. Goodwitch's tone was soft, nothing like her usual strict ones.

She took a few moments looking at them before taking a deep breath and started explaining.

It took a while to finish the story from her point of view, she was trembling when she told them the part of their 'death' it was a nightmare to her.

"And after that, I've lost consciousness.." 

Velvet, Yatsuhashi, and Fox couldn't help but feel guilty that their death made their leader snap mentally, they weren't idiots they realized that because of their death she developed a mental trauma.

"I see…" Glynda wasn't so heartless that she didn't feel anything after hearing her story, she felt pity for the girl, however, she too wasn't having it easy, she was sure that the rest of team CFVY was too, after all, they share the pain of dying together, it wasn't pleasant a sensation, for her and certainly not for them.

Who would have thought she would see her death and get to live with it, unbelievable but it happened by some mysterious means.

Her eyes landed on Coco Adel, she was sure that the whole thing had to do with her, after all, she was the only possible suspect but how exactly..?

Could it be that she unlocked the second semblance in a dire moment..? 

It wasn't impossible, but unlikely as there was no such thing as 'second semblance' nor a semblance that could revive an entire village!

The other is magic, but that's more impossible than the former! 

To her knowledge, the only person that has magic in this era was her boss, the headmaster of beacon academy, and the one behind the Grimm Salem.

Ms. Adel couldn't possibly be a mage, if she was Ozpin would know.

Either way, she has something to do with all of this, all evidence was pointing at her, she was the center of it, no matter how ridiculous what happened, happened.

"Ms. Adel, hear me out I know this sounds unbelievable but, perhaps you unlocked a second semblance in a dire moment, and the reason why are we all alive," Glynda spoke softly, as she wasn't even sure about it.

Fox, Yatsuhashi, and Velvet was a bit surprised, but that's it, as they thought about it too, it's unbelievable but it's the only possible outcome, heck even if it's magic they'll believe it at this point, after all, they were revived and magic is definitely one of those things, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Hearing that from Glynda, Coco was a bit stunned, she never really thought about it as she had plenty of things on her mind right now, and the thought of unlocking a second semblance wasn't one of those things.

As her mind was occupied by Glynda's words, her mind suddenly clicked.

"No way…there's no way…b-but..th-that's ridiculous..!" Coco said it to herself rather than anyone around.

"Ms. Adel I know it's ridiculous but it's the only thing that comes to mind," Glynda sighs.

"No, I mean I... It's not about unlocking a second semblance...I think I have an idea of how things happened.." 

Glynda was surprised, she didn't think that she would have some clue of what was happening, "Truly? Then please, explain so that we can understand."

"R-right.." Coco took a deep breath and continued, "You guys remember when I met someone that claimed to be my father?"

Velvet eyes widened and then nodded, "Of course, it's just a few hours ago when you mentioned that man."

Glynda looked a bit lost, as this was the first time she heard of this, though she knew about Coco fainting in Vale, but didn't know the full story, she decided to remain silent and continued to listen.

"I-i think he had something to do with this, I mean everything…"


"Yes, I'm not entirely sure but there's a high possibility that it's him, he's the only one suspicious individual that I met within the past few hours, besides he did actually do something to me that made me unconscious!" The more she thought about it the more certain that the man who claimed to be her biological father is the person responsible for this!

"Ah, that makes sense!" Velvet readily agreed with Coco, she also found it suspicious.

Glynda slowly adjusted her glasses, "If that's true, then we'll have to find that man and ask him some questions, although it won't be easy to find him."

Team CFVY nodded at her words, after talking for a bit, Coco went back to the room before to rest, she was mentally drained from their conversation alone, not that she's complaining though.

Coco stared at her hands and muttered to herself, "If I really have the ability to revive them, I want to learn how to use them.."

She would be a fool If she neglected it, the ability to revive people was a game changer, especially in her profession.

Well, she didn't know her ability 'yet' for now, she'll think of it as the ability to revive people, not manipulate time literally.

Anyway, I'm back.

For now, I'll update 2 of my fanfic daily, this and the Danmachi one, if you want me to continue the other fanfics just let me know.

I'll probably put a voting poll on which ones should I continue, for now, I'll focus on these 2 fics.