
I have fallen for the villian

It's about a cold , aloof guy transmigrating in a world which itself has a little problem. Being transmigrated : It's a joy or a headache?? No connection to this world guy: I am pretty neutral about it... Did you acquired any cheats??? I am myself a cheat! So who is going to be your main lead here?? That I have no idea... ............... TRANSMIGRATION!! A WORLD ACTUALLY A NOVEL!!!! NO IDEA ABOUT THE NOVEL!!!! NO CONNECTION TO THE NOVEL!!! NO CONNECTION TO THE AUTHOR!! THEN WHAT'S THE REASON FOR MY TRANSMIGRATION? ?? NO CONNECTION TO ANY KIND OF REASON! " _"

Thrishalaupadh1 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Ethan lu

As they came out of that tormenting place, everyone was relieved . They were happy. Everyone was happy but soon they realied ethan's condition. All three of them stared at ethan and was feeling quite angry on those bastards. The girl among them cleaned the blood from ethan's mouth. Ethan was still conscious but his body was in pain.

One of the boy among them named morris sadly said " It will take 2 days to get out of here. "

The girl named rena angrily replied " I really wanted to kill those bastards."

Another boy named eli sighed and said " We have to get out of here soon. Ethan's body will get damaged more if we are late."

Ling xiao who was listening to their conversation sighed. Rena then remembered that they are not alone. She wasnt able to see the youth who saved them properly. Others also remembered about the same thing. All 4 of them then gazed towards the youth who was currently lying on the ground with his eyes closed.

The youth had unusual hair clour. His hairs were pure white like snow. His skin was baby white in colour. His lips were red as blood. His eyebrows were like willow. His nose was sharp and had long eyelashes. The youth was also 15 to 16 years old. Had a slim figure and was dressed in white clothes. The clothes were also unusual. Ethan who was lying on ground was mesmerized for a second by the youth's beauty. Others were also taken back by his appearance.

Ling xiao who was currently lying on ground felt the gazes of others and opened his eyes. He then stood up and stared at those little teenagers. As he looked them, they were having an astonished faces. The youth's eyes were silver grey in colour with a little blood red colour on the outline. It was such a beautiful and unique colour that they were taken back by surprise.

Ling xiao saw their surprised faces and calmly asked " Am i having something on my face?"

Rena smiled a little and embarassingly replied " No no."

Eli then coughed and asked awkwardly " May i know where are you going mister?"

Ling xiao smiled awkwardly and replied " I have no idea."

Ethan wrinkeled his eyebrows upon hearing his words. He then coughed blood again. Rena helped ethan to clean the blood. Eli and morris also seemed worried. Ling xiao then asked " What happened to him?"

Morris then replied " They sprinkeled poisonous white roots on ethan."

Upon seein ling xiao's confused looks rena explained " It will axcumulate itself in bones and started decaying it from inside."

Upon hearing this ling xiao was really angry. How can those devils do this to such a little boy. He must be in damm pain. Ling xiao then asked " Cant it be cured."

Rena replied sadly " It can but we dont have the medicine. If it is nt given within 5 hours , then it will damage the body severly. It will take 2 days to get out of forest then only , we can give ethan medicine. until then his body will be severly injured but he can be saved."

Ethan who was listening all of this was calmly lying. He only felt extreme hatered towards those people.

Morris then said " Only if we can get human blood!"

Eli shouted " Shut your mouth morris."

Rena then said " Eli calm down."

Ling xiao then asked curiously " What about human blood?"

Morris then said " Human blood can clear ethan's poisions."

Eli then retorted back " Morris its not possible. for us to get blood."

Rena then sighed. Everyone's face was filled with sadness. Ling xiao saw their faces and replied " you guys are not human ?"

Rena smiled " If we were then we wont be in such a situation." Her voice was filled with sadness.

Ling xiao then walked towards morris and picked the scythe lying behind him. Everyone became alert and stood on guard. But to their surprise ling xiao only cut his wrist area . Blood started falling down from his wrist. The smell of blood lingered in their noses. Ling xiao then walked towards ethan and bent down and said " Drink it."

Everyone was little taken back. Ethan narrowed his eyes. He cant understand why this guy is offering his blood to him. Everyone despise them. Then why he is kindly giving his blood with no disgust in his eyes. Ethan bent down a little and his toungue slid towards ling xiao's wrist. He then licked it softly. Ling xiao felt a bit awkward by his tongue licking his wrist.

Then he saw two canine teeth comming out like vampires from ethan's mouth. Ling xiao felt a little pain as the teeth sunk in his skin. He then saw ethan closing his eyes and drinking slowly. Ling xiao felt a warm feeling surging in his body. He started feeling a bit weak. He closed his eyes. He never thought he will help a vampire like this. But they looked really pitful. Ling xiao doesnt have the greatest heart but still he cant leave those children to die. He is no saint but he still felt a voice telling him to help these people. His body was getting warm and heavier. He was feeling like he was falling in endless darkness.

As ethan was drinking his blood, he opened his eyes.In front of him the youth has already fainted. He then smiled a little and licked the guys wound then stood up. Everyone present were feeling a bit awkward by the current circumstances. Humans always despise them. Humans never willingly give them blood. They alwys saw them as monsters. To them this youth's behaviour was a lot awkward. Ethan then bent down and carried the youth in princess style then smiled upon seeing the youth's face. He then said " Let's get out of here."

Everyone followed ethan's orders. They were following him obediently