
I Have Evolution Points [Hiatus]

Bite, mirrors the evolution of your point +1, evolved into the mirror; bite, +1 point your quill evolution, evolutionary fate of the pen; bite, +1 point your watch evolution, evolution is a bell of the time ...... all God is revived, and the kingdom of God is reappearing. Anton, who has come to the world of guns and steel, has embarked on an extraordinary road relying on his infinite evolutionary ability!

SHALLOWS · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Chapter 18 The Ordinary Family Tree

"Lord, as a nobleman, the most important thing is to memorize his own genealogy." Justin said with a hatred of iron and steel.

Anton was a little embarrassed to be said by Justin.

Anton Harden Sauron did not care about the genealogy of his family. Although he inherited the memory of Anton Harden Sauron he did not remember this genealogy very clearly.

As for the magic mirror even though he knew the genealogy he could not find anything useful so Anton had to ask Justin.

It's also good to confirm whether the Harden Sauron family that he inherited is any hidden great person.

"I know my family tree. What I asked is are there any big names in those ancestors that are not recorded in the family tree?"

Justin looked at Anton helplessly and then said "Lord no your family property is your seventh ancestor who gave up his life to save the then crown prince in the two-color tulip battle and this was the reward. "

"Before your ancestors were all commoners

Anton knew that this old housekeeper didn't need to lie but he was obviously full of extraordinary blood. This couldn't explain it!

Without using the potion he awakened the blood of the Fire Spirit Fighter as well as the light that he saw when he was promoted like a blazing sun.

All this shows that his blood is extraordinary.

"Old housekeeper don't worry think about it, maybe you can think of something else!"

Justin sighed and said, "Lord although your ancestors are not very prominent but family history can't touch other thoughts at all."

"Otherwise spread it out the Harden Sauron family will become the laughing stock of the entire empire and you will..."

The next words Justin swallowed again. People have self-knowledge and the lord respects himself that is educated. If you can't figure out how many catties you are and do some preaching then that is a treasonous act.

"Old housekeeper I'm just curious to ask I want to figure out why this necromancer would attack us and where is the crux of it."

"After all, this necromancer appeared too suddenly!"

Hearing the necromancer, Justin said nervously: "Lord, I heard Pulis say that you killed the necromancer yourself?"

"I don't know what the situation is. At that time the necromancer wanted to kill me. You think it's horrible. Can I be anxious? This shot actually killed him!"

"Could it be because my bullets are pure silver bullets!"

Justine looked at Anton carefully with muddy eyes, and accepted Anton statement in his heart.

After all this little lord had grown up by himself and he didn't have too many outstanding features. As for extraordinary power it was even more impossible.

Explaining his actions to kill the necromancer, there is only one possibly it's out of luck!

"It's also possible." Justin murmured: "Go on again. Fortunately this necromancer is dead. Our manor can also be quiet."

"Old housekeeper I read the diary left by the necromancer he is just the beginning, and there will be more powerful necromancers to chase us down." Anton intends to use Justin to deepen his understanding of the world so he spoke. straightforward.

Justin's look suddenly became extremely ugly. And Puliss smile began to become stiff.

"Lord, what you said is true?" Justin asked tremblingly.

"It should be correct otherwise I won't ask you if my ancestors left something for the necromancer to peek."

Justin shook his head and said, "No, your ancestors really didn't leave anything worthy of peeping from the extraordinary."

"Being targeted by these evil transcendents all we can do is turn to the Thunder Church hoping that the church can eliminate these evil necromancers."

Pulis said: "The helpers we sent have been gone for a day but until now they have not returned."

"According to the distance it only takes two hours for him to get to Quikluodun City."

Quirkludun is a county town a hundred miles away from Sheffield Manor. It not only has a population of more than 100,000 but also has the largest Thunder Church in the county of Quebec.

It took only two hours for the journey, and there was no response for two days. Either the person asking for help had a problem or the Thunder Temple had a problem.

Anton and Justin looked at each other before listening to Justin said, "It should be our people who have a problem."

"The most important thing for us now is to ask for help from Quirk Rotun. Or ask Pulis to go there in person and bring a few more people."

Pulis looked nervous, but still solemnly promised: "My lord, Pulis is willing to help you."

Anton looked at Pulis and thought to himself: "Anton what level of person can you see in the Thunder Temple?"

"I should be able to see the priest of the church." Pulis hesitated and said, "After all the bishops are too busy. I'm afraid I won't be able to see it."

Justine frowned. He was very clear about the efficiency of the Thunder Temple. If Pulis just reflected it to the ordinary priest then the rescue didn't know when it would come.

The destruction of a lord's manor is a major event for himself and others but for those big men it is only a negligible event.

He had heard of Justine there were seven or eight incidents of destruction of the manor.

"Let me take a trip!" Anton looked at Justin and said, "The object that the necromancer wants to chase and kill should be me."

"I went to Quirkludun those death wizards will not target you maybe the manor will be safe."

Justin wanted to persuade him, but he listened to Anton words: "What's more when I went to Quikluodun those necromancers would be afraid of the Thunder Temple and dare not act arbitrarily."

Anton said so so Justin didn't persuade him. For a moment he suddenly felt that the little lord who had been under his protection had grown up.

Not only does the analysis lead the way but the decision is also clear and reasonable.

"Okay then ask Mr. Pulis to take a patrol with you."

After a few words of comfort to Justine Anton left Justine's room. The blazing sun hung high watching the dazzling blazing sun hanging in the sky Anton felt a sense of closeness in his heart.

"The Lord also loves to watch the sun. I heard that our Majesty will look at the sun for a few minutes at noon every day. I don't know if it is because of this that his Majesty is called the Sun King by many people!" Pulis followed Anton and smiled.