
I Have An Alien Mining Ship

Zhang Heng got a mining ship from an alien civilization! From then on, the rich minerals buried in the deep sea became his possession! Iron ore, copper ore, coal mine, rare earth ore, etc.! Oil, natural gas, and combustible ice that cannot be mined by human technology at present! Mining, mining, nothing to say! There are rich mineral resources in the waters of the island country? In front of the mining ship, it belongs to Zhang Heng! In addition, a large amount of metals can be processed and refined into rare metals and alloys! … This is a translation of a Chinese novel , don't scold me for any racism or nationalism or ccp brainwashing in the novel , just shut off your brain and ignore all that bullshit, I just translate this shit so more ppl can read and maybe someone gets inspired and writes some better stuff , Original name 都市:海洋采矿舰 Author : Braised Eggplant 03 From faloo

Cardinal_Sin · その他
200 Chs

Chapter 186: Another Killing Of The Chicken To Frighten The Monkeys

"Return home!"Zhang Heng gritted his teeth, fortunately he didn't cover his chest.Watching a B-2 bomber that crashed into the sea could not be salvaged! Watching something that could have been used to repair and upgrade the mining ship could not be taken down.Ordinary people cannot understand that kind of heartache.Not to mention that there are a lot of technologies? Get them up, scan them out, and then show them a little bit to Chengfei Group or something [It can help the development progress of domestic strategic bombers.In the past, when an F-35 was brought up, those technologies were still guarded and dared not be taken out because the situation was different at that time.Now, Hengyuan Mining Group is almost firmly tied to the military chariot.Some technologies, don't take out too much, there will be no problem, let alone suspicion.Just pay attention to one thing, such as stealth coatings from the West, and some new metal materials, etc., they will definitely not be suspected, which is consistent with the major he studied.Not only will it not be suspected, but it can also further solidify his reputation as a super genius in the field of materials.Let's go home!Out of sight, out of mind, and even less pain in the heart!"Captain, are you not going to continue sailing?"01"No, just go home!"Zhang Heng did it very thoroughly. He manually turned off the virtual screen and leaned on the captain's chair with his eyes closed. The world was really peaceful, but he didn't think it was impossible: "Wait, wait for me... It won't take long, it won't take long, I will definitely salvage you."Scanning detection device, projection device!There is no need to worry about these two items. If the depth is increased by 50 meters, it will meet the standard of complete salvage.As for the small piece of wing exposed, why not give it a try? Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, there is actually no big loss. Even if the wing is torn off, the B-2 bomber is already damaged anyway, there is no problem at all, and it doesn't cost money to try it.But don't forget that the mining ship is now fully loaded, and the storage compartment is full of more than 4,000 tons of ore. If a miracle happens and it is salvaged, do we have to dump all the ore?"Captain, the longitude and latitude have been marked!""Okay!"Zhang Heng didn't need to be reminded, and he knew that Smart No. 1 would mark it. Isn't it? It's marked with emphasis. In the future, whenever you open the sea chart, there will be ten big red dots to remind you.No more scanning and detection, record the distribution of mineral resources in the sea area around the Ryukyu Islands.Return at full speed!The speed is not slow, and it will return to the shore in less than an hour.Probably because of a low mood.Zhang Heng did not order the mining ship to sail again, but stopped overseas, waiting for night, and will transfer more than 4,000 tons of ore to the open space of the No. 2 plant to free up storage space, and then sail again to carry out mining titanium alloys.I'm in a bad mood!Especially when I have nowhere to vent, it's terrible."Boss... the people below reported that Ying Xiang went out to purchase supplies and asked the merchant to tamper with the invoice." Mu Gang was angry. He joined Hengyuan Mining Group and became a member. He has zero tolerance for parasites."Okay, I got it!"Zhang Heng waved his hand. He was in a bad mood and had a gloomy face. This time, he was not only gloomy, but also a little cold: "You call two people and contact them. Forget it, I'll call and call Yang Junyi, Ying Xiang, and his relative."Understood!" Mu Gang used the intercom directly. Now their security team has more than 60 people coming one after another. There is really no shortage of people, especially in the industrial plant area, a lot of people can be called in a few minutes.Two calls were made!It didn't take long, only more than 20 minutes.The first to rush over was Yang Junyi, the current head of the human resources department of Hengyuan Mining Group. When he rushed over, he saw the young boss with a gloomy face. He only said hello and was signaled to shut up, stand aside, and wait quietly.Yingxiang, the protagonist, was the second person to rush over. The last to rush over was his relative. However, on the surface, few people knew that the two of them were relatives. "Those who knew chose to keep it secret.At least, Yang Junyi knew about it, but did not report it."Everyone is here!"Zhang Heng spoke, staring at Ying Xiang, then glanced at his relative, and said coldly: "Ying Xiang, I will give you two choices now.The first is to pay me all the money you have embezzled from the company during this period.I don't care whether you have spent it or sold your children, but you must pay it back to me and then get out!""The second choice is simple. I will call the police, arrest you and go over there, and then follow the normal procedures. In the end, it will be the same.""And you... came in through nepotism and thought you had no problem. The two of them deliberately acted and pretended not to know each other. They underestimated the ability of the security department of the mining group."How much money have you taken from the company during this period, and how many shady things have you done, all of them, and then get out. If you hide one thing, no matter how small it is, I will not let you have a good result."After the interview, when you joined the company, I told you not to be cunning. It will not benefit you. But you didn't listen, so don't blame me. ""Choose!"Zhang Heng's eyes were fixed on Ying Xiang."Mr. Zhang, you... I didn't, really didn't, I'm busy every day, now the group is in the process of development, I can't handle it alone, as for the embezzlement of the company's money, even more..." Ying Xiang would not admit it, acting very openly and slutty."Mugang, call the police!"Zhang Heng gestured, he didn't wait for the other person to finish, he said to give one of the two choices, but the other person denied it and was still quibbling, which was considered to be making a choice: "I gave you a chance, you made a choice, everything is your own fault, take the person away first, handle the matter impartially, and follow the normal procedures. "Okay!"Mu Gang gave a signal, and four people rushed over to control the two people.There is no need for four people, one by one is no problem.With the ability of the security department, one person controlling one is as simple as an eagle catching a chick, but two people are still used to ensure a 300% success rate. "Director Zhang, no, boss, you can't..."The next moment! It has become silent, because their mouths were blocked, and they were dragged away. "Yang Junyi, you are the head of the human resources department.You have just joined the company not long ago.You haven't passed the probation period yet, right?"Zhang Heng looked sideways and there were only three people left on the scene.His sharp eyes locked: "Although you have been here for a short time, I think you have heard more or less about what kind of company Hengyuan Mining Group is.Even if you haven't heard, you have seen it with your eyes. ""Do you think such a group can accommodate a lot of people with small thoughts?""I don't care about workplace struggles, and I don't care about the survival rules of professional managers.What I want is people who can work honestly and think about the group peacefully.So the question is, as the head of the human resources department, have you been cooperative in your work during this period?"Zhang Heng asked calmly without any rush or harsh tone.