
I Have An Alien Mining Ship

Zhang Heng got a mining ship from an alien civilization! From then on, the rich minerals buried in the deep sea became his possession! Iron ore, copper ore, coal mine, rare earth ore, etc.! Oil, natural gas, and combustible ice that cannot be mined by human technology at present! Mining, mining, nothing to say! There are rich mineral resources in the waters of the island country? In front of the mining ship, it belongs to Zhang Heng! In addition, a large amount of metals can be processed and refined into rare metals and alloys! … This is a translation of a Chinese novel , don't scold me for any racism or nationalism or ccp brainwashing in the novel , just shut off your brain and ignore all that bullshit, I just translate this shit so more ppl can read and maybe someone gets inspired and writes some better stuff , Original name 都市:海洋采矿舰 Author : Braised Eggplant 03 From faloo

Cardinal_Sin · その他
200 Chs

Chapter 181 Ultra-High Strength Titanium Alloy

"I am very confused. Didn't they consider the issue of transportation when designing the mining ship?"Zhang Heng asked the question directly, which is definitely a big problem: "If it was considered at the beginning of the design, then the storage compartment should not have a capacity of only 10 million tons.This is unreasonable.After all, the storage compartment is different from the mining ship itself and belongs to the dimensional space."This aspect is not very clear either, because the database is damaged!"Intelligent No. 1 could not give an answer, and did not civilized everything, but had already speculated: "There should be several reasons.The first reason, and the most important reason, is that the space technology is far from mature and the dimensional space cannot be built too large, otherwise it will cause the dimensional space to collapse. ""The second reason may be that the storage compartment does not need to be too large, and the deck can also be used as a warehouse.The mining ship is a mineral resource ship for interstellar navigation.The speed of mining is also integrated into the space technology, which can quickly mine all mineral resources. ""With the assistance of the powerful processing cabin 01, can the design principle be to pile the mined ore on the deck first, then start the processing cabin, process it into finished metal materials, and then store it in the storage cabin?""If this design principle is followed, the carrying capacity of the mining ship can be maximized. After all, mining takes a long time, but the processing cabin is not as fast as imagined. It takes time, and you can stay and continue mining during this process.""When the last interstellar mining mission is completed, during the return process, will the mining ship's capacity be maximized, and during the return process, it will not rest and can still return while processing?""Rationally use its own carrying capacity, space, and time, and try to avoid wasting a single bit. At the same time, there should be one last factor, that is, there are many dangers in the universe."Especially in some meteorite belts, the mineral resources are very rich, but also extremely dangerous. The mining ship is extremely large. When it arrives, it must leave as soon as possible, otherwise it may be hit by meteorites and the time to stay for mining is limited.Intelligent No. 1's speculation-explanation is not incomplete. It can be said that these speculations are infinitely close to the truth."All possible!"Zhang Heng has been listening quietly, and he also has his own speculation: "It should be said that these reasons, all factors, are valid, probably because of this.""The total carrying capacity reaches 100 million tons, and with the ability of the processing cabin, it can be said that a return to the planet for mining, when returning, is 100 million tons of finished materials. This is already very scary. In this case, it is a bit excessive to ask for more. ""Okay, it's really too difficult to repair the auxiliary power system. I also want the mining ship to fly, no, a more professional way of saying it is to temporarily suspend it, but that... is too difficult. ""You can't be impatient, and you can't do it if you want to. There are always insurmountable difficulties. "Zhang Heng felt powerless, and he was more realistic: "Next... repair the processing cabin with all our strength. Yes, other repair work can be put in the back, the core is the processing cabinI am very useful, and even the ability of the processing cabin can be brought into play, which can speed up the repair.""Understood!" Smart No. 1 said nothing more. The database was damaged and too much data was lost. It was also the captain's order, so he just accepted it."Is the storage cabin now more than 4,000 tons?" Zhang Heng asked again."Yes, the gold devourer is still very powerful."Smart No. 1 used a cheerful tone, but soon became a little depressed: "However, without some better materials, the progress of the repair will slow down [and it may become difficult to move forward later. "1"It's still the factor of rare earth and some rare metals!"Zhang Heng understood this, and Smart No. 1 reminded him earlier: "What is the maximum extent to which the storage cabin can be repaired?""It is estimated to be around 5,000 tons!""What about now? How many tons can be loaded at the limit?" Zhang Heng asked."About 4,158 tons!""Well, if it works normally, it will probably be around 4,100 tons, but it's enough for now."Zhang Heng didn't say anything else.Extreme loading and normal loading are two different things.He can't always use his ability to the limit.If he is not careful, the storage cabin will collapse, which will be counterproductive: "Help me open the processing catalog, exclude other finished materials, and only keep the titanium alloy processing catalog."$789!"The virtual screen rose, and only a small list was left."Ha... As expected!"Zhang Heng got what he wanted with just one look, and he was naturally overjoyed, but he was also a little worried: "The processing cabin is still lacking, and the quality that can be processed and refined is still limited.Currently, the quality of titanium alloy is divided into three levels.The standard is based on MPa, or Pascal. For example, 0~500MPa is a low-strength titanium alloy, 500~900MPa is a medium-strength titanium alloy, and 900~1100MPa is a high-strength titanium alloy.The titanium alloys used in the military industry are all titanium alloys with a strength higher than 1000MPa. Even 900MPa is not qualified."1800MPa, although not more than 2000MPa, is already an ultra-high-strength titanium alloy. At present, even if the technology of the Star-Spangled Empire is powerful, it can't reach this strength, right?"Zhang Heng muttered to himself. In his heart, he wanted to reach a titanium alloy of 2065700MPa, but he didn't. This was the reason for his disappointment: "But 180OMPa is actually enough. It is estimated that the sixth-generation fighter is also qualified, right?""Okay, calculate the material ratio of ultra-high-strength titanium alloy, formulate a complete route, and set off!"Zhang Heng had read it and had a clear idea in mind.He issued the most detailed instructions and then further added: "Also... rare earths are used in synthesis.Now those companies will place orders.It's the most convenient.Let's calculate that the purchase volume this time will reach about 500,000 tons.""How much money do you need? Transfer it to my account.""In addition, don't start the processing cabin this time. The original minerals will be transported back. When the time comes, the mined minerals will need to be piled in an open-air environment, placed in the vacant space of Plant No. 2, and then pushed into the plant after the rare earths arrive."The titanium alloy production line produces 900MPa intermediate-strength titanium alloys. Is there any problem?"Zhang Heng finally asked worriedly."The limit is 950MPa titanium alloy!" Smart No. 1 is the designer, and the data is the clearest."Well, in this way, ultra-high-strength titanium alloys are available, and high-strength titanium alloys are also available!"Zhang Heng snapped his fingers, feeling extremely happy: "Now, we only need time to catch up with Juehua Titanium Metal Group.