
I Have An AI In The Cultivation World

Elan Starwind, born in a secluded village deep within an ancient forest, leads a life far removed from the world of technology he once knew. In his previous life, Elan was Ethan, a brilliant scientist who, along with his wife Riyan, created a groundbreaking AI. Their triumph turned tragic when a catastrophic explosion ended their lives, only for Ethan to awaken as an infant in this new, cultivation world. From an early age, Elan realizes he is different. Embedded within his consciousness is Arion, the sentient AI he and wife created from his past life. Despite the village's isolation and its people's ignorance of cultivation and technology, Elan begins to harness his unique abilities. Using the Arion's vast knowledge, he identifies natural resources, creates smelting furnaces, and crafts advance tools. With patience and ingenuity, Elan forges metal, makes glass, and even generates electricity, gradually constructing sophisticated devices that blend the primitive and the futuristic. Elan's innovations transform his village, bringing new prosperity and security. ----- Hey everyone, just a quick update! I'll be posting one chapter from Monday to Friday. I'm still new to writing cultivation stories, so please go easy on me. I really appreciate all the support and feedback you've given me so far. It means a lot and helps me improve. Let's continue this journey together!

SoLaR89 · ファンタジー
54 Chs

Chapter 48: The Moonshadow's Guardian

Elan and his clansmen stood by the shore of the river, the gentle sound of flowing water creating a serene backdrop to the awe-inspiring sight before them. They gazed up at the massive mountain that loomed ahead, its peaks shrouded in a thick mist that seemed to dance and swirl around the rugged terrain.

As he looked at the mountain, Elan could sense that there was something strange about it. The way the mist clung to its peaks and the eerie stillness around it felt almost unnatural, as if the mountain were concealing secrets of its own.

Elan squatted down and tried to peer across the river, but the thick fog hovering above the water obscured his view. Even as he squinted, hoping to catch a glimpse of what lay beyond, the mist was impenetrable. He reached out with his senses, trying to detect any unusual energy or presence, but all he felt was the crisp, cool air carrying the faint scent of pine and earth. The occasional call of distant birds echoed softly, adding to the stillness of the scene.

'Arion, do you detect anything unusual about this place?' Elan asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of unease.

Arion's response was quick and clear. 'No, I haven't detected anything out of the ordinary. Everything here seems perfectly normal,' Arion replied, almost as if it found the question itself puzzling.

Elan frowned, not entirely satisfied with the answer but trusting Arion's assessment. He stood up and looked around at his clansmen, who were also trying to sense anything unusual in their surroundings. Their expressions mirrored his own, a mix of curiosity and uncertainty, but it was clear that they, too, sensed nothing amiss.

Elan took a deep breath and spoke to his clansmen, his voice steady and decisive. "We need to cross the river to reach the mountain," he said, pointing towards the fog-covered water. "It's too deep to wade through, so we'll have to swim. We just have to stay close and keep an eye on each other."

Daren touched his chin thoughtfully, his brow furrowed as he considered their options. He scanned the area, searching for another way to cross the river—a fallen tree to use as a bridge, perhaps, or a shallower spot they hadn't noticed. After a moment of contemplation, he sighed and nodded, conceding to the reality of the situation.

"Elan's right," Daren said, his voice carrying a note of resignation. "There's no other way across. We'll have to swim."

The Seven Elders, who had been quietly observing the scene, exchanged glances and nodded in agreement. Each of them, experienced and wise, had also assessed the situation and reached the same conclusion. The river was too wide and deep for any other means of crossing, and the dense fog only added to the challenge. There was no choice but to swim to the other side if they were to continue their exploration.

Elan, Daren, and the rest of the group moved towards the riverbank. The water lapped gently at the shore, its surface a silver mirror reflecting the mist and the shadows of the looming mountain. Elan led the way, his steps firm and confident. He entered the water, feeling the coolness envelop him, and then dove in, his strokes strong and sure.

One by one, the clansmen followed, their movements creating ripples that spread across the river. The water was cold, sending a shiver through their bodies. To counter the chill, they called upon their spiritual energy, channeling it to create a protective warmth around them. This energy flowed through their veins, warding off the cold and providing a comforting inner heat.

The fog above the river added an eerie, ethereal quality to the crossing, shrouding them in a cloak of white. The thick mist made it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead, but they stayed close to one another, guided by the faint sounds of splashing and the reassuring presence of their companions.

Finally, they reached the other side, pulling themselves onto the rocky shore. 

Elan and the first few clansmen stood waiting, catching their breath and shaking off the cold water. As each new group emerged from the river, they were met with nods of encouragement and relief. The clansmen gathered together, watching as, one by one, their comrades completed the crossing. The spiritual energy they had used to fend off the chill lingered around them, a faint glow of warmth and vitality in the misty air.

It wasn't long before all two hundred of them were assembled below the mountain. They stood in a wide, open space at the base, the ground strewn with rocks and patches of greenery. The mountain loomed above them, even more imposing up close; its slopes were steep and craggy, disappearing into the mist that clung to its upper reaches. The sense of mystery and grandeur was palpable, as if they were on the threshold of a great discovery.

Elan's eyes were drawn to the trees and bushes around them. There were many strange and vibrant fruits hanging from the branches, their skins smooth and colorful. Some fruits seemed to glow faintly, a soft, inviting luminescence that made them appear almost magical. Elan couldn't help but marvel at the sight; it was as if the fruits were treasures waiting to be discovered. He didn't dwell too long on the strangeness of these fruits or what other surprises this mountain might hold; he knew that Arion's scans would soon provide answers.

Turning to his clansmen, Elan spoke with calm authority. "Now, as we move forward, remember to use your spiritual energy to envelop yourselves for protection in case we encounter any dangers ahead." He paused, looking at each of them to ensure they understood the importance of his words. "Stay close and stay vigilant. Let's see what this mountain has in store for us."

His clansmen nodded in unison, sheathing their weapons and enveloping themselves in a protective layer of spiritual energy. They followed Elan as he led the way, moving steadily towards the mountain. As they progressed, they encountered thick vines and underbrush blocking their path. With practiced efficiency, they hacked away at the greenery, their spiritual energy-infused weapons slicing through the dense vegetation with ease.

After half an hour of climbing, Arion suddenly spoke into Elan's mind, 'Stop!'

Elan halted abruptly, raising his right hand to signal his clansmen to stop. The sudden halt made his clansmen tense, and they instinctively scanned their surroundings for any signs of danger, their senses heightened by the unexpected pause. Elan squatted down, trying to see or feel anything unusual, but the area around them seemed calm and quiet. Curious, he asked, 'Arion, what did you detect?'

Arion responded excitedly, 'I detected a spiritual fruit.'

Hearing the words "spiritual fruit," Elan's eyes lit up with excitement. He recalled the countless hours he and Arion had spent searching for such rare treasures in the past.

The discovery of a spiritual fruit was a great discovery, and the potential benefits were immense. 'Arion, show me the virtual panel of the spiritual fruit,' Elan requested eagerly.

A virtual panel appeared before Elan, detailing the fruit:

[Item: Moonshadow Plum]

Age: 50 Years

Description: A rare, dark plum with a velvety texture, connected to the shadow element. This fruit enhances stealth, enabling silent movement and blending into shadows. It improves shadow-based techniques and provides insights into darkness and illusions. 


Increases stealth and shadow manipulation abilities.

Enhances the creation and maintenance of illusions.

Heightens awareness and understanding of the shadow element.


Contains potent yin energy. Use with caution to avoid imbalance.

As Elan read the information on the panel, he felt a surge of excitement. The Moonshadow Plum was ideal for him, given his unique constitution that allowed him to absorb and utilize various forms of energy. He thought that this spiritual fruit could potentially help him develop new abilities, particularly in the areas of stealth and shadow manipulation.

However, Elan couldn't ignore the warning about the fruit's potent yin energy. The note cautioned that consuming the Moonshadow Plum could lead to an imbalance, particularly for those not accustomed to such concentrated energy. He realized that while the fruit could be incredibly beneficial for him, it might pose a risk to his clansmen if they consumed it without proper preparation or understanding.

As Elan contemplated the benefits and risks of the spiritual fruit, his father, Daren, noticed his son's focused attention and the sudden pause. Slowly walking up behind him, Daren asked, "Elan, is something wrong? We've been standing still for a while now."

Elan stood up and looked at his father and the others with an embarrassed expression, realizing he had gotten so caught up in the discovery that he forgot to explain why he had stopped them so suddenly. He scratched his head and quickly apologized, "Sorry, Dad. I just detected a spiritual fruit."

"Spiritual fruit?" Daren asked, intrigued. "Is it similar to Spiritual Water and Spiritual Energy?"

"Yes and no," Elan replied, taking a moment to explain. "Like Spiritual Water and Spiritual Energy, a spiritual fruit contains potent energy that can enhance our abilities. However, spiritual fruits are unique in that they often provide specific enhancements or abilities depending on their type. While Spiritual Energy can be absorbed to strengthen our overall cultivation, and Spiritual Water can rejuvenate and heal us, a spiritual fruit like the Moonshadow Plum can grant unique skills or boost certain traits, in this case, enhancing stealth and shadow manipulation."

Elan conveyed the information exactly as Arion had explained it to him in his mind. He repeated the details to his father and clansmen, ensuring they understood the significance and unique properties of the spiritual fruit they had discovered.

Upon hearing Elan describe the benefits of the Moonshadow Plum, his clansmen were eager and excited at the prospect of obtaining the spiritual fruit. They began to celebrate the discovery, but before their excitement could fully take hold, Elan hushed them. The clansmen looked at him confusedly, puzzled by his sudden gesture. The group saw Elan tilt his head slightly, as if he were listening intently to something only he could hear.

Unbeknownst to his clansmen, Elan was listening directly to Arion, informing him that there was a Spiritual Beast hiding below the Moonshadow Plum. The realization made Elan's expression tense, and he quickly relayed a signal for silence and caution to his group.

Arion immediately projected a virtual panel in Elan's mind, displaying detailed information about the spiritual beast lurking nearby.

[Spiritual Beast: Chameleor Serpent]

Cultivation: 3rd Stage Novice Spiritual Beast (Equivalent to Radiant Body Realm)

Strength: 1200 KG

Speed: 50 MPH

Size: 45 Feet

Beast Core: None


Camouflage Mastery:

The Chameleor Serpent can alter its skin to mimic the colors and patterns of its surroundings, making it exceptionally difficult to detect.

Stealth Movement:

It moves silently and with grace, making it an expert at ambush tactics. This ability is enhanced by its naturally smooth and frictionless scales.

Illusory Aura:

The serpent can project minor illusions, confusing predators or prey. These illusions can include false images of itself or the environment.

Venomous Bite:

In addition to its stealth abilities, the Chameleor Serpent has a potent venom that can paralyze or disorient its victims, making it a formidable predator.

Elan heaved a sigh of relief after reading the information about the Chameleor Serpent. Despite its impressive size and abilities, such as camouflage, stealth movement, illusory aura, and a venomous bite, it was only a 3rd-stage Novice Spiritual Beast. He surmised that the serpent might have reached this level after consuming the Moonshadow Plum.

As Elan considered the serpent's abilities, he realized that spiritual beasts also had their own cultivation ranks, similar to humans. The term "Novice Spiritual Beast" seemed to indicate the lowest level of cultivation among spiritual beasts, comparable to their Radiant Body Realm. This realization gave him a clearer understanding of the different power levels in the world they were in.

Elan then tried to locate the Chameleor Serpent beneath the tree, but despite his best efforts, he couldn't find it. He scanned the ground intently, yet there were no visible signs of the serpent, nor could he sense its presence. The creature's camouflage was so sophisticated that it seemed almost invisible, eluding both visual and spiritual detection.

Perplexed, Elan finally turned to Arion for assistance. 'Arion, do you know where the spiritual beast is? I can't see or feel its presence at all.'

Arion responded, 'Don't worry, I'll place a target marker in your vision to pinpoint its exact location.'

As soon as the target marker appeared in Elan's field of vision, his eyes lit up with recognition. The marker highlighted the Chameleor Serpent, which was almost perfectly camouflaged beneath the Moonshadow Plum tree, blending seamlessly with the surroundings.

Without hesitation, Elan drew the Scarlet Reaper from his storage ring, its blade glinting in the light. He began walking towards the Moonshadow Plum tree with a relaxed expression.

As Elan approached the tree, his father, Daren, and the rest of the clansmen watched in confusion. They speculated that this must be the tree bearing the spiritual fruit Elan had mentioned, and some assumed he intended to cut it down to harvest the fruit.

Meanwhile, the Chameleor Serpent observed Elan's approach with a sense of predatory confidence. Hidden perfectly beneath the tree, the serpent believed the human was oblivious to its presence. It calculated that once Elan came within two meters, it could easily strike and kill the unsuspecting human. The serpent lay in wait, its body coiled and muscles tensed, ready to unleash a deadly attack.

Unbeknownst to the serpent, Elan was fully aware of its presence. He feigned ignorance, carefully controlling his movements to avoid alarming the creature. As he neared the tree, Elan subtly shifted his stance, preparing for a sudden move. When he was three meters away, he sprang into action with astonishing speed, leaping towards the serpent. The Chameleor Serpent, caught completely off guard, had a moment of stunned realization as it wondered how the human had detected it.

Daren, Jarek, Aiden, Lian, the Seven Elders, and the other clansmen watched in shock as Elan made his sudden move. With a swift and precise motion, he swung the Scarlet Reaper at the base of the tree. The blade gleamed in the light as it cut through the air, aiming directly for the serpent's concealed position. The serpent, still reeling from its surprise, barely had time to react before the blade struck with deadly accuracy.

To everyone's shock, the giant serpent materialized before them, its camouflage dissolving as it attempted to evade Elan's attack. The serpent's scales shimmered and shifted, but it was too late to escape the oncoming blow. Elan's sword cut through the creature's neck with effortless precision, as if slicing through the air.

The Chameleor Serpent's head was severed cleanly from its body in a single, fluid motion. The clansmen gasped in disbelief, witnessing the swift and decisive end of the massive serpent. The once-formidable predator, with its lethal abilities and near-perfect camouflage, was reduced to a lifeless form on the ground.